Yuma's drive. Y/n's anger at Five.
Y/n laid on the bed of heartlands clinic as his brother sat next to him worried.
"First Haruto and now Y/n." Looking at his sleeping brother, Y/ns duel ending, played in his mind. "Y/n." He muttered as Yuma saw his brother shift in his sleep. "Please wake up soon."
Y/n stood on the rocky bridge as he looked at the gate his tattoo began to shine black before changing to pink making him wince in pain as he collapsed to his knees as a godly voice spoke to him.
"Remember who you are.....Remember your destiny." The voice said making Y/n scream as he held his tattoo as his arm began to bleed before multiple shadow hands grabbed him pulling him into darkness as he reached out to the light. The scenery changed as it showed something that haunted him a fiery and molten location.
"Mph?" He let out as he felt his mouth before realizing his didn't have one,shocked, he looked at his right side seeing black along with his hand being a demonic claw. His duel disk changed into a blade like appendage before morphing into a blade sticking into his arm making him realease a muffled scream in pain. The black part of his skin began to burn before he felt something land behind him. He turned around seeing Red Dragon Archfiend. The dragon glared at him as a goat man appeared before them making the boy back up with the man looking at him.
"You can not run from my deal Y/n." It said making him back up before being held by the feet by multiple demon like hands making his scared. "I gave you my dragon for a reason. Don't make me regret giving you red demons dragon." He smirked before snapping his fingers making the boy fall down into a fiery pit. "Your contract with the devil and the demons of the dark world will catch up to you boy."
Springing up from his slumber he yelled as he held his tattoo before backing up scared of his past. "I made a deal with the devil?" He gasped out as Red Dragon Archfiend appeared next to him scaring the boy. Sighing the boy looked around getting a good look of where he was. The boy realized he was in his room as he sighed in relief. Walking out of his room the duelist climbed up the rope to Yuma's room before climbing out the window and sitting on the roof.
"Five was playing me like a flute that entire match." Closing his fist he grit his teeth as his tattoo began to glow with number 48 appearing on his wrist. "I'll make him pay. I'll beat him at the carnival." Shadow lich appeared behind the male as it smiled wickedly. "I need to find another number. I don't care if it belongs in my memories or not. I need to find another one." He glared at the city before smiling as he remembered something. "And I think I know exactly where to find one." Chuckling evily Y/n and Shadow lich made their way to the city.
A punk rock female smiled as she stood over her opponent. Her hand glowed with the Number 23 on it but a sudden red line hooked on her duel disk as Y/n walked out of the shadows.
"Well. That card will help me with a monster I need to beat Five." He smirked as she chuckled.
"Really you think you can beat me?" She laughed but a monstrous roar came from Y/ns deck as a silhouette of a dragon appeared behind the boy.
"I dont think. I know. If I win I get your number card. If I lose you get mine." He said offering all his number cards. "How about it?"
"Oh you're one kid." She smirked as the two prepared their duel disks.
Y/ns turn.
"I draw. I summon tour guide of the underworld. I can special summon a level three fiend from my deck but I can't use it as an synchro summon. I overlay my level three tour guide and Broww huntsman of the dark world. XYZ summon. Appear Number 48." Y/n called out as the reaper appeared "I set a card face down. I end my turn." Yn smirked as he prepared to win.
Y/n smirked after walking away from a hollowed corpse as he held a Number card in his hand.
"Now I just need one more card and then the final piece of the puzzle." He smirked making his way farther into the city.
Driote and Gauche flew over the city in a helicopter after getting a call from Yuma that Y/n went missing. Driote knew he would be fine but Gauche wanted to make sure he was gonna be okay.
The two soon saw on a radar that a duel was going on. After five minutes of flying they made it to see Y/n walking away with two new cards in his hand. Gauche ran out to meet with his coworker as Driote walked behind him.
"Y/n what are you doing here? You're injured and should be resting." He scolded but Y/n simply stared at him before leaving. Grabbing the duelist arm Gauche looked at him until he noticed the two cards in his hand.
"Where did you get those?" He questioned before Y/n shoved him off causing the male to fall to his butt.
