I Hate It
Over the summer a lot had happened and the best thing was that Danny's boyfriend had come to visit. Danny's boyfriend always came to visit over the summer for a week and Danny was very happy when he did. He didn't have to travel as far to see his boyfriend, he just had to go to where he was staying while he was in London.
Several 'natural disasters' had struck the muggle world as well, Danny had been keeping a close eye out for the disaster. When it happened Danny would go out with a team of ghosts and save as many people as possible so casualties were lower then they would have been. No one from the Order had even tried recruiting the ghosts to fight Voldemort which he found annoying.
He'd know if they did because they would have had to talk to him directly since he's the prince. It was annoying because it would be easy to get into contact with him through one of the ghosts at Hogwarts. His episodes were about the same, some were less severe then others but the bad days were called that for a reason.
Death had started appearing in front of him of his own accord but never around people because that would be bad. Danny was currently sitting in a small cafe at the train station reading the Daily Prophet at a table. There were articles about all kinds of things, including him, but he was reading one about the Malfoy's at the moment.
Lucius was being tried as a death eater, so on and so on, can't they ever write about something good happening in the paper? He then noticed the waitress moving to stand in front of him at his table, "Danny Phantom, who's Danny Phantom?"
Danny put his paper down, "No one important."
She smiled, "Funny that paper of yours, couple nights ago I could have sworn I saw one of the pictures move."
"Really now?"
"While I was going around the train." She started to walk away before she spoke again, "Eleven that's when I get off, you can tell me all about Danny Phantom."
She walked back behind the counter and Danny felt like hitting his head on the table, this happened way too often. He didn't even like girls, well it was possible that he did but he had never liked a girl before and either way he had a boyfriend. He wanted to hit his head on the table but that probably wasn't a good idea at the moment.
Death spoke, "The window."
Danny looked out the window at a shop, it had a sign that said 'magic' in the window and a train moved in the way. When it passed he saw Dumbledore standing there, he felt a bit bad just up and leaving the girl without an explanation but he had to go. He had to go above ground, cross the street, and go back down before walking up to Dumbledore.
After he was at the older man's side Dumbledore spoke, "You've been reckless this summer Danny."
Danny shrugged, "I like riding on trains, it helps."
Riding on trains really did help, his insomnia wasn't as bad if he did and it kept him calm so he didn't have episodes as often. Danny then noticed Dumbledore's hand, it was partially black and it looked like it might even be painful. Dumbledore noticed that Danny saw his hand, "Rather unpleasant to behold isn't it, the tale is thrilling if I say so myself but now is not the time to tell it."
Dumbledore held out his arm, "Take my arm."
Danny mentally sighed before grabbing onto Dumbledore's arm and he felt a weird tug as he and Dumbledore suddenly moved and appeared somewhere new. Danny didn't like the feeling, he preferred teleporting, it was much more pleasant, just a split second and you were there, no horrible feelings with it.
Danny looked at Dumbledore, "Did I just apparate?"
"Indeed, quite successfully too, must people vomit the first time."
"Really, never would have guessed." He was currently taking deep breaths because his skin was crawling, he felt like if he apparated enough in a short period of time it would force him to have an episode.
Dumbledore turned around and headed down the street, Danny followed closely behind and looked around. Dumbledore spoke, "Welcome to the charming village of Babberton, Danny I assume right about now you must be wondering why I brought you here, am I right?"
"I'm actually wondering who the hell comes up with these names, Budleigh Babberton, Little Whinging, were those people high when they thought up these names?"
Dumbledore didn't seem to be paying attention because he was looking at the door curiously and Danny looked as well. The door was off it's hinges, it was partially leaning on the door frame and it was completely dark inside. Dumbledore spoke, "Wands out Danny."
Danny quickly took out his wand and Death seemed bored so obviously there wasn't anything to worry about. The two walked inside and looked around, there was broken furniture everywhere and scratches on the walls. Dumbledore started heading into the living room as he spoke, "Horace?"
Dumbledore didn't get a response and they both walked into the living room, Dumbledore called again but still didn't get a response. Danny looked at the debris on the floor and noticed a newspaper on the floor with an article about him on the front. Something then dripped onto the paper and Danny looked up, there was blood dripping from the ceiling.
