The Diary
The next night he and Ron were walking to the common room when Ron spoke, "Have you spoke to Hermione?"
"Yeah, she'll be out of the hospital wing in a few days so there's nothing to worry about." They then looked at the ground and noticed the water, they decided to see where it was coming from and they ended up at Moaning Myrtle's bathroom. Danny spoke, "Looks like Myrtle flooded the bathroom."
They headed to the bathroom to see what was going on and when they got there they saw that all the sinks were turned on and the water was spilling onto the floor. Danny heard crying and he lightly hit Ron on the arm before pointing to Myrtle who was sitting by the window. She looked at them, "Come to throw something else at me?"
Danny shook his head, "Never, why would I?"
"Don't ask me, here I am minding my own business and someone thinks it's funny to throw a book at me."
Ron spoke, "Well it can't hurt if someone throws something at you, I mean, it'll just go right through you."
Danny spoke, "Whether it hurts or not it's rude as hell, would you want someone to throw something at you just because it doesn't hurt? If a ghost decides to go through walls or something it's their choice, they don't get a choice when someone throws something at them. They can't stop it, the people that do that shit are pricks, it sucks, just because it doesn't hurt doesn't make it right."
Danny paused, "At least, I'd imagine anyway." Danny looked at Myrtle, "So who threw the book at you?"
Myrtle looked at him, "I don't know, I was just sitting in the u bend thinking about death when it fell through the top of my head." She then started crying and floated away, Danny looked and saw a black book sitting on the ground in the water. He walked over and picked it up before shaking some of the water off of it, the book looked familiar.
Ron and Danny decided to go back to the Gryffindor common room and Ron went to bed before Danny. Danny knew he wasn't going to sleep anyway so he flipped through the pages of the book from the bathroom. He found it odd that there was nothing written in it, he looked at the back and there was a name written on the back.
It said 'Tom Marvolo Riddle', Danny thought for a second before he decided to write in it and see what would happen. When a drop of ink fell on the page it seemed to seep into the page and disappear, Danny looked at it curiously. He looked at the next page and there was nothing there, he wanted to test something out.
Danny wrote on the page, 'My name is Danny Phantom.'
The ink disappeared and new words appeared on the page below where he had written, 'Hello Danny Phantom, my name is Tom Riddle.'
Danny hummed and decided to see what would happen, 'Do you know about the chamber of secrets?'
'Can you tell me?'
'No.' Danny sighed as he thought for a second and more writing appeared, 'But I can show you.' It disappeared and more writing appeared, 'Let me take you back fifty years ago.' The pages then turned and it said '13th June', Danny picked up the book and there was a bright light before he suddenly appeared somewhere else.
Danny looked around and it looked like he was in Hogwarts but it was almost gray scale in color. There was someone standing on top of a flight of stairs and Danny looked at him, "Hey, do you know where we are?"
He didn't answer and Danny looked a bit confused, "Are you Tom Riddle, hey, are you listening?" He looked up the stairs and four people were carrying down what looked like a body covered in a white sheet. Other people were whispering, they looked a bit distraught, a certain friend of his would say they needed to get traught.
The boy Danny guessed was Tom watched the four people carry the body down the stairs, he didn't seem worried or anything, he looked like he didn't care. He then heard someone talk, "Riddle." He and Tom looked up and looked at a younger Dumbledore, "Up."
Tom looked directly at him, "Professor Dumbledore." Tom started walking up the stairs toward Dumbledore and Danny spoke, "Oh I have got to see this."
He followed Tom up the stairs and Dumbledore spoke, "It is not wise to be wandering around this late hour Tom."
Tom spoke, "Yes Professor, I suppose I had to see for myself if the rumors were true."
"I'm afraid they are Tom, they are true."
"About the school as well, I don't have a home to go to, they wouldn't really close Hogwarts, would they Professor?"
"I understand Tom, but I'm afraid that master Dippit may have no choice."
"Sir, if it all stopped, if the person responsible was caught."
Dumbledore looked straight at Tom, "Is there something you wish to tell me?"
Tom looked at him, "No sir, nothing."
Danny knew that was a lie, Dumbledore asked him the same thing and he said he didn't when he did, well, sort of. Dumbledore gave Tom a slightly suspicious looked before nodding, "Very well then, off you go."
"Goodnight sir." Tom walked the rest of the stairs and down one of the hallways, he walked quickly and Danny thought it was like he was looking for something. Danny quickly followed him and Tom walked down a small flight of winding stairs before walking to a door. He took out his wand before opening the door and a tall boy was talking into a box, or whatever was inside.
