Where am I? Who am I?
A quiet night in Heartland City calmed the residents but a sudden golden pillar of light appeared in the center of the city. A teen laid in the center of it dazed and in a pair of boxers. Two young adult women rushed to see what it was but found the teen as he slowly stood up.
"Hey are you okay?" The purple haired female asked.
"Kari I'm not sure if he is." She said as the teen turned around.
"N-Number 5." Was all the teen said before he lost conciousness.
Kari ran to him and held in her arms as he seemed exhausted.
"Brianna do you still have those clothes we bought?" Kari asked her friend as she nod and ran to her car before grabbing a bag filled with a different outfit that seemed for a boy. Kari helped the boy as they began to put the clothing on him so he didnt look out of place.
"Hey Kari. Arent these the kind of cards your brothers collecting?" Brianna asked showing her the card that stood out from the rest.
"Those are but why does he have them?" Kari asked looking at the sleeping boy.
"Oh come on Kari. A boy can collect these too you know." She said smiling. "We should get this boy to a hospital.
"Right." The two females entered the car they came from and drove to a hospital,After checking the boy in,the two girls waited as a doctor came to the two and told them that he has no memory of the past but he'll be fine.
"So he has no memory but has only two cards to his name. He looked like he's in highschool though." Brianna said as she looked at the sleeping boy. But she backed away from the glass as apparitions of number 48 stood beside him with a protective look. "H-Hey Kari are you seeing this too?"
"Y-Yeah. How is it..."
The boy slowly began to wake up as he looked around.
"Where am I?" He asked as he held his head.
"You're in the hospital." Kari answered as he looked towards her as she looked at his deck.
"You run Dark world? But I've never seen these white cards before." She said showing synchro monsters along with xyz monsters.
"I'm sorry but can you hand me those cards?" He asked as she nod and handed him his deck. Shuffling his deck he looked at his deck seeing a field spell. Gates of the dark world.
"I thank you for bringing me here. But I wish to leave. I must find number 5." He said slowly getting up before Kari gently pushed him down.
"You need to relax. You're not in good condition to get up and move around." Kari said as she had him gently lay back down. But number 48 had her back away as he stood up.
"How about this. If you can beat me in a duel, you can leave." She said gaining the boys attention.
"Deal." He said as the two walked towards the roof.
"Duel disk, duel gazer."
Y/ns arm began to morph as a armored arm appeared along with a duel disk.
Boys turn.
"I draw. I summon tour guide of the underworld. When this card is summoned I can summon a level three monster from my deck to my field. I summon tour bus of the underworld. I overlay my three monsters. When the wicked are judged. A reaper will appear and reap them. I xyz summon Number 48 Shadow Linch. I set three cards face down. I end my turn."
The boys monster stood in front of her with its weapon in hand.
Karis turn
"I draw. I set a card face down."
"I activate Number 48s effect allowing me to spawn one token. It also increases its attack points by five hundred and you can only attack the token."
Kari looked at the token and set a face down ending her turn.
Boys turn.
"I draw. I activate the spell dark dealing we both draw one card but we have to discard one." The boy said as the both of them drew before discarding their monsters. "Now I activate my monsters effect. When beige is sent to the graveyard I can special Summon it. Now I summon my tuner monster dark resonator. I tune my level three dark resonator and my level four Beige of the dark world. SYNCHRO SUMMON. Appear Dark highlander!."
"I attack with Dark Highlander. Destroy her face down!" He yelled as his monster rushed and destroyed lightsworn hunter.
"I activate my monsters ability and use it to destroy you highlander." Kari said as highlander was destroyed.
"I activate my trap!
"Synchro Rebirth. I banish dark highlander to special summon Dark resonator and Beige back from my graveyard. Next I activate Urgent tuning. I tune my two monsters and Linch token." The boy yelled as his monsters appeared behind him before morphing into a stars and circles. "Dragon made from the deepest of voids. Release you ogre breath and help Number 48. I synchro summon Void Ogre Dragon!" Yelling a dragon roared behind the boy as it appeared in a crimson light before having the beast appear behind the boy.
"No way." Backing up Kari saw the monsters look at her before roaring it grinning eerily at her.
"Go my monsters attack her directly!"
Kari: 4000l.p>>>>>0000l.p
Kari flew back and was about to fall off the building if the boy didn't catch her by her arm.
