I'm Not Afraid
Danny bit back a growl as he, Ron, and Hermione headed back to the Gryffindor dorms from Hagrid's. Danny mumbled to himself, "This is bad, this is really bad."
Ron spoke, "This is crazy, and worse Malfoy knows."
Hermione looked confused, "I don't understand, is that bad?"
Ron looked beyond scared, "It's bad."
The three suddenly stopped when they saw Professor McGonagall and she spoke, "Good evening." Malfoy then appeared behind her and Danny had to use every last bit of self restraint he had not to throw something. They all wound up in McGonagall's classroom and they stood in front of her desk as she looked at them.
"Nothing, I repeat, nothing gives a student the right to walk about the school at night, therefore as punishment for your actions fifty points will be taken."
Danny looked pissed, "What the actual-."
He was cut off by McGonagall, "Fifty points each, and to ensure that it doesn't happen again all four of you will receive detention."
Malfoy looked confused, "Excuse me Professor, perhaps I heard you wrong, I thought you said the four of us."
McGonagall looked at him, "No you heard me correct Mr. Malfoy, you see as honorable as your intentions were you to were out of bed after hours, you will join your classmates in detention."
This made Danny smirk and some of his anger disappeared, Malfoy glared at him, Danny looked even more smug now. The next night Filch was leading them to Hagrid's, Danny wasn't listening to anything the man was saying though. He started paying attention when they got closer to Hagrid's, "You'll be serving detention with Hagrid tonight."
"He's got a little job to do inside the dark forest." Filch looked at Hagrid, "A sorry lot this Hagrid." Hagrid looked sad and Filch looked annoyed, "Oh good god man, your not still on about that bloody dragon are you?"
Hagrid looked at Danny, "Norbert's gone, Dumbledore sent him off to Romania to live in a colony."
Hermione spoke, "Well that's good isn't it, he'll be with his own kind."
Hagrid looked at her, "Yeah but what if he don't like Romania, what if the other dragons are mean to him, he's only a baby after all."
Danny gave Hagrid an apologetic look and Filch spoke, "Oh for god's sake pull yourself together man, your going into the forest after all, got to have your wits about you."
Malfoy spoke, "The forest, I thought that was a joke, we can't go in there, students aren't allowed, and there are werewolves."
Danny spoke, "Speak for yourself, I've wanted to go in there since we heard about it, now I can do it without getting in trouble."
Ron, Hermione, and Malfoy looked at him like he was insane, when you've nearly died as many times as he has you tend to stop caring about how dangerous something is. Filch spoke, "There's more then werewolves in those trees lad, you can be sure of that."
Danny spoke, "Okay, now I want to go in there even more, let's do this shit."
Now even Filch looked a bit disturbed and the man decided to leave, "Nighty night."
Filch walked away and Hagrid spoke, "Right, let's go."
The group then walked into the woods and Ron looked at Danny, "Did you actually want to come in here?"
"Hell yeah, I want to know what's in here that's so dangerous."
Hermione looked at him, "Are you mad?"
"If by mad you mean absolutely fucking insane, probably, but mostly it's because I'm bored."
Hagrid, who was walking in front of them, stopped and put his lantern down before looking at a puddle of something on the ground. He touched it and examined the liquid between his fingers and Danny spoke, "What's that?"
Hagrid looked at him, "What we're here for, see that, that's unicorn blood that is, I found one dead a few weeks ago, now this one's been hurt bad by somethin'." Danny then heard something to his right and when he looked he saw a cloaked figure with their hood up. Hagrid looked when he saw that Danny was staring at something but the person was gone by then.
Danny looked at Hagrid again and the man continued, "So it's our job to go and find the poor beast." He looked at Ron and Hermione, "Ron, Hermione you'll come with me."
Ron looked terrified as he spoke, "Okay."
Hagrid looked at him, "Danny, you'll go with Malfoy."
Danny forced himself not to groan and he nodded, Malfoy spoke, "Okay, then I get Fang."