Dumbledore walked over and wiped the blood off Danny's forehead after some got on him and tasted it for some reason. They then heard a strange noise and looked at an armchair, the only piece of furniture not torn up or completely smashed, how suspicious. Danny then noticed what looked like feet poking out from under the chair and the two slowly walked toward it.
Dumbledore poked it and a head popped up, "Merlin's beard!" He then stood up and slowly changed back to normal, "No need to disfigure me Albus."
"Well I must say you made a very convincing armchair Horace."
"It's all in the upholstery, I come by the stuffing naturally, what gave me away?"
Dumbledore pointed to the blood dripping from the ceiling, "Dragon's blood."
Horace had an aha moment before he saw Danny, "Oho."
"Oh yes, introductions, Danny, I'd like you to meet an old friend and colleague of mine Horace Slughorn, Horace, well, you know who this is."
"Danny Phantom."
Horace laughed a little before Dumbledore spoke, "So what's with all the theatrics Horace, you weren't by any chance waiting for someone else were you?"
Horace looked at him, "Someone else, I'm sure I don't know what you mean, oh alright, the death eaters have been trying to recruit me for over a year. Do you know what that's like, you can only say no to these people so many times, I never stay anywhere for more then a week. The muggles who own this place are in the Canary Islands."
Dumbledore looked around, "I think we should put it back in order for them don't you?"
"Yes, fine."
Dumbledore waved his wand and everything started fixing itself like someone had pressed a reset button. Danny looked around and he couldn't help but smile at the sight, when it stopped Dumbledore spoke, "That was fun, do you mind if I use the loo?"
Horace looked at him, "Oh, of course." Dumbledore started walking out of the room and Horace spoke again, "Don't think I don't know why you're here Albus, the answer's still no, absolutely and unequivocally no." Danny was very confused now and Dumbledore was out of sight, the two remaining wizards were silent before Horace spoke, "You're very like your father, except for the eyes of course you have-."
Danny cut him off, "My mother's eyes, so I've been told."
"Lily, lovely Lily, she was exceedingly bright your mother, even more impressive when one considers she was muggle born."
"I have a friend who's muggle born, she's the best in our year."
Horace spoke quickly, "Oh please don't think I'm prejudice, no, your mother was one of my absolute favorites." He pointed to something, "Look, there she is, right at the front."
Danny looked and walked closer, there were an assortment of pictures, Danny would guess they were past students. "All mine, each and every one, ex students I mean." In one his mother and a group of other students raised their glasses with Horace, Horace pointed to another. "You'll recognize Barnabas Cuffe, editor of the Daily Prophet, always takes my owl should I wish to register an opinion on the news of the day."
"Gwena Jones, captain of the Holy head Harpies, free tickets whenever I want them, of course I haven't been to a match in some time." Danny picked up a picture, "Ah yes, Regulus Black, you no doubt know of his older brother Sirius, almost died a few weeks ago. I taught the whole Black family, except Sirius, it's a shame, he was a talented boy, I got Regulus when he came along of course but I'd have liked the set."
Danny was quiet for a second and Dumbledore suddenly spoke as he walked in with a magazine. "Horace, mind if I take this?" Dumbledore held up the magazine and Danny walked over to the headmaster as Horace turned around. "I do love knitting patterns."
Horace looked confused, "Yes of course but you're not leaving are you?"
"Oh I think I know a lost cause when I see one, regrettable, I would have considered it a great personal triumph that you consented to return to Hogwarts. Oh well, you're like my friend Mr. Phantom here, one of a kind, well, bye bye Horace."
The two then left and Danny knew Dumbledore had something up his sleeve but he wasn't sure what. The two walked out the front door and almost got to the gate when the front door opened, "Alright, I'll do it, but I want professor Marythort's old office, not the water closet I had before, and I expect a raise, these are mad times to live in, mad!"
Dumbledore nodded and turned to Danny, "They are indeed."
Dumbledore the started humming as he walked down the street and Horace went back inside the house. Danny followed Dumbledore and spoke, "Okay, what was that about?"
"You're talented, famous, and powerful, everything Horace values, professor Slughorn's going to try and collect you Danny. You will be his crowning jewel, that's why he's returning to Hogwarts, and it's crucial that he should return." A bell then started to toll, "I fear I may have stolen a wondrous night from you Danny, she was truthfully very pretty, the girl."
Danny smirked, "So even you don't know, that's actually a bit surprising, besides I could just talk to her tomorrow if I wanted to."