"I don't need to explain myself to you." He glared until Driote walked up to him.
"That's enough Y/n. It's clear that the numbers are taking over your senses." She spoke before Y/n began to laugh as number 48 appeared on his wrist.
"If that's so. Then duel me." He smirked as Driote got her duel disk ready.
"No Driote." A voice scolded as Kite walked over to them as he looked towards the two. "I'll duel him. Y/n if I win I take number shadow lich and Sanaphron along with the three new cards."
"Oo. In that case if I win. I get your Galaxy dragon and your numbers."
"Kite are you serious?" Gauche questioned as he looked at the two.
"I have to do this. Even if he gave my brother to those creeps. He also fought to protect him. I also owe Yuma one." Kite looked towards Y/n as he smiled insanely.
"Just be careful."
"Duel disk/photon change." the two yelled as Kite his outfit turned white. The two opened their eyes wide as their right eye turned to their respective color.
Kites turn.
"I go first. I special summon Photon slasher. Next I summon crusher. Now by sacrificing the two monsters i can special summon Galaxy eyes Photon dragon." Calling out his dragon Kite smirked as he set two cards face down.
Y/ns turn.
"I draw. I active my two dark world lightning. I sacrifice Grapha and Beigge!" He laughed as the back row of Kite were destroyed while the effects of Grapha and Beigge activated. "Now Galaxy eyes is destroyed due to Graphas effect!" Suddenly a purple portal opened up as Grapha grabbed Galaxy eyes foot before dragging it inside as it licked its teeth. "Next Beigge is summoned to my side. But why stop there. I active dark world dealings. We both draw and discard a random card. I discard my second Grapha. Since there is no cards on your field it's effect is useless. Now I activate Dark Princes Dragons(fixed effect) when activated I can use monsters in my graveyard to summon a monster with dragon in its name from my deck. They're level has to equal level eight." Y/n smirked as he banished one Grapha while bringing out another from his deck. "Now I return Beiige back to my hand to summon Grapha from my graveyard. I overlay my two level eights to xyz summon. Appear Number 23!" Calling out the number the number appeared but 48 appeared on his wrist as he smirked. "I'm not done. I use it to summon number 84 to further the summon to bring out number 77 the Seven Sins!" He laughed before going to his battle phase. "Goodbye Kite!" Y/n yelled as he smiled seeing number 77 getting ready to attack.
A small glow appeared as Y/ns pupils shrunk as he appeared in a ocean. Standing up he looked around.
"Where am I?" He questioned before seeing Dark Highlander in front of him as he kneeled.
"Master. You must not be controlled by the dark." He spoke making the boy look up. "I can help you mentally. But it may not look pretty."
"Do it." He said as Dark highlander stood up before bringing out its scythe. Slashing downwards the boy watched as his wrist was cut off as the hand that had number 48/68 on it turn into shadows before a new one appeared.
"Duel like a prince. Be a good rival to Kite." It spoke before vanishing.
Y/n appeared in the real world as he looked at number 77.
"I end my turn with a face down." He said as his monster stopped its attack.
"Huh?" Gauche asked while Y/n looked towards Kite.
"You're a dragon user Kite. I want to see who's stronger. You're galaxy eyes or my Red Dragon Archfiend and Ogre Dragon."
Kite looked towards him before nodding.
Kites turn
"I activate monster reborn to bring back Galaxy Eyes Photon Dragon. Go Galaxy eyes attack Number 77."
"I activate my trap. The Dark Hell!" A trap card flipped as it showed a silhouette of Y/n with Red Dragon Archfiend behind him. "Dark hell allows me to send a number card to the graveyard to synchro summon Red Dragon Archfiend. But I can only activate it if the XYZ monster is a rank eight or if a rank eight monster is a xyz material But I have to use the materials for the rank eight to summon it and I have to destroy the number card that owns that material My two Graphas become level four with one being a tuner."
Number 77 vanished as two purple xyz materials exited from it as it showed the two fiend types before their level morphed.
"I tune my level four graphas. Come forward my demonic servant! Synchro summon. Red Dragon Archfiend!"
Y/ns dragon appeared as it roared at the blue dragon.