Hagrid looked at Malfoy, "Fine, just so you know he's a bloody coward."
Danny smirked at the look on Malfoy's face and whistled, Fang quickly walked up to his side and he started walking, Malfoy followed. After a few minutes Malfoy spoke, "Just wait until my father hears about this, this is servant stuff."
Danny smirked, "What's the matter Malfoy, scared?"
Malfoy glared at him, "I'm not scared Phantom." At that moment they heard a loud howl and Malfoy looked in the direction it came from, "Did you hear that?"
Danny just laughed a little and kept walking, after several minutes Malfoy spoke again, "So you really wanted to come in here?"
"Yeah, stuff like this doesn't scare me."
Malfoy didn't look convinced, "Yeah right, you're just trying to act tough."
Danny shook his head, "Nope, after all the times I've nearly died this is a normal week day for me. The prospect of getting hurt, or even dying, losing your mind in a place so cold and dark normal people would never dare to go anywhere near it. It's interesting to me, it doesn't make my blood run cold, it doesn't paralyze me with fear, it makes me want to see what's so god damn scary to other people."
Malfoy looked like he was about to say something but he didn't get a chance because Fang stopped. Danny looked at him, "What's wrong boy?"
Fang then started growling and Danny's senses started screaming danger, he looked ahead of them and saw the cloaked figure from before kneeling over a unicorn. Danny's scar hurt and he put a hand over it before the figure looked up at them and made a weird growling noise. Malfoy screamed and Fang ran, Malfoy was right behind the dog and Danny groaned.
He looked back at the figure who slithered across the ground like a snake for a few seconds before fully standing and walking toward him. Danny growled a little and got ready for a fight but before he could move he heard what sounded like a horse. All of a sudden something jumped over him and landed in front of him, the figure quickly left and disappeared in the forest.
Then someone spoke, "Danny Phantom, you must leave, you are known to many creatures here, the forest is not safe at this time, especially for you."
"I can tell, what the hell was that thing just now?"
"A monstrous creature, it is a terrible crime to slay a unicorn, drinking the blood of a unicorn will keep you alive even if you are an inch from death. But at a terrible price, you've slain something so pure that the moment the blood touches your lips you will have a half life, a cursed life."
Danny looked away, "I know how that feels, it's not fun." Danny then walked over to the unicorn and knelt next to it before closing it's eyes, "I'm sorry." The centaur that saved him looked confused and amazed, Danny stood up and looked at him, "Who the hell would choose a life like that?"
"Can you think of no one?"
Danny's eyes widened a little, "Holy shit, that thing was Voldemort?"
The centaur leaned closer to him, "Do you know what is hidden in the school at this very moment Mr. Phantom?"
Danny's eyes widened a little, "The sorcerer's stone, he's the one trying to steal it."
Danny then heard Fang barking and he vaguely registered voices but he was too busy thinking. Voldemort was trying to get the stone, but he probably couldn't do it on his own so he was working with someone. He was taken out of his thoughts when Hagrid spoke to him, "You alright Danny?"
Danny looked at him and nodded, "I'm fine."
The centaur spoke again, "Danny Phantom, this is where I leave you, you are safe now, good luck."
Danny nodded and the centaur bowed just a little, obviously he knew about him being the prince of ghosts, before he left. Once they were all back in the school Danny, Ron, and Hermione went straight to the dorms and Danny immediately went to bed. He stared at the ceiling when he couldn't sleep and he got a bit irritated, he couldn't fall asleep.
He got up and grabbed his violin, he teleported to the roof and started playing as he thought. Voldemort was after the stone, so far there was evidence indicating that Snape was helping him but Danny didn't think Snape was helping him. His instincts told him that Snape wasn't the one doing this, his instincts only went on high alert sometimes.
Whenever they did he found it odd, he shouldn't be in any danger at those times so he ignored them. After a few songs Danny felt better and he decided to try and sleep again, this time when he closed his eyes he managed to fall asleep. The next day he had final exams, he didn't think he did too badly since he knew most, if not all, of the answers and spells.