"Oh you'll not be returning to Little Whinging tonight Danny."
Danny paused, "But what about Hedwig, and all my stuff?"
"Both are waiting for you."
Dumbledore then held out his arm for Danny to hold onto and Danny took it, then he felt that pulling sensation again. When he appeared again he was alone and he landed in what was almost a pond, he was knee deep in water and annoyed. Death spoke for the first time that night, "Are you alright?"
"I'll be much better once I get out of this damn water." Danny then looked around to see where he was, he was at the Burrow and he could see Ginny in the window.
Danny walked out of the water and phased off the mud on his boots, Death appeared and spoke, "Something is bothering you."
Danny sighed, no matter how hard he tried he could never get anything past the specter, he was too smart to be tricked. "I feel like I was just used, and I'm going to keep being used until I'm no longer needed and get thrown away, I hate it."
Death put a hand on Danny's shoulder and the halfa stopped walking, "I'm sorry, but you know I will stay and be here if you need me."
Danny smiled at the specter a little, "Thanks."
"I am your friend Danny, there is no need to thank me." Danny's smile widened and he shook his head before he continued walking to the house.
As he got closer he heard people talking in the house and he heard Ginny speak, "You haven't seen him have you, apparently he's wondering about the house."
Hermione spoke, "Really?"
Danny walked through the door at that exact moment, "He is now."
Molly shouted, "Danny!"
Ginny was the first person he saw she hugged him and Danny hugged her back but he was doing everything he could not to indicate he was in pain. On top of the beatings he'd also helped his boyfriend in America which resulted in some painful injuries. He had bandages wrapped around everything from his chest to just above his waist and it wasn't fun.
Molly, Ron, and Hermione ran downstairs and Ginny let go of him before Hermione spoke, "Danny!"
She then hugged him and Danny spoke, "Well hello to you too."
Ron then hugged him as Molly spoke, "What a lovely surprise!" She started laughing toward the end of her sentence and when Ron let him go Molly hugged him. She then gently held his face, "Why didn't you let us know you were coming?"
"Because Dumbledore."
"Oh that man, but then what would we do without him?"
Ron was about to touch Hermione's face when everyone looked at him, he took his hand away and sort of pointed to his own face at the corner of his mouth, "A bit of toothpaste."
Danny rolled his eyes, how those two could be so blind was beyond him, sure it took him a while but it didn't take this long to confess to his boyfriend. Danny, Ron, and Hermione then went upstairs and sat around a floating piece of paper that was slowly smoldering to heat up the room. The three were quiet for a minute before Danny looked at Hermione, "So when did you get here?"
Hermione shrugged, "A few days ago, though for a while I wasn't sure I was coming."
Ron hesitated, "Mom sort of lost it last week, said Ginny and I had no business going back to Hogwarts, it's too dangerous."
Danny raised an eyebrow, "Seriously?"
Hermione spoke, "She's not alone, even my parents, they're muggles and they know something bad's happening."
Ron spoke, "Anyway, dad stepped in, told her she was being barmey, took a few days but she came round."
"Yeah but with Dumbledore around Hogwarts is pretty much the safest place around."
Hermione looked away for a second, "There's been a lot of talk recently that Dumbledore's got a bit old."
"Oh come on he's only... how old now?"
Ron thought for a second, "Hundred and fifty, give or take a few years."
The three then laughed and decided to go to sleep for the night, Danny just ended up staring at the ceiling for a while. He checked to see if Ron was awake and when he saw that he wasn't the halfa crept over to his trunk. He carefully opened it and dug to the bottom to find his violin case at the bottom like he left it.
He took it out and snuck out of the room, he would just fly or teleport but a short walk would do him some good. Danny snuck out to the forest near the house and walked through the forest for a bit until he felt like he was far enough away from the house. He took out his violin and tuned it a bit before he started playing a song he wrote over a year ago.
He worked on some new songs and played old ones he hadn't played in a while simply because he could. Death even put in a request or two and Danny obliged, the only person he would play for aside from Death was his boyfriend. He could never say no to his boyfriend if he asked him to play, he'd even written songs specifically for his boyfriend.
Danny didn't even realize how long he'd been playing until an hour had passed and he put his violin away. He snuck back into the house and went up to Ron's room where he was staying and Danny put his violin back. Once he closed his trunk he climbed into bed again and closed his eyes, he slept for the first time in several days.
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