Missing Pieces
The next day he was with Hermione and Ron in the bathroom they had been using to make the polyjuice potion. Hermione spoke, "Again, you mean the chamber of secrets has been opened before?"
Ron spoke, "Of course, don't you see Lucius Malfoy must have opened it while he was at school here, and now he's told Draco how to do it."
Danny shook his head, "We still can't accuse anyone, a lot of people here have parents that went to school here. Plus, if it was Malfoy then why would he wait until his second year to open it, I think it's something else, something new."
Hermione spoke, "Maybe, we'll have to wait for the polyjuice potion to know for sure."
Ron spoke, "Enlighten me, why are we brewing this potion in broad daylight in the middle of the girl's lavatory, don't you think we'll get caught?"
Hermione laughed a little, "No, no one ever comes in here."
Ron looked confused, "Why?"
Hermione looked at him, "Moaning Myrtle."
Ron looked even more confused, "Who?"
At that moment Danny's breath fogged up and a ghost peaked out from one of the stalls and Hermione spoke again, "Moaning Myrtle."
"Who's Moaning Myrtle?"
The ghost looked a bit annoyed and spoke, "I'm Moaning Myrtle." She flew away a bit before turning to them again, "I wouldn't expect you to know me, who would ever talk about ugly, miserable, moping, Moaning Myrtle."
Danny shrugged, "You seem like a good person to me, nice to meet you Myrtle."
She flew closer to him and looked a bit surprised, "You're..."
Danny smirked a little and she blinked at him before flying toward one of the toilets and flying into it while splashing water everywhere. Hermione looked at them, "She's a little sensitive."
Danny sighed, later that day they had to go to the great hall because of something Lockhart was doing. When they got there Lockhart spoke, "Gather round, gather round, can everybody see me, can you all hear me? Excellent, in light of the dark events of recent weeks Professor Dumbledore has granted me permissions to start this little dueling club."
"To train you all up in case you ever need to defend yourselves, as I myself have done on countless occasions, for full details see my published works." He then took off the cape he was wearing and threw it into the crowd, a group of girls gasped and tried to grab it. Lockhart continued, "Let me introduce my assistant Professor Snape."
Snape walked onto the platform Lockhart was using looking very unhappy, "He has sportingly agreed to help me with a short demonstration. Now I don't want any of you youngsters to worry, you'll still have your potions master when I'm through with him, never fear."
Danny felt like Snape would be able to kick Lockhart's ass but he'd have to see, he was silently rooting for Snape though. The two took out their wands and moved them like you would a sword before a duel started. The bowed to each other before turning their backs to the other and taking several steps away.
They then turned to the other and Lockhart counted, "One, two, three."
Snape spoke, "Expelliarmus."
Snape hit Lockhart with the spell and he went flying before landing on his back on the platform. Danny clapped for Snape who looked mildly surprised while several people gasped and looked at Lockhart. Hermione spoke, "Do you think he's alright?"
Ron spoke, "Who cares?"
Lockhart stood up and spoke, "Excellent idea to show them that Professor Snape. But if you don't mind me saying it was pretty obvious what you were about to do and if I had wanted to stop you it would have been too easy."
Snape looked at him, "Perhaps it would be prudent to first teach the students to block unfriendly spells Professor."
Lockhart looked away for a second before he smiled, "An excellent suggestion Professor Snape." He turned away, "Um, let's have a volunteer pair, uh, Phantom, Weasley, how about you?"
Danny sighed before moving to get on the platform and Snape spoke, "Weasley's wand causes devastation with the simplest spells. We'll be sending Phantom to the hospital wing in a matchbox, might I suggest someone from my own house." Lockhart looked at him and Snape shrugged, "Malfoy perhaps."
Snape turned to Malfoy and motioned for him to get onto the platform and the student immediately climbed onto the platform. Lockhart walked toward Danny to leave the platform and looked at him, "Good luck Phantom."
Danny glanced at him, "Thanks."
Once the two were standing in front of each other Lockhart shouted, "Wands at the ready!"
The two readied their wands and Malfoy spoke, "Scared Phantom?"
"I don't get scared." Danny saw several people smirk and Malfoy glared at him a little, the moved their wands again before turning around and walking several steps away from each other.
When they were done they turned back and got ready, Lockhart spoke, "On the count of three cast your charms to disarm your opponent. Only to disarm, we don't want any accidents here, one, two-."
