This Bitch
The next morning Danny went to the ministry with Arthur, they took the subway and Danny had to show Arthur how to get in. Once they got off they walked to a red telephone booth and Arthur spoke, "Ah, here we are, I've never used the visitors entrance before, should be fun."
The two walked inside and Arthur put some money in before putting in a number, they waited for a minute before it started moving. They went down like they were in an elevator and when it stopped Arthur opened the door and they both walked out. There was a crowd of wizards and witches walking around, many that came in used the floo and a booth was set up to sell the daily prophet.
They stepped into an elevator and Arthur said hello to one of the people inside and Danny glanced at the paper airplanes above them. Arthur spoke, "Interdepartmental notes, we used to use owls, the mess was unbelievable." Kingsley then walked into the elevator and stood behind Arthur before whispering something to him.
Arthur looked shocked, "Merlin's beard, thank you Kingsley." He looked at Danny, "They've changed the time of your hearing."
Danny looked at him, "To when?"
"In five minutes."
Danny sighed, "Great."
The elevator then started moving and when almost everyone else left the elevator they finally reached the floor Danny's hearing was on. Arthur looked at Kingsley who nodded before the two stepped out, they walked through the halls until they got to the door. Arthur spoke, "Remember, during the hearing speak only when you are spoken to."
"Keep calm, you've done nothing wrong, as the muggles say, truth will out, yes?" Danny nodded, "I'm not allowed in I'm afraid, good luck Danny."
Danny took a deep breath before walking closer to the door and whispering, "Will you stay?"
Death answered, "Of course."
Danny opened the door and soon found himself sitting in a chair as Fudge hit his gavel to get everyone's attention. "Disciplinary hearing of the twelfth of august into offences committed by Danny James Phantom. Resident at number four Privet Drive Little Whinging, sully interrogators Cornelius Oswald Fudge, Minister of the-."
He was suddenly cut off, "Witness for the defence Albus Percival Wulfric Brian Dumbledore."
Fudge looked at the man, "You got our message that the time and place of the hearing had been changed did you?"
"I must have missed it, but by a happy mistake I arrived at the ministry three hours early." Everyone looked confused and Dumbledore spoke again, "Charges?"
"The charges against the accused are as follows, that he did knowingly and in full awareness of the legality of his actions produced a patronus charm in the presence of a muggle." Fudge looked at him, "Do you deny producing said patronus?"
Danny looked at the man, "No."
"And you were aware that you were forbidden to use magic outside school while under the age of seventeen."
Fudge looked at the court, "Witches and wizards of the court-."
Danny cut him off, "I only did it because of the dementors."
The court started to whisper before a woman spoke, "Dementors, in Little Whinging?"
Fudge spoke, "That's quite clever, muggles can't see dementors can they boy, highly convenient."
"It's not convenient, it's the truth, there were two of them and if I hadn't-."
Fudge interrupted him, "Enough, I'm sorry to interrupt what I'm sure would have been a well rehearsed story. But since you can produce no witnesses of the event-."
Dumbledore spoke, "Pardon me Minister but as it happens we can."
Fudge didn't look too happy and a few minutes later Mrs. Figg was sitting in front of the court. A woman spoke, "Please describe the attack, what did they look like?"
Mrs. Figg thought for a second, "Well, one of them was a bit tall and the other was rather skinny."
Fudge spoke, "Not the boy and girl, the dementors."
"Oh right, right, well, um, big, cloaked, then everything went cold, as though all the happiness had gone from the world."
Fudge spoke, "Now look here, dementors don't just wander into a muggles suburb and happen across a wizard, the odds are astronomical."
Dumbledore spoke, "I don't think anyone would believe the dementors were there by coincidence Minister."
A quiet 'hem hem' sound interrupted him and a woman spoke, "I'm sure I must have misunderstood you Professor. Dementors are, after all, under the control of the Ministry of Magic, it's so silly of me but it sounded, for a moment, as though you were suggesting that the Ministry had ordered the attack on this boy."
Death was very unhappy now and he spoke, "I don't like that woman."
