Y/n meets Haruto. Y/n vs V.
Y/n stood over a wounded pirate as Void Ogre Dragon roared behind him. Walking to the pirate Y/ns hand was incased in a black energy before the energy morphed into a claw. Stabbing the man in the chest Y/n pulled out a glowing card as Number 50 appeared on it.
"Number 50: Blackship of Corn." He said before walking away from the man. The boy placed the card in his deck. Making his way to a bench he sat down and got comfortable before closing his eyes with Snoww gently placing her hands on the boys head as he slept allowing him to remember the past in a less painful way.
Appearing on the bridge the boy walked towards the door before placing the newest number card in a frame on the door that rest next to number 52. Backing away from the door the boy saw it crack open before water crashed over him making the boy appear on a ship. Running across the deck with a smile a young boy with H/c hair smiled as a older male looked towards his son with a smile as he had a hold of the wheel.
"Dad!" The boy yelled as he hugged his captain of a dad.
"Ah there's my little emperor." He smiled as his son looked at him. "We'll be home soon. Then we'll see your mother. I'm sure she'll be happy to see you too." The older male smiled making the boy gleam with excitement.
The nice sunny scene vanished and showed a dark grey and chaotic atmosphere. Y/n turned around as he heard swords clashing and thunder raging the people he saw that fighting seemed to be a some sort of enemy along with his father.
"You will not get my son!" The father said as Y/n turned to the side to see the ten year old boy hiding behind the stairs. Walking over he saw the child crying as he tried to hide but a cry of pain went off showing the two versions their dead father. The enemy went to grab him with a smirk but he missed as the boy stood by the edge of the boat with fear.
The man crept his way to the boy but now the weather was getting worst as a gigantic wave clashed with the ship knocking the two around before another wave came and rushed over the ship knocking the two and the lackeys of both ships fall into the water. Rising from the water the boy tried to get air but he was submerged by a wave causing him to go under. Being pushed deeper into the deep abyss the boy begged for him to be safe for any kind of god to help him. Just then two monsters swam to him as the boy looked up seeing two blurry gold and black figures.The gold one quickly swam up with the black one grabbing a peice of debri before the gold one set him on it with the two pushing the boy to safe waters. Coughing up water the boy looked up seeing the figures.
"Who are you?" He asked slightly scared but the two monsters looked at him before the gold one pointed at his birthmark making the present Y/n look at his tattoo. "My birthmark/tattoo?"
"That mark is the mark of our prince. The one that will rule the world of dark with justice." The gold one said as the silver one spoke after.
"You are special young prince. Please. Survive so we may serve you." The boy looked at the two with confusion before light shined over the three of them.
"Make it home and let your mother know what happened here. Even if it hurts." The gold one said making the boy remember his dad. "You are our prince. You are the dark prince." Vanishing from the boy the prince looked up with shock before paddling to the nearest island.
Sitting up the boy saw Goldd and Silvva standing next to him.
"Thank you Goldd,Silvva." He thanked his monster making them nod.
"Your praise is all we wish for master." The two vanished with Snoww looking at him before vanishing as well.
Walking around the city Y/n stopped by a small diner to get something to eat. Grabbing the menu he looked at the items with confusion.
"Excuse me sir. What's a chili dog?" He asked as the jolly fat man looked at him with a smile.
"It's what's in the name. Never had it before?" The man asked making Y/n nod.
"Not really. Ever since I came here I've been binge eating. It's like I haven't ate in years. Can I get four of them?" He asked making the chef nod before making them.
"Here you are kid. That's twenty dollars." The man smiled making the boy hand him the money before walking out with the food. Sitting at a bench the boy began to enjoy his meal until a little boy in a daze walked up to him and took a seat next to him.
"Hey kid. You want one? I got more." He smiled making the boy look at him as he handed him the chili dog.
The boy looked down at the chili dog with a blank look before he took a bite as a very small smile crept on his face but it wasn't noticable. The two continued to eat until Y/n exhaled in peace.
