Chapter 3:
Nejire POV
I was on my way home from school, and all of a sudden I had been pulled into an alleyway by 3 guys. They started asking if I wanted to have some fun, I would have fought back, but I was being held at knife point. When I heard someone shout at them, "Hey asshole! She obviously doesn't want anything to do with you, just leave the poor girl alone!" I turned to see a frail looking boy with a mask, he didn't look like he could throw a punch, let alone fight these guys, the thugs started to rush the guy, only to have him trip one dude, and make the other 2 fall into each other, he didn't even seem to notice the knife wound on his side. He walked up to me and asked "are you okay?", I was stunned, this boy who I've never met, asked if I was okay while bleeding profusely. I told him that he should be more concerned with himself, after which he fell and told me to call the police, they got there and loaded him into an ambulance . After which I had a lengthy conversation with a hero who had come with them a out the boy, I told her my name, and she started to explain that the boy had been in the hospital for roughly 6 weeks after having been found on the road unconscious with several severe injuries. She told me his name was Izuku Midoriya, when I asked if he was going to be okay, she only lightly nodded.
Izuku POV
I woke up to bright lights, and suddenly got a rush of Dejavú. I was in the hospital; again. I was hooked up to some wires and a heart monitor, I tried to sit up, and felt an intense pain in my side, one of the nurses saw that I was awake, and informed the rest of the staff so that they could have some people visit me. They also informed me that they were going to have a student helper nurse me for the time being, which I personally thought was a bad idea,' I'm just going to scare them'. The student who came in was, to my surprise, the girl who I had saved in that alleyway.
She greeted me in a cheerful tone,"hello!"she said, and explained that she was helping at the hospital for aid experience. She started to ask me some questions, such as "how are you feeling?", or "any discomfort?", she was honestly doing a good job. Later that day, her family had come to say thank you for saving their daughter, who seemed to be embarrassed, and then left. When it got to later, she told me that she was going to have to change my bandages(I was wearing the mask over the bandages). I told her that it probably wasn't a good idea, "you might not want to, many a nurse have left after seeing my face. It is not a pretty sight", she ignored my warning, and pulled my mask off. "Oh come on, how bad can...., oh dear god", she started to pull away my bandages and got a full look at my face, she started to pull away, and said "please excuse me for a moment", she hurried out the door and I could barely hear her mumbling something through the door. She came back in with a steeled look on her face, she sat back down, looked me in the eye, and simply asked "who did this to you", her voice was seething with anger, to which my first reaction was to flinch away and assume that it was my fault. She seemed to notice my change in manner and backed off, "I'm not angry at you, I'm pissed at whoever did this to you".
Nejire POV
As I peeled back his bandages, I started to see the full existent of his injury, almost the entire left side of his face had been burned, and to top it all off, there was a handprint in the middle of the wound, as if stating to everyone that he had been marked, whoever did this was proud of it, and that made me sick to my stomach, who could do this to another person and be proud. After a couple of seconds I couldn't handle it and excused myself from the room. As I closed the door, I began to mutter, "I'll kill whoever did that to him, that nice kid, and his entire face has been branded.", after getting my emotions back under control, I went back into the room, " who did this to you?" Was the only sentence that I could put together. My pure anger had apparently come across to Midoriya, as he flinched and started to look scared of me. It took me a second to realize that he thought I was angry at him, which I wasn't whatsoever, after reassuring him of that fact, I again asked who did this to him, and all he said was "a classmate". After getting a closer look at his body( I had gotten curious as to if he had any other injuries that should make me kill someone), I found that almost his entire body was covered In bruises, it looked like the signs of abuse, which concerned me almost as much as the massive scar on his face, 'after he got out, would he just be going back to more abuse?'. After asking some of the doctors, I was told that his foster father had been abusing him most of his life, but had already been arrested within 3 weeks of Midoriya being hospitalized. After finally managing to change his bandages, we talked a bit, and I eventually had to leave, "I'll come see you tomorrow as well!". Everyday I would visit Midoriya, and everyday we would chat and talk about what we both liked to do, apparently Midoriya enjoyed analyzing quirks, he said that it was kind of his specialty, "can you analyze my quirk? I'm curious". He asked me what my quirk was , "my quirk is called wave, I can turn my stamina into waves of energy, though they spin in a coil and are fairly slow because of it. Any ideas?" I wasn't telling him that I was able to fly or move objects, I wanted to see I he could figure that out on his own. He seemed to think for a second, before he started rambling " if you could generate enough force, you might be able to light yourself and other objects off the ground", 'there's one' I thought, but he kept going, " but you might also be able to use pure kinetic energy with enough training, of course there are limits, but you might be able to control the speed at which something moves, which could make up for the slow beams, it could also help with construction, or rescue efforts, you could move rubble, or carry people to safety". I was stunned, I gave him barely anything to go on, a name and basic functions, and he told me stuff I already new I could do, and stuff I'd never even thought about, with abundant information, he could be terrifying, if his quirk was anything decent, he could be an amazing hero, then he said something that stunned me "though this is just the thoughts of a useless boy", "you aren't useless", I sounded angry, quickly getting control of myself, I continued "you aren't useless, you were able to get all of those ideas for my quirk with little to no information, with an actual decent amount of information, I bet you could make the most detailed account of current hero's in the world", it then hit me, "have you?". He simply nodded and looked at a bag in the corner of the room.
Sorry for the cliffhanger, I just don't want any one chapter to be too long compared to the others. After chapter 5, updates will probably slow down, because schools a bitch. Chapter 4 will be out soon. 1364 words.
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