Before Lockhart could get to three Malfoy used his spell and Danny jumped and flipped to avoid it. He felt a hand on his shoulder and he whistled, "Did you forget how to count or have you always been this dumb?" Danny then did a spell that hit Malfoy and he tumbled in the air before landing on his ass looking a bit dazed and several people laughed.
Malfoy looked up at Snape and the teacher looked a bit angry, he grabbed Malfoy and forced him to stand before pushing him toward Danny. Lockhart shouted, "I said disarm only!"
Malfoy ignored him and said another spell, a snake appeared in front of him and hissed as it got closer to Danny. Danny looked at Malfoy, "Really Malfoy?"
Snape spoke, "Don't move Phantom, I'll get rid of it for you."
Lockhart spoke, "Allow me Professor Snape."
Danny stopped him before he could do anything, "I got this."
Danny walked closer to the snake and knelt in front of it before holding his hand out to the snake. The snake looked at him before slithering up his arm and settling itself on his shoulders and Danny gently ran his fingers over it's scales. Everyone looked absolutely stunned and Danny looked at Malfoy, "I told you, I don't get scared."
With that Danny walked off the platform and out of the room, he planned on putting the snake outside. Ron and Hermione ran after him and the snake looked at him, "You are odd."
Danny looked at the snake, "How so?"
"You do not feel any fear, all of those other humans did but you don't."
Danny shrugged, "Because I'm not scared."
The snake tilted it's head to the side, "I can smell death around you."
Danny smiled a little, "And I'm not afraid of that either."
The snake looked at him for a minute before nuzzling his cheek, Danny smiled and ran his fingers over it's scales. When he got to the front doors of the school he let the snake slither off his shoulders and he waved goodbye as it left.
He closed the door and walked straight to the common room, when he walked in Ron spoke, "Your a parselmouth, why didn't you tell us?"
Danny raised an eyebrow at him, "What the fuck does that mean?"
Hermione answered him, "You can talk to snakes."
"Well yeah but I'm sure it's not that amazing, I'm sure other people can do it."
Hermione spoke, "No, they can't, it's not a very common gift Danny, this is bad."
Danny rolled his eyes, "And why is that?"
"There's a reason the symbol of Slytherin house is a serpent, Salazar Slytherin was a parselmouth, he could talk to snakes too."
Ron spoke, "Exactly, and if anyone finds out the whole school will think your his great great great grandson or something."
"That'll happen when hell freezes over."
Hermine spoke, "He lived over a thousand years ago, for all we know you could be."
Danny crossed his arms, "Like I said, when hell freezes over, I'm sure there's another explanation."
Danny turned and went up the stairs to the dorms, it was just his luck when one of his episodes started moments after he closed the door. He hated it, he hated everything, he was already a freak and now he was even more of a freak. Some time after it stopped he was laying in bed when Ron told him it was time for dinner so he went with.
He knew he should eat but he felt sick, he felt like if he ate anything he would just throw it up so he decided to stay away from the food. After that he, Ron, and Hermione went to do work in the library, Danny could barely focus, it was hard to even move. The worst part was that people kept staring at him, like they were judging him, it was getting on his nerves.
Danny closed his books and left the library without saying a word, as he was walking he heard the voice in the walls. He didn't want to deal with this but the hand on his shoulder told him that he had to, it hadn't steered him wrong yet. He walked down the hall and soon came across nearly headless Nick floating in the air, he wasn't moving at all.
He then saw Justin, a Hufflepuff student, on the ground and he went to see if he was okay when he heard a voice behind him. "Caught in the act, I'll have you out this time Phantom, mark my words."
Danny looked behind him and saw Filch, "Oh come on, do you really think I could have done this, I'm finding it hard to stand right now, how could I do this?" Filch walked away and Danny shook his head before he saw a line of spiders going to the window to leave.
Danny was confused, he had so many puzzle pieces but he was having a hard time fitting them together, maybe he was missing one. Just then Filch came back with Professor McGonagall and she looked from Nick to Justin and then to him. Danny looked at her, "I swear I didn't do this, you have to know that I didn't."
McGonagall looked at him, "This is out of my hands Phantom." McGonagall then led him through the halls and they ended up at the statue of a large bird and they stopped in front of it. She looked at him, "Professor Dumbledore will be waiting for you."
She gestured to the statue and Danny went to stand in front of it and McGonagall spoke, "Sherbert lemon." The statue then started moving as a staircase slowly revealed itself and Danny stepped onto it and waited. When it finally stopped he stepped off and walked to the only door that was there and opened it but he didn't see anyone.