"So this is Red Dragon Archfiend." Kite numbled as the dragon looked down at him. "I attack with Galaxy eyes. At this moment my monsters effect activates banishing the two." He said as pulled a card from his hand. "Now I active Dimension Wonderers effect. When i banish Galaxy eyes I can discard this card to deal three thousand points of damage to you!"
"What?!" Y/n exclaimed as a ghost version of Kites dragon appeared before shooting a beam at him.
Y/n 1000 l.p
"I end my turn with a face down. Now our dragons return to our side."
Y/ns turn.
"I draw." Looking at his hand Y/ns eyes sparked as he looked at his hand. "This card. It feels like I should use it." Looking up he smirked. "I activate the quick play spell. Dark Sin!" Throwing down the quick play spell the picture showed a silhouette of a kind as a sinister smile appeared on it. "If I have a number 77 in my graveyard I can draw a card. If it's a monster or trap I take damage equal to number 77s attack points. But if it's a spell card I can use it and my opponent can't cancel its effect. I draw! I activate the spell card dragon veil. When my life points are exactly one thousand I can activate this card and summon a dark attribute dragon synchro monster by banishing a rank eleven or twelve xyz monster. I banish number 84 to synchro summon Void Orge Dragon!" Y/n yelled as his dragon appeared next to red dragon Archfiend. Next I activate dark world lighting to destroy your face down."
Kite looked at his face down before activating it.
"I activate the quick play spell Photon trident. This increases Galaxy Eyes Photon dragons attack by seven hundred points."
"That's what I was hoping for."
"I activate the quick play spell dark negate. When I have a rank eight dark xyz monster in my graveyard I can transfer the effect of the card to one of my monsters regardless of the opposing effects. So I choose Red Dragon Archfiend."
Red dragon Archfiend 3700atk.
"I attack with Void Ogre Dragon." Flying towards Galaxy eyes void ogre roar before Kite activates his dragons effect making them vanish. "Your turn Red Dragon!" He yelled as his monster rushed forwards.
"Not so fast. I activate my second dimension wonderer now you take three thousand points of damage!"
Going wide eyed Y/n was suddenly hit on the head by Dimension wonderers lamp as he rubbed his head making his life points zero.
Winner: Kite
Y/n made his way towards Kite as he held the five number cards he agreed to give him.
"Keep them." He said making the boy confused. "You broke from their hold. I don't need them." He said making Y/n confused. "Yuma told me that certain numbers are part of your memories. Those three gave you new spells and traps. So they were part of your memories. I can't take them." He said smirking.
"Thanks Kite." Y/n waved goodbye to Kite but was stopped by Driote. "Whats up?"
"I'm walking you home, as your higher up it is my job to keep you safe." She said making him blush before looking away.
"Do what you want. Guache, Kite, I'll see you at the finals." He said before walking away with Droite.
The two walked towards Y/ns home as they walked in silence.
"Are you okay?" She questioned making him look at her.
"Im fine Driote. That duel wasn't big enough to harm me." Smiling he assumed that was her question but was quickly corrected.
"Not physically but mentally. With all the numbers you have, I thought your mind would have strain on it." Hearing him chuckle she looked at him confused.
"I'm fine Driote just a little tired." He yawned before his eyes started to close but he stayed awake before Droitw shook her head.
"No. You're coming to my home. We're just a block away from it." She ordered as the two made their way to her home.
Upon entering, Droite helped Y/n onto her couch making him slowly lay down as he rested his head on the pillow and Droite covered his body with a blanket.
"Thanks Driote. I'll see you in the morning." He yawned making her smile before taking his hat off as he slept.
"Good night Y/n." She smiled gently as he reminded her of Kite but back when he was kind and determined. The version of kite she loved. "I hope to duel with you Y/n. I also hope to know you better and along with helping you gain your memories."
Leaving him be she made her way to her room where she slept the night away.
Hey guys sorry for the late update. I've been dealing with stuff and wanted a week off. Also if anyone knows where I can watch the sub of Zexal let me know cause the Barian arc of the show isn't covered on the yugioh YouTube channel. Plus I prefer sub over dub in yugioh after watching 5ds in sub.
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