"So good." He smiled with him holding his stomach. Y/n turned to the kid seeing that he only ate half of him food before placing it on the bench. "Hey if you're done wrap it back up and save it for later." He smiled before wrapping the boys chili dog and placing it in the bag he was given before he wrapped it around the boys wrist as the boy held onto it. "Well anyways I gotta go. It was nice having a food buddy."
Y/n smiled before walking away but the boy followed him making Y/n confused.
"Uhm shouldn't you stay? I'm sure your parents would be worried for you." The boy said but the boy looked at him.
"My father is too busy to worry about me and my brother is busy as well." The boy said as looked at Y/n. "I don't know what happened to my mom." He said making Y/n look at the boy.
"Then how about you stick with me for a bit. I'm sure if you're able to walk around by yourself you'll be fine to hang out with a heartland hunter like myself." He smiled making the boy look at him as he held the number hunters hand.
"Yes. I would like to stay with you." The boy said making Y/n look at him.
"What's your name kid?" Looking down at the boy Y/n smiled as the dazed boy just looked ahead.
"Haruto Tenjo." He said making Y/n smile.
"Nice to meet you Haruto. Name's Y/n Tsukumo." The two greeted each other before going to the heart of the city.
Y/n smiled as he saw Haruto eat the rest of his chili dog and threw away his trash. Soon night came as the boy suddenly grabbed Y/ns hand taking him to the bay district. "Where are we going Haruto?" He asked but the boy just went forward, not wanting the boy to be in any danger, he went with the flow.
Y/n and Haruto sat on a tower surrounded by windmills. Haruto looked at the older male as the two looked up at the night sky seeing the stars.
"Darkness." Haruto said making Y/n confused. "Your tattoo. Why does it spell Darkness."
"I just thought it would be cool. It also matches my deck see." He smiled showing Haruto his deck making the boy grab his Grapha card. "Pretty scary dragon huh?" He smiled as Haruto looked at the monster. "I think it's cool looking."
Haruto handed the boy back his monster but stopped him as Y/n showed all his cards to the boy. Except his number cards.
"If you ever want to duel Haruto. I'll help teach ya." He smiled as the boy looked up at him. "I teach a duel class at the middle school. So I'll be more than happy to see/teach you."
Just then a helicopter came down as the heartland symbol was on the side making Y/n quickly grab his deck before it flew away.
"What's this about?" Looking at the boy Y/n instinctively put him behind himself as a male walked out of the helicopter.
"It's nice to meet you Y/n. I'm here to take Haruto back to heartland capital." The male said as a blue crest flew and gently land on Haruto's forehead.
Haruto went to walk to the male but Y/n stopped him as the duelist looked at the male.
"Then show me your I.D" y/n said as he showed his own. "Every heartland employee has to have a I.D on them. If you truly are working for heartland then you should have a I.D card on you." Y/n said before the male smiled.
"Of course. Here you are." The male said handing Y/n his I.D.
"Quinton Arclight." Y/n read as he smiled and handed him the I.D back before kneeling down to Haruto. "Don't worry Haruto. This nice man is gonna take you back home. Wait here." He smiled before fishing in his pocket and pulled out a small toy of Dark Magician. "This is my gift to you Haruto. A symbol that no matter what you can count on me to teach you how to duel." He smiled as the boy grabbed the toy and walked with the older male.
Y/n watched as the helicopter left before he walked down the stairs but he felt like something was off about that man. Just then Droite and Gauche appeared with Kite and Yuma.
"Oh hey guys what's up?" He smiled but Kite stood forwards.
"Where's Haruto?" He asked making Y/n confused.
"Huh? He's being delivered to the capital why?" He asked confused on what's happening.
"Y/n who was the person that picked up Haruto?" Yuma asked making him raise an eye brow before saying the name.
"Look if you're worried if he wasn't a heartland employee he was I checked out his I.D." Droite looked at him and sighed as she knew he wouldn't tell the difference before a real and fake I.D.
"Y/n you have a permit until you can get your official one. I want to show you what a offical I.D is." She said showing Y/n her I.D that had her name and a pink heart surrounding her picture along with a gold signature. "Please pull out yours and tell me what's different."
Pulling his I.D out he noticed that his picture didn't have a heart and the signature was silver.