Now he was walking out of the school with Ron and Hermione, after finally getting done with their exams. Hermione spoke, "I'd always heard Hogwarts final exams were frightful but I found that rather enjoyable."
Danny rubbed the scar on his neck while Ron spoke, "Speak for yourself, you alright there Danny?"
Danny shrugged, "My scar's just burning for some reason."
Hermione looked at him, "It's happened before."
"Yeah but this is worse then the other times and it's not going away."
Ron looked at him, "Perhaps you should see the nurse."
Danny shook his head, "I'm fine, it's just annoying." The three then saw Hagrid outside on his front steps playing something on a flute and something seemed to click in his head. "Holy shit."
Hermione looked confused, "What is it?"
Danny didn't even look at her, "I just figured it out." Danny then ran toward Hagrid and shouted, "Hagrid!"
Hagrid stopped playing as Danny ran up to him, "Hagrid, who did you get the dragon egg from, what did the guy look like?"
Hagrid looked slightly confused, "I don't know, never saw his face, he kept his hood up."
"But you two must have talked, what did you talk about?"
Hagrid thought for a second, "Well he, he wanted to know what sort of creatures I looked after, I told him I said after Fluffy a dragon's gonna be no problem."
Danny took a step closer, "Did he seem interested in Fluffy?"
"Well of course he was interested in Fluffy, how often do you come across a three headed dog even if you were in the trade? But I told him I said, I said the trick with any beast is to know how to calm him, take Fluffy for example, just play him a bit of music and he falls straight asleep." Danny's eyes widened and Hagrid paused, "I shouldn't have told you that."
Danny then ran straight back to the castle while Ron and Hermione tried to keep up, Danny looked behind him and rolled his eyes. He grabbed their wrists before running as fast as he could to McGonagall's class and straight up to her desk. Hermione spoke, "How do you run so fast?"
Ron looked at her, "That's what I said."
Danny looked at them, "We can worry about that later." Danny looked at McGonagall, "We need to see Dumbledore, now."
McGonagall looked at him, "I'm afraid Professor Dumbledore is not here, he received an urgent out from the Ministry of Magic and left immediately for London."
Danny looked like he was about to punch something, "This is important, it's about the sorcerer's stone." McGonagall looked like she was about to say something but he cut her off, "Someone's going to try and steal it, with Dumbledore gone there's no one to stop him."
McGonagall put her quill down, "I don't know how you three found out about the stone but I assure you it is perfectly well protected, now would you go back to your dormitories, quietly."
Danny somehow looked even more pissed now and he leaned closer to the older woman, "It's not safe, and if it gets taken remember that I tried to warn you."
Danny then walked out of the room and looked at Ron and Hermione after they left the room. "That wasn't a stranger Hagrid met, it's the person that's trying to get the stone and now they know how to get past Fluffy."
Hermione spoke, "It's Snape Danny, why can't you just admit that?"
Danny groaned, "How many times do I have to tell you that it's not Snape before you start listening, you know what, we don't have time to argue."
Someone then spoke behind them, "Good afternoon." The three turned and Snape was standing there, "Now what would three young Gryffindors such as yourselves be doing inside on a day like this?"
Danny spoke, "Well if you must know we're trying to stop a conspiracy."
Snape gave him a strange look before walking away and Hermione looked at him, "Why did you tell him?"
Danny rolled his eyes, "He doesn't believe me, no one ever does, it's something all of you have in common."
Danny then started walking away and Ron called after him, "Where are you going?"
"I told you, to stop a conspiracy."
The two quickly ran up to him and Hermione spoke, "What are you talking about?"
"I'm going to take a guess and say that whoever's trying to steal the stone is going to do it tonight. So after hours I'm going to go to where Fluffy is, get through the trap door, and stop anyone from stealing the stone."
Ron spoke, "Then we're going with you."
Danny rolled his eyes, "Fine, but don't blame me if you get hurt or killed."
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