Danny nodded in agreement as Dumbledore spoke, "That would be disturbing indeed Madam Undersecretary. Which is why I'm sure the Ministry will be mounting a full scale inquiry into why the two dementors were so very far from Azkaban. And why they mounted an attack without authorization, of course there is someone who might be behind the attack."
Dumbledore stepped closer to Fudge, "Cornelius, I implore you to see reason, the evidence that the dark lord has returned is incontrovertible."
Fudge looked pissed, "He is not back."
Dumbledore looked like he was about to say something but thought better of it and walked away from Fudge before speaking "In the matter of Danny Phantom. The law clearly states that magic may be used before muggles in life threatening situations."
Fudge spoke, "Laws can be changed if necessary Dumbledore."
Dumbledore spoke, "Clearly, as has become practice to hold a full criminal trial to deal with a simple matter of underage magic."
Everyone was quiet as they shifted in their seats before a woman spoke, "Those in favor of conviction." A few slowly raised their hands, "Those in favor of clearing the accused of all charges."
Most of the court raised their hands, including the woman calling for the vote, and Fudge quietly sighed. "Cleared of all charges." Fudge hit his gavel once and just like that the trial was over, Dumbledore walked out and Death seemed to be feeling protective.
A few days later Danny, the Weasley family, and a number of the members of the order were heading to the train to Hogwarts. Sirius walked up in dog form and Danny was a bit surprised, Moody spoke, "Padfoot, are you barking mad, you'll blow the entire operation."
Danny couldn't help but smile and Sirius headed into the waiting room, Danny walked in and closed the door as he laughed. "What the hell Sirius?"
Sirius looked at him, "Well I had to see you off didn't I?" The two sat down as Sirius continued, "What's life without a little risk?"
"No life at all, but neither is being stuck in Azkaban from what I hear."
"Oh don't worry about me, anyway, I wanted you to have this." Sirius took something out of his pocket and handed it to him, Danny took it and opened it. "Original Order of the Phoenix." Sirius pointed to a woman, "Marlene McKinnon, he was killed two weeks after this picture was taken, Voldemort wiped out her entire family."
Sirius looked at a couple, "Frank and Alice Longbottom."
Danny spoke, "Neville's parents."
"They suffered a fate worse then death if you ask me." He shook his head, "It's been fourteen years, and still a day goes by when I don't miss your dad."
Danny was silent for a second before he spoke, "Do you think there'll actually be a war?"
Sirius paused, "It feels like it did before." Danny thought for a second before trying to hand the picture back and Sirius shook his head, "You keep it, anyway, I suppose your the young ones now."
Danny smiled a little, later he was on the train and he must have fallen asleep because he woke up from a nightmare. He hadn't slept much since, well, who knows at this point and he'd had an episode night before last. He stared out the window as the train moved and when they got to Hogwarts he got off with Hermione and Ron.
As the three were walking Danny heard Malfoy speak behind them, "I'm surprised the Ministry's still letting you walk around free Phantom. You better enjoy it while you can, I expect there's a cell in Azkaban with your name on it." Danny moved to punch the bastard but Ron held him back and Malfoy walked away, "What did I tell you, complete nutter."
Danny shouted after him, "I'd rather be insane then like you Malfoy!"
Ron spoke, "It's only Malfoy, what do you expect?"
The three walked over to the carriages that would take them to the castle and Cho Chang, from last year, smiled at him when she saw him. Danny was a bit confused but he didn't say or do anything, Neville then walked up, "Hey guys."
Danny, Ron, and Hermione spoke at the same time, "Hey Neville."
Danny then felt like something was behind him, when he looked a horse like creatures with milky white eyes was standing behind him. Death rested on him and since he didn't seem at all concerned about the creatures Danny wasn't concerned. Danny spoke, "What's that?"
The other three turned around and Ron spoke, "What's what?"
"The creature pulling the carriage."
Hermione spoke, "Nothing's pulling the carriage Danny, it's pulling itself like always." Danny knew that was wrong, he had never paid attention before and now he wondered how he could have missed in.
Death spoke, "They can not see it."