Tom spoke, "Evening Hagrid." Hagrid quickly closed the box and Tom continued, "I'm going to have to turn you in Hagrid, I don't think you meant it to kill anyone but..."
Hagrid, a younger Hagrid, spoke, "You can't, you don't understand."
Tom spoke, "A dead girls parents will be here tomorrow, the least Hogwarts can do is make sure the thing that killed their daughter is slaughtered."
"It wasn't him, "Aragog never killed no one, never."
"Monsters don't make good pets Hagrid, now stand aside."
"Stand aside Hagrid."
"No." Tom then said a spell and the top of the box burst open and a large spider crawled out, Hagrid shouted, "Aragog, Aragog!"
Tom pointed his wand at Hagrid after trying to hit the spider, "I can't let you go, I'll have your wand for this Hagrid, you'll be expelled."
Danny shook his head, "No." Danny felt himself start to get pulled out of the scene and he shouted, "No!"
The next thing he knew he was in his chair in the common room and he was shocked, he sighed before closing the journal and going up to the dorms. He didn't sleep that night, he was too busy thinking, it didn't add up, Danny didn't think Hagrid was the one responsible. The next day he was walking with Ron and Hermione to one of their classes as he told them about what he saw.
After he was done Hermione spoke, "It can't be Hagrid, it just can't be."
Ron spoke, "We don't even know this Tom Riddle, he sounds like a dirty rotten snitch to me."
Danny looked at them, "I'm not saying it is him, it doesn't add up, I'm saying Hagrid was there and he was blamed for it."
Hermione spoke, "Hagrid's our friend, why don't we just go and ask him about it."
Ron looked at her, "That'll be a cheerful visit 'hello Hagrid, tell us, have you been setting anything mad and hairy loose in the castle lately'?"
Hagrid spoke from behind Ron, "Mad and hairy, you wouldn't be talking about me now would you?"
Ron and Hermione spoke in unison, "No."
Danny rolled his eyes before he saw that Hagrid was carrying something, "What's that?"
Hagrid held it up, "Oh it's uh, flesh eating slug repellent, for the mandrakes you know. Now according to Professor Sprout they've still got some growing up to do, but once their acne's cleared up we'll be able to chop 'em up and stew 'em. And then we'll get those people down at the hospital unpetrified."
"In the meantime though you three had best be looking after yourselves, alright?" They all nodded and Hagrid walked away, Neville came streaking around the corner and up to him, "Danny, I don't know who did it, but you better come, come on."
Neville ran away again and he followed along with Ron and Hermione, they ran to the Gryffindor dorms and when they got to the room they stopped. The room had practically been torn apart, there were papers, glass, picture frames, feathers, and anything else you could imagine scattered around. Hedwig was there and she looked a bit shaken, Danny let her climb on his shoulder before looking though his stuff.
Hermione spoke, "It had to be a Gryffindor, no one else knows our password, unless it wasn't a student."
Ron spoke, "Whoever it was, they must have been looking for something."
Danny growled to himself, "Yeah, and they found it, the diary is gone." Danny then looked under his bed, it didn't look like anyone had touched his violin so he was happy about that. He mentally sighed, days later he had to play quidditch against Hufflepuff and he was tired.
He hadn't slept for three days, his insomnia had been getting worse lately, even playing his violin wasn't really helping. Wood spoke, "Alright listen up, we play our game, Hufflepuff doesn't stand a chance, we're stronger, quicker, and smarter."
Fred spoke, "Not to mention that their dead scared that Danny will petrify them if they fly anywhere near him."
Wood spoke, "Yeah that too."
As they were walking out McGonagall stopped them, "This match has been cancelled."
Wood looked at her, "You can't cancel quidditch."
The teacher looked at him, "Silence Wood, you and your teammates will go to Gryffindor tower, now." The others started walking away and McGonagall looked at him, "Phantom, you and I will find Mr. Weasley, there's something you both have to see."
As soon as the two found Ron they headed straight for the hospital wing, once they got there McGonagall spoke, "I warn you, this could be a wee bit of a shock."
They walked over to one of the beds and Danny's eyes widened when he saw Hermione laying on the bed, she was petrified. He felt a hand on his shoulder, he was sure it was supposed to be comforting and it actually was in a weird way. Ron spoke, "Hermione."
McGonagall looked at them, "She was found near the library, along with this, does it mean anything to either of you?" She held up a mirror and Danny felt like he was going to punch something, he was pissed. He and Ron shook their heads, they were lead back to the common room and Danny was too pissed off to pay attention.
He needed to figure out who did this, when he did he saw fairly certain that he might strangle whoever did this. Danny looked at Ron, "We need to talk to Hagrid, I know he didn't do this but he might be able to tell us something we don't already know."