He walked further into the room and saw the sorting hat on a shelf and it looked at him, "Bee in your bonnet Phantom?"
"No, just curious." He then looked around the rest of the room and saw a fairly large red bird and it looked at him, he smiled a little and the bird suddenly burst into flames. Danny looked a bit surprised and he looked up when he heard Dumbledore speak, "Danny?"
"Um, your bird caught on fire."
"Oh and about time too, he's been looking dreadful for days, pity you had to see him on a burning day. Fawkes is a phoenix Danny, they burst into flame when it is time for them to die and then they are reborn from the ashes."
Danny paused for a second, "Why am I not surprised?"
Danny then saw something moving in the ashes and a small baby bird showed itself and made a small sound. Dumbledore smiled, "Ah, fascinating creatures phoenixes, they can carry immensely heavy loads and their tears have healing powers."
Danny smiled and got a little closer to the baby bird, when he held his hand out the bird nuzzled it and made the same sound it did before. Dumbledore smiled at the sight, he had obviously noticed how pale Danny was but Danny seemed to brighten up a bit. All of a sudden Hagrid burst into the room and spoke, "Professor Dumbledore sir, wait, listen."
He walked further into the room and stopped a few feet away from Danny and Dumbledore. "Professor Dumbledore, it wasn't Danny."
Dumbledore looked at him, "Hagrid-."
"In fact I'd be prepared to swear it in front of the Ministry of Magic."
Dumbledore put up a hand, "Hagrid." Hagrid stopped and Dumbledore continued, "Relax, I do not believe that Danny attacked anyone."
Hagrid spoke, "Of course you don't, and-." He cut himself off as realization hit him, "Oh, oh right well I'll uh, I'll just wait outside then."
Dumbledore nodded and Danny looked at the headmaster, "So you really don't think I did it?"
"No Danny, I do not think it was you, but I must ask you, is there something you wish to tell me?"
Danny shook his head, "Nothing that'll be useful right now, I've got theories but that's all they are, I'm missing something, something important."
Dumbledore looked at him for a second before he nodded, "Very well then, off you go."
Danny nodded and he left, something was bothering Danny, it was like when your about to do something but you forget what it is. It was annoying him, he sighed before going up to the dorms, despite how tired he was it was hard to fall asleep. Danny found that time seemed to pass impossibly quick after that, it was Christmas break before he knew it.
Hermione sat in front of him and Ron in the great hall, "Everything is set, we just need a bit of who your changing into."
Danny spoke, "So Crabbe and Goyle."
"We also need to make sure that the real Crabbe and Goyle can't burst in and ask why we're interrogating Malfoy."
Ron spoke, "How?"
Danny spoke, "I can knock them out."
Hermione spoke, "I've already got it worked out." She took out two cupcakes, "I filled these with a simple sleeping draft, simple but powerful. Now, once their asleep hide them in the broomstick cupboard and pull out a few of their hairs, and put on their uniforms."
Ron looked at her, "Whose hair are you ripping out then?"
"I've already got mine, Millicent Bulstrode, Slytherin, I got this off her robes, I'm going to go check on the polyjuice potion, make sure that Crabbe and Goyle find these."
Danny crossed his arms, "You never let me have any fun."
Hermione ignored him and left to check on the potion like she said and Danny mentally sighed, "Alright, let's do this shit."
The two got up and hid behind a statue in the hall, when they saw Crabbe and Goyle coming Ron was about to do a spell on the cupcakes but Danny stopped him. "Maybe I should do it."
Ron looked at his wand before nodding and Danny used a spell to make the cupcakes levitate. When Crabbe and Goyle saw them they walked over and grabbed them out of the air while laughing and they ate them. After a few seconds they passed out and fell backward, Ron spoke, "How thick could you get?"
"I didn't think that would work, come on, let's drag them into the closet." The two quickly grabbed them and dragged them to the closet before pulling out of of their hair and closing the door before leaving.
When they got back to the bathroom Hermione was already putting the potion into three cups. She spoke, "We'll have exactly one hour before we change back into ourselves." She handed both of them a cup before taking one herself, "Add the hairs."
They added the hair and Ron looked disgusted, "Essence of Crabbe."
Danny spoke, "I feel like the potion will be worse."
Hermione looked at them, "Cheers." They all began to drink the potion and Danny downed it like he was an old pro at this, the two wondered how the hell he could do that.
As soon as Ron took a drink he spoke, "I think I'm gonna be sick."