"Sorry. I didn't mean to blast you back. I might not have my memory but for some reason I can duel like I've been doing it for years." He smiled before pulling Kari up. "Now can you take me to Number 5?" He smiled as the female smiled back.
"I'm Kari Tsukumo. What's your name?" Putting her hand out she looked at him.
"Name?" He tilted his head as he looked back. "I don't know my name."
"Hmm. How about Y/n. Y/n Tsukumo." She said making the male look at her confused.
"You're giving me your last name?"
"Yeah. If I'm bringing you to the number you have to be a part of the family. Plus I'm sure you don't have a place to stay." She smiled making the boy cross his arms and chuckle.
"I guess not." He smiled as she walked with him towards her car.
After signing him out the two headed towards Karis home. Before entering the house Kari looked towards the boy.
"Now I'm just gonna give you a heads up about my little brother. He's quite the airhead and really likes to duel. So if you do duel him than be careful." She said making the boy wave his hand side to side.
"It'll be fine. I mean how bad can a brother be?" He smiled but was suddenly pushed down by a boy with pink and black hair making the both of them fall to the ground.
"Ow." Y/n said as he was helped up by his attacker.
"I'm sorry about that. I'm Yuma." He smiled causing Y/n to grab his hand.
"I'm Y/n Tsukumo." He smiled but Yuma looked at him with shock.
"You're a Tsukumo?" He said looking at him.
"Well yeah. Your sister had me become a Tsukumo after she found me." He smiled causing Yuma to nod his head in agreement.
"Makes sense. Wait are you a duelist?"
"Why yes I am. Do you want to duel?" He smiled as Yuma got pumped.
"Yeah! Let's have a round."
"Yuma our guest should relax. I'm sure he'll want to after what Kari told me." The boys grandma said as she walked outside to see the boy. "You must be the new addition to our family. I'm Haru Tsukumo. So nice to meet you." She smiled motherly as Y/in bowed to her.
"It's nice to meet you too. I hope I can create memories with you guys. But I hope you guys can help me find number 5 and the keys to my past." The boy said smiling as it spread like a disease.
"Wait you're looking for a number?" Yuma asked as Y/n looked at him.
"Yes. For some reason I really needed to find it so I can understand something of my past. I mean I have one number already." He said showing Yuma number 48 making the young boy gasp. "All I know about my past is that I had a destiny. But that's all that this card can give me." He smiled as Yuma nod at him.
"Then I'll help you." Yuma smiled making Y/n smile back but he turned his head to the side seeing a glowing person. "Huh?" Y/n asked as he tilted his head.
Astral looked at him with shock as he moved side to side as his eyes followed him. "You can see me?"
Y/n looked around and smiled.
Later that night.
"So my computer wasnt the only thing that had a meltdown?" Kari asked as she was looking at the two confused.
"I guess not. Haru this is great. How do you make food so gooood." Y/n asked as he was eating a beef bowl.
"Love and family recipes." She smiled making Y/n nod before munching on the food.
"Hey Y/n. What do you run in your deck?" Yuma asked as Kari answered before Y/n could.
"He runs Dark World cards and what he calls Synchro monsters."
"Dark worlds?" Yuma asked with Astral asking about Synchro cards.
"Yeah. They focus on being discarded from the hand for their effects to truly work. Plus Synchros are my version of XYZ monsters." Y/n smiled as he finished his food. "Thanks again Haru."
"Please call me Grandma. You're a Tsukumo. But we do need to get it offical." Haru said as Y/n began to wash everyone's dishes as they left after he explained what his cards were. But Astral stayed next to him as Haru left.
"So you lost your memories as well?" Astral asked as Y/n was cleaning.
"Yes. I don't know much of my path but what I do know is that certain cards will bring me my memories back. I'm not sure which ones though." Y/n said as he finished the dishes and started the dishwasher.
"And these Synchro monsters. You're the only one that can use them?"
"I think so. If anyone else could I wouldn't be able to remember." He said as he dried off his hands. "Oh didn't yuma say something about a Duel Carnival?"
"Yes. Do you plan on participating?"
"Yeah. If there are numbers there. I can possibly get my memories of my past back." Y/n said as he looked towards the night sky from the window next to him.
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