"Well I don't have a heart and a gold signature." He said making Driote look at him.
"Okay. Now what did his have on it." She asked making him think about it.
"A blue heart and a bronze signature." He said with Gauche looking at him.
"There is no blue heart or bronze signature." He said making Y/n shocked.
"I gave Haruto to someone that is willing to harm him or worst." He said as his tattoo glowed.
"Y/n what is the mans name." Kite said grabbing the boys collar.
"Quinton Arclight." He replied as Driote and Gauche nod but the two were beginning to leave.
"Y/n. You need to come with us so you can report this to heartland." Gauche said as he walked up the ramp with Driote. Nodding Y/n walked up the ramp behind the two.
Sitting in the seat behind Driote Y/n had his arms crossed as he growled at himself.
"I gave him to a random stranger. I'm the reason why he's gonna be in danger." He said in anger before slamming his fist into the chair. "Damn it!" He sighed as he stood up from his seat.
"Where do you think you're going?" Gauche asked making Y/n look at him.
"I need to use the restroom." He said as he walked into the bathroom.
After five minutes Y/n walked out and sighed as he sat in his seat before Driote looked at him.
"Look. You didn't know how the I.Ds look so stop feeling sorry and just tell heartland what happened." She said as the helicopter landed on a landing pad.
Y/n sighed before walking off the helicopter before he stopped with his eyes widening as he gasped. Highlander looked at his master and pointed towards a old castle in the middle of a lake.
Y/n looked at Red Dragon Archfiend summoning it shocking the two as he didn't use his duel disk. "I need your help Red Dragon." He said making the monster look at him before kneeling and lowering its claw for him. "Take me that way." He said pointing towards the castle that was in the distance.
The dragon flapped its wings and flew to the castle causing Driote and Gauche to land on the ground. Y/n remembered the man as he glared at the thought of him.
"He's gonna pay." He said as Snoww appeared next to him.
"You must be careful Y/n. This man is not to take lightly." She said making him nod.
"Niether am I." He said as Red Dragon landed on the ground allowing Y/n to jump off. "Haruto where are you?" He asked as the boys voice rang into his ears. "At the top huh?" He asked looking at the castle. Running he began to climb the side of the building before jumping through the window of the roof seeing Haruto in some form of Crest with another kid.
Y/n ran to the kid but was blasted back by a blue crest.
"You." Y/n glared as the man walked up to him.
"I'm sorry but I can't let you get any closer to the two." He said making Y/n glare at him.
"So you're just gonna allow this to happen to the young boy?" The gave Y/n no reaction from the male. "Fine. What's your name then?"
"My name is V." He said as he summoned his duel disk.
Y/n growled before summoning his duel disk as his right eye flooded with red as if he was angry.
V's turn.
"I draw. I set a monster and a face down. Your turn."
Y/ns turn
"I draw! I activate dark world lighting to destroy your monster." Y/n discarded his card as Fives was destroyed. "Beiige effects activate allowing me to special summon him. Now I summon Snoww. I overlay my level four monsters. XYZ Summon. Appear Number 50: blackship of corn!" He yelled as he swapped to his battle phase. "Go Number 50 attack V directly!"
"Trap activate. Areal recharge. I special summon a phantom beast token." V said making Y/n change his attack at the token.
"I set one card face down and end my turn." This caused V to discard his trap card.
V's turn.
"My turn. I draw. First I summon Solarjammer ship. If I have no monsters I can special summon it. Next I summon planet pathfinder. Finally i activate this spell card.
"I combine the level of my monsters to overlay a level nine monster!" Five yelled as the monsters fles and vanished in thin air. "XYZ SUMMON. Number 9." He announced but Y/n didn't see a monster anywhere.
"Where's your monster?" He asked making V smirk.
"You'll see. Now I attack number 50!" He yelled as Y/n held his arms in front of him before his life points hits 3300.
Y/n l.p 3300.
"I end my turn."
Y/ns turn.
"I took seven hundred points of damage. That means." He thought before drawing his card.
"I summon fabled raven. Next I discard two monsters. Broww and Snoww. The two monster effects activate. I bring dark world dealings to my hand and I draw one card. Next I activate my dealings. We draw a card and discard one. I discard goldd to summon him." Y/n yelled as his monster appeared.