He dropped his glass and it shattered as she ran into one of the stalls, Hermione spoke, "Me too." She also dropped her glass and ran into one of the stalls, since they already changed into the clothes of the people they were turning into they just had to wait until they changed. Danny felt a little sick but he guessed that it was the potion, he felt himself change and before he knew it he changed into Goyle.
When he turned around Ron had walked out of the bathroom and looked at him, "Danny?"
Danny looked at him, "I already hate this."
Ron looked him up and down for a second, "Bloody hell."
"We still sound like ourselves though, we need to try and imitate them."
Ron paused for a second and when he spoke again he sounded more like Crabbe, "Bloody hell."
Danny nodded, "That sounds like him."
Ron looked around, "But where's Hermione."
Hermione spoke from one of the stalls, "I-I don't think I'm going, you go on without me."
Danny looked at the stall she was in, "You okay?"
"Just go, your wasting time."
The two boys hesitated and Danny pulled Ron toward the door, "Come on."
They walked to the dungeons and they tried to figure out where to go when Percy spoke, "Excuse me."
The two stopped in their tracks and Ron spoke, "What are you doing do-." Danny hit him in the arm and Ron tried to sound more like Crabbe, "I mean, what are you doing down here?"
Percy stopped in front of them, "I happen to be a school prefect, you on the other hand have no business wandering the corridors at this time of night. What are your names again?"
The two struggled to answer before before they heard Malfoy's voice behind them, "Crabbe, Goyle, where have you two been, pigging out in the great hall all this time?" He walked up to them and looked at Percy, 'And what are you doing down here Weasley."
Percy didn't look happy, "Mind your attitude Malfoy."
Malfoy just glared at him before walking away and the two followed without saying a word, once they got to the Slytherin common room Malfoy sat on one of the couches. He looked at them, "Well sit down."
The two sat and Malfoy continued, "You'd never know the Weasley's were pure bloods the way they behave, they're an embarrassment to the wizarding world, all of them." Ron got mad and Malfoy looked at him, "What's wrong with you Crabbe?"
Danny elbowed Ron and he spoke, "Stomach ache."
Malfoy seemed to accept that answer, "You know, I'm surprised the Daily Prophet hasn't done a report on all these attacks. I suppose Dumbledore is trying to hush it all up, father always said that Dumbledore was the worst thing that ever happened to this place."
Danny glared at him, "Bullshit."
Malfoy looked at him, "What?" He stood up, "You think there's someone here who's worse then Dumbledore?" The two were silent, "Well, do you?"
Danny thought quickly, "Danny Phantom?"
Ron nodded and Malfoy still looked suspicious for a second before he smirked, "Good one Goyle. Your absolutely right, saint Phantom, and some people actually think that he's the heir of Slytherin."
The two looked at each other before turning to Malfoy again, "Then do you know who it is?"
Malfoy looked away, "You know I don't Goyle, I told you yesterday, how many times do I have to tell you?" Malfoy picked up a small present from one of the tables and shook it, "Is this yours?"
Danny shook his head and Malfoy put it in his pocket, "But my father did say this, it's been fifty years since the chamber was opened. He wouldn't tell me who opened it, only that they were expelled, the last time the chamber of secrets was opened a mudblood died. So it's only a matter of time before one of them is killed this time, as for me I hope it's Granger."
Ron stood up to try and attack Malfoy and Danny held him back, Malfoy looked at them, "What's the matter with you two, your acting very strange."
Danny spoke, "It's his stomach ache." Danny whispered to Ron, "Calm down, we can get back at him later."
Ron looked at him, "Scar."
Danny felt the scar on his neck and looked at Ron, "Your hair."
Ron felt his hair and the two quickly ran out of the Slytherin common room while Malfoy yelled after them. They ran back to the bathroom and Ron spoke, "That was close."
Danny looked at the stall Hermione was in, "Hermione, we're back, you might want to hear about what happened."
Hermione yelled at them, "Go away."
Danny's breath fogged up and Myrtle phased through the stall door, "Wait til you see, it's awful."
She laughed a little as she floated behind them and Danny opened the door, "Hermione, are you okay?"
Hermione spoke, "Do you remember me telling you that the polyjuice potion was only for human transformations? It was cat hair I pulled off Millicent Bulstrode's robes, look at my face."
Ron spoke, "Look at your tail."
Danny shrugged, "I've seen stranger, it's not that bad, and I like cats, but we might want to get you to the hospital wing so Madam Pomfrey can help."
Danny and Ron brought Hermione to the hospital wing while making sure no one but Madam Pomfrey saw her.
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