Ron looked at him, "But you heard McGonagall, we're not allowed to leave the tower except for class."
Danny smirked, "Time to break out the cloak then."
That night the two used Danny's invisibility cloak to sneak out to Hagrid's, they knocked on the door and after a few seconds Hagrid lightly kicked it open. "Hello?"
Danny and Ron took the cloak off and Danny looked at the crossbow, "You know, if you were going to kill me I would have expected something more subtle."
Hagrid looked at the crossbow, "It's not for you I was expecting um, well it doesn't matter, come on in, just made a pot of tea." The two walked in and as Hagrid was pouring the tea his hands were shaking and the cup overflowed.
Danny looked at Hagrid, "You okay?"
"I'm fine, I'm alright."
Danny didn't believe him but he didn't want to press it, "Did you hear about what happened to Hermione?"
"Oh yeah, I heard about that all right."
Danny mentally sighed, it was now or never, "Hagrid, I need to talk to you about something, do you know who opened the chamber of secrets?"
Hagrid looked away and sighed, "What you have to understand about that is-." Hagrid was cut off when there was a knock at the door and he looked at them, "Quick, under the cloak, don't say a word, be quiet, both of you."
The two quickly grabbed the cloak and put it on before Hagrid opened the door, "Oh, Professor Dumbledore sir."
Dumbledore spoke, "Good evening Hagrid, I wonder, could we-."
Hagrid cut him off, "Of course come in, come in."
Dumbledore came in with another man right behind him and Ron whispered to him, "That's dad's boss, he's Fudge, Minister of Magic."
Fudge spoke, "Bad business Hagrid very bad business, had to calm three attacks on muggle borns, things have gone far enough, the Ministry's got to act."
Hagrid spoke, "But I never, no you know I never Professor."
Dumbledore spoke, "I want it understood Cornelius, that Hagrid has my full confidence."
Fudge looked at him, "Albus, look, Hagrid's record is against him, I've got to take him."
Hagrid spoke, "Take me, take me where, not Azkaban Prison."
"I'm afraid we have no choice Hagrid."
The door opened wider to reveal Lucius Malfoy, "Already here Fudge, good."
He walked inside and Hagrid looked at him, "What are you doing here, get out of my house."
Lucius looked at him, "Believe me, I take absolutely no pleasure being inside your... you call this a house?" As Lucius was talking he got closer to were they were hiding and they had to back up, they really didn't want to get caught. "No, I got hold of the school and was told that the headmaster was here."
Dumbledore looked at him, "And what exactly is it that you want from me?"
Lucius looked at him, "The other governors and I have decided that it is time for you to step aside." Lucius held up a scroll, "This is an order of suspension." Fudge looked shocked, "You'll find all twelve signatures on it." Dumbledore took it, "I'm afraid we feel you've rather lost your touch."
"And what with all these attacks there'll be no muggleborns left at Hogwarts, I can only imagine what an awful loss that would be to the school."
Hagrid spoke, "You can't take Professor Dumbledore away, take him away and the muggleborns won't stand a chance, you mark my words there'll be killings next."
Lucius looked at him, "You think so?"
Dumbledore spoke, "Calm yourself Hagrid, if the governors desire my removal I will, of course, step aside. However, you will find that help will always be given at Hogwarts to those who ask for it."
Danny felt like he wasn't just saying that to Lucius, he had a feeling Dumbledore knew he and Ron were there. He wasn't completely sure what Dumbledore was referring to when he said that but he had a few guesses. Lucius looked around a little before he looked mildly surprised, 'Admirable sentiment, shall we?"
Dumbledore looked in their direction while Lucius opened the door and the two left, Fudge looked at Hagrid. "Come Hagrid."
Hagrid cleared his throat, "If anybody was looking for some stuff then all they'd have to do would be to follow the spiders, yup, that'd lead 'em right, that's all I have to say." Hagrid started to walk out before he spoke again, "Oh, and someone'll have to feed Fang while I'm away."
Fudge looked confused before he followed Hagrid out and the two threw the cloak off themselves once they were gone. Ron spoke, "Hagrid's right, with Dumbledore gone there'll be an attack a day."
Danny looked at him, "Then we need to stop this, now, let's take Hagrid's advice and follow the spiders, look."
He walked closer to the windows and several spiders were headed toward the window, "Let's go." Danny grabbed a lantern and called Fang before leaving Hagrid's and found the spiders outside. "Let's do this."
Ron looked at him, "They're heading into the dark forest."
Danny rolled his eyes before following the spider and Ron spoke, "Why spiders, why couldn't it be follow the butterflies?" The two headed into the forest with Fang and Danny was determined to find something that would help him stop all of this.
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