Danny nodded just a little and decided to get into the carriage, then a girl spoke, "Your not going mad." The girl lowered her magazine enough to look at him, "I can see them too, your just as sane as I am."
Danny didn't question it, he just got into the carriage and when they sat down Hermione spoke, "Everyone this is Loony Love-." She stopped as if she's said something horrible, "Luna Lovegood." Everyone was quiet and Hermione looked away for a second before looking at Luna, "What an interesting necklace."
Luna held it in her hand, "It's a charm actually, keeps away the nargles." No one said anything and Luna spoke again, "Hungry, I hope there's pudding."
The carriage soon started moving and Ron looked at Hermione, "What's a nargle?"
Hermione looked at Ron, "No idea."
Danny just rolled his eyes, he actually managed to have a conversation with Luna without it being weird or awkward. When they got to the castle Danny didn't really pay attention until everyone started eating, after a bit Dumbledore spoke. "Good evening children, now we have two new changes in staffing this year."
"We are pleased to welcome back Professor Grubbly Plank who will be taking care of magical creatures while Professor Hagrid is on temporary leave. We also wish to welcome our new Defence Against the Dark Arts teacher Professor Dolores Umbridge. And I'm sure you'll all join me in wishing the Professor good luck."
Death spoke, "I certainly don't."
Danny smirked a little as Dumbledore continued, "As usual our caretaker Mr. Filch has asked me to remind you-."
A strange sort of giggle interrupted him and Umbridge stood with a smile on her face that made Danny's skin crawl. Danny spoke, "This bitch again."
Hermione glanced at him before Umbridge spoke, "Thank you, headmaster, for those kind words of welcome. And how lovely to see all your bright happy faces smiling up at me, I'm sure we're all going to be very, very good friends."
Fred and George spoke at the same time, "That's likely." Anyone that wasn't an idiot could tell that they were being sarcastic and Death seemed to agree with them.
Umbridge looked at them before continuing, "The Ministry of Magic has always considered the education of young witches and wizards to be of vital importance. Although each headmaster has brought something new to this historic school," She bowed to Dumbledore who bowed slightly back, "Progress for the sake of progress must be discouraged."
"Let us preserve what must be preserved, perfect what can be perfected, and prohibit practices that ought to be prohibited." She gave another girlish and creepy giggle before slowly walking back to her seat, Dumbledore clapped and people slowly did the same.
Many people didn't clap and Danny was one of them, Dumbledore spoke, "Thank you Professor Umbridge, that really was illuminating."
Ron spoke, "Illuminating, what a load of waffle."
Danny spoke, "Am I crazy or does that mean something?"
Hermione spoke, "It means the Ministry's interfering at Hogwarts."
Some time later people started leaving to go to the dorms and when Danny walked in people looked at him like a criminal, here we go again. When Danny saw that some of them were reading the articles about him he rolled his eyes, he was about to leave but Seamus stopped him. "My mom didn't want me to come back this year."
Danny stopped and looked at him, "And?"
"And it's because of you, the Daily Prophets been saying a lot of things about you Danny, and about Dumbledore as well."
"Yeah and the press has always told the truth." His sarcasm was very apparent.
"Well nobody was there the night Cedric died."
"Then I guess you should read the Prophet if it's so trustworthy."
Ron walked in, "What's going on?"
Seamus spoke, "He's mad is what's going on, do you believe the rubbish he's coming up with about you-know-who?"
"Yeah, I do, does anyone else got a problem with Danny?"
No one said anything and Danny left, Death seemed like he might set them on fire if they said anything else against him. Ron followed him up and once they were in the room Ron looked at him, "Are you alright?"
"I'll get back to you on that."
"Seamus was bang out of order mate, but he'll come through, you'll see."
Danny looked at him, "I don't need people like that on my side."
Ron nodded, "Right, I'll just leave you to your thoughts then."
Ron left and Danny quietly sighed before he decided to just lay down on his bed, Death spoke. "Humans are troublesome."
Danny nodded, "Definitely."
"I can see why you are angry."
"That's an understatement."
Death was quiet for a minute, "You should sleep, you are exhausted." Danny nodded before he got comfortable and closed his eyes, he really was tired.
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