"So what you can't do anything." Five said as Y/n smirked.
"Trap card activate call of the haunted. I bring back beigge. I tune my two level four monsters. SYNCHRO SUMMON!" Y/n yelled as a fiery pillar fired off behind him before clearing showing Red Dragon Archfiend.
"Red Dragon Archfiend. Battle. I attack your number card."
"Quick effect. I can negate your monsters attack." V said as Y/ns dragon stopped. "You summoned a monster for no reason."
"I end my turn. Due to Red Dragon Archfiends effect Goldd is destroyed."
"I draw. When my opponent has a monster with higher attack points I can do a direct attack. Go number nine."
Y/n watched as multiple beams fired at him causing him to fly back as his dragon could only watch as it flew past him and to the duelist. Feeling the impact of the attack Y/n flew back and fell onto the ground sore.
Y/n l.p:500
"I end my turn with a face down."
Y/ns turn.
"Haruto." He groaned as the boy was seen crying.
Y/ns eyes snapped opened as he growled. His tattoo leaking black energy.
"Dark draw!" Y/n yelled as he drew a card as a dark sinister aura surrounded the card. "With every number I gain a new memory and with Number 50 I gain this!" Y/n yelled showing a spell card called Dark Prince's Dragons. "If I have a level eight dragon type monster on my field I can use the monsters in my graveyard to special summon a dragon type monster but it has to be from my deck. So I banish two monsters to summon Grapha!"
"Two level eights. Is he?"
"I overlay my level eight monsters I XYZ summon number 68: Sanaphron the sky prison! In attack mode." Y/n said as he had his monster appear. "Now I activate my monsters effect. My monster can't be destroyed until my next turn. Go Sanaphron attack number 09."
"I activate my monsters effect. To negate your attack." He said but Y/n smirked.
"Trap activate Darkness flood." Y/n announced as his trap card activated. "Darkness flood is what truly came from my memories with number 50. Now this trap card allows me to negate one monster effect,but, I have to discard my entire hand and based on how many monsters are in my hand I can destroy as many set cards I can." Discarding the entire hand Y/n only had two monsters getting rid of Fives back row.
V: 3900
"I end my turn. Now my traps effect activates. During the end phase I can draw one card." He said before drawing as card. "Now your number nine is gone. You dont have any monsters to beat my number card."
"Is that so? My turn I draw." Drawing his card Five smirked. "I activate monster reborn come back number 09. I end my turn."
Y/ns turn
"I draw!" I attack with Sanaphron!"
"Foolish. I activate number 9s second effect. This card allows me to add two monsters from my graveyard to it as materials. Now I activate its effect stopping your attack." V said not amused as Y/n looked up in shock.
"No." Dropping his arm to the side Y/n ended his turn.
Fives turn.
"I draw. I activate number 09s effect. Go direct attack."
"I'm sorry Haruto." Y/n whispered as he looked at the boy before being attacked by the monster. Just then Yuma and Kite ran through the door.
"Y/n." Yuma smiled but noticed the attack before he his life points hit zero causing the boy to collapse to his knees.
"Goodbye Y/n." V said but Haruto suddenly released an energy wave causing Y/ns mark to glow from black to pink as the boy fell to his stomach.
"Y/n!" Yuma yelled as he ran to his brothers side.
"I'm sorry Haruto." He said before passing out.
"What did you do to them?!" Yuma yelled as it was only Haruto Y/n and V.
"I didn't do anything. Y/n and I had a simple duel. Nothing else and Haruto seemed to have given both Y/n and Kite his power." He said as Kite remembered summoning Neo Galaxy Eyes Photon Dragon.
"Both of you have some interesting brothers." The male said before vanishing. "You're just like your father Yuma. For you care for a complete stranger."
"Wait you know where he is?" Yuma asked as he looked at the portal before hearing the words Astral World.
Yuma looked at Kite as he held his brother thankful he's somewhat okay. Looking down at his brother Yuma saw the boys tattoo turning from pink to black. "Y/n."
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