The rematch. The fury of a duelist.
Looking at his screen Y/n saw Yuma finishing his duel with the Fallguys making the older Tsukumo proud.
"You're still in this huh, Yuma." He smiled before boosting forwards with Void Ogre Dragon. Moving to a lane the duelist found a magic card on the field. Praying it was a card he was searching for he smiled seeing the heal Master card making his life point thrity eight hundred. "It's no four thousand, but it'll work." He smiled as he took off.
Looking at the screen he shrunk the camera showing everyone and the one he specifically wanted to duel.
"V is in the lead while Tron is behind him. Droite is behind them while Kite is straight a head of me. He's most likely going for one of the two. I can't risk him dueling V before me." Accelerating ahead Y/n looked ahead in the lane next to him seeing Kite.
The duelist looked ahead seeing Kite turn around as the two drove parallel to each other.
"Kite. I challenge you to a duel. I can't let you get ahead of me to duel V." Seeing the fellow number hunter smirk the duelist stood up from his seat before nodding.
"I hope we would duel. But I have some un answered questions as well. If you're in my way....then I won't lose." He exclaimed before the two looked at each other as Kite had Galaxy eyes on his field.
"Duel!" The two yelled as their dragons roared at each other.
Above them Driote looked at the two with worry as they were getting ready to fight.
On Y/ns field was three face downs with him having four cards in his hand.
Y/ns turn.
"I draw!" Drawing his card he placed it in his hand before quickly grabbing a spell card. "I activate dark world dealings. I assume you know what this does?"
"Yes." Drawing a card and discarding one the two looked at their new hand
"I discard Ceruli guru of the dark world to graveyard."
"Due to its effect it is summoned onto your field."
Kite looked at his field as Ceruli appeared smiling.
"Now Cerulis second effect activates. Due to it being summoned your opponent discards a card. So i discard this behemoth."
"Now it's effect activates allowing me to summon it onto my side of the field. Furthermore i destroy your three face downs!"
"Not so fast I activate photon trident to power up Galaxy Eyes."
"I was hoping you were gonna do that."
"Trap activate solemn warning. By decreasing my life by two thousand points I can negate the effect." Y/n smirked while his life points went down.
Y/n: 1800.
"Now i activate call of the haunted to summon Sinister Sprocket. Kite this is the evolution of my powers. Let me show you!"
"I tune my level one sinister sprocket with my level eight Void Ogre Dragon!"
"He's synchro summoning with Void Ogre?!" Astonished he looked at Y/n as he smirked.
-with heartland-
"Well it looks like Y/n is evolving in battle. Let's see what happens, Heart burning!" He cheered as everyone watched the screen.
-back with the duel-
"Dragon made in the deepest black abyss stretch your wings and show them your fiendish roar. SYNCHRO SUMMON!" Y/n yelled as a black silhouettes of red dragon archfiend appeared behind him before evolving. "Appear Hot Red Dragon Archfiend Abyss!"
"Battle. I attack with Abyss! Hell's blade!" Y/n yelled as his dragon flew and attacked Galaxy eyes.
"Not so fast I activate Galaxy eye's effect."
"No you won't. I activate Abyss's quick effect. I can negate your monsters effect! Continue your attack Abyss!" Y/n yelled as his dragon destroyed Kites galaxy eyes.
"Abyss's second effect activates. I summon back sinister sprocket! Now I attack Cerlui with Reign-Beaux. But that's not all I activate my second trap urgent tuning! I tune sinister sprocket and Reign-Beaux! Time for a rematch my dragon. Come to the field RED DRAGON ARCHFIEND!"
"Red dragon archfiend attack kite directly. I end my turn." Y/n smirked while kite looked up seeing the two dragons of Y/n.
Kite: 800
"Not bad Dark Prince. But it's my turn. I draw!"
Kite's turn.
"I was hoping to use this card later but I need it now especially with your dragons on the field. I activate message in a bottle. I chose Galaxy eyes, Photon thrasher and photon leo! Next i activate upshift to make my monsters level eight. I overlay my three level eight monsters. Radiant galaxy, become the paddling light and show yourself. I xyz summon Neo Galaxy Eyes Photon Dragon!"
"Uh oh."
"When galaxy eyes is used to xyz summon neo photon all face up cards on your field lose their effects."
Y/n looked up at his dragons as they're fire began to fade.
"Go Neo Photon attack Red Dragon Archfiend!"
Y/n looked up before seeing his monster get destroyed causing Y/ns health to plummet.
"I end my turn with two face downs."
Slowly sitting up he groaned as he stopped kite from ending his turn.
"Quick play spell. Gateway to the dark world. I use it to summon Grapha!"
Y/ns turn.
"I draw! I activate dark world lightning to destroy your left face down. Next i discard my second grapha to destroy your next one!"
"Not so fast i activate my second photon trident. To increase neo photons attack power. "
Neo photon 4500>>5300
Alice looked at the screen seeing Y/n dealing with a super charged Neo photon. "Come on Y/n."
"Heh. Thanks for that kite. I was hoping that was a power booster rather than something that can stop me from summoning from the graveyard. I summon bronzz mad king of the dark world. Next i use him to special summon my second Grapha."
"Two level eights. You're gonna summon Sanaphron."
"Heh. No. Those numbers don't control my will anymore. I overlay my two level eight monsters. XYZ Summon!
"I activate Heritic sun Dragons effect I discard one card to destroy Neo Photon."
Y/n's dragon absorbed the spell card gate of the dark world before firing a powerful red blast at Kites monster destroying it.
"Go Abyss. Attack Kite directly!"
Flying forwards Abyss charged at Kite before slashing at him with his blades causing his target to eject.
Kite l.p: 0000
"Sorry Kite." Y/n hissed in pain as he held his tattoo, his arm slowly began to stop pulsing, allowing him to continue on.
"Amazing Y/n beat Kite with only three hundred life points. What an amazing duel." Heartland cheered causing everyone to do the same.
"I need to get to some spell cards." Sighing he accelerated as Droite looked at his direction.
"He's really something. Y/n, be careful."
Driving forwards Driote watched as he held his arm was gently bleeding.
"What happened to your arm?" Thinking over his injury she failed to noticed a duelist appearing behind her.
But as fast as her realization of the male being behind her she won her duel within a turn since his life points were so low.
Y/n looked next to him seeing his new synchro dragon.
"My powers are evolving and with every new card comes a new memory." He mumbled before his dragons yellow eye shined at him causing him to get blinded.
The rollercoaster changed along with the city. A thick fog tickled his arms as he continued forwards. In the center of the coaster track stood a male figure as it smiled sickened at the driver causing him to pull back making it laugh before vanishing. Immediately after the fog began to clear up as a woman stood in front of a grave, crying echoed through the graveyard as the male moved forwards seeing her face. She was a middle aged woman with a pale complex.
The female turned to him before her cries turned into screeching as her face turned into a ghost like spirit as it flew at him and going through his body making him shiver. The ground began to shake as a long serpent like dragon flew behind the grave before coiling around the headstone and looking down at the dirt. The ground shifted as if something was climbing out of it. Suddenly the duelist found it hard to breath as he held his neck as if something was clogged inside his throat.
The ground at the headstone shifted even more before a charred black hand pierce through the ground as it grabbed the ground next to it before its counterpart appeared as well and grabbed the ground next to it. Looking down at the ground the dragon watched as a bald blackened head poked out of the ground as the head fully exit the ground.
Breathing heavily Y/n felt the air return into his lungs as he saw the arms pulled out the torso. The duelist saw the burnt body open its eyes showing red and blue eye colors. Y/n saw the re animated corpse look at him along with the dragon. For some reason he felt angry -no- furious.
"What the hell is that?!" A gravekeeper asked causing the corpse to look at him before the dragon turned around at the grave keeper.
"Sick em." The corpse ordered making the dragon fly at the keeper before crashing on top of the keeper making his body vanish in cries of pain. The corpse fully stood up from the ground as he erupted with pink light.
Y/n felt his tattoo pulse as his anger grew.
"Kill.Kill.Kill." The corpse chanted as his anger took form as Hot red Dragon Archfiend Abyss. "Kill them all. Let them feel MY RAGE!"
Roaring in rage the dragon flew towards a city along with the serpent dragon before it back shined with the numbers 05 on it, behind them, the corpse walked towards the city as well as screams and cries echoed with the blasts of his dragons. The graveyard area changed to show a city in flames as the corpse held a body in his hand as he looked up at the castle in front of him.
Y/n took note of the corpse as it was the priest that set him on fire, this time it was his body that was charred.
"Kill." The corpse repeated as his dragons landed next to him. But the ground began to shake as if an earthquake appeared,surprising the duelist, he saw giant metal pillars appear along with two doors connected to them before they opened up as a dragon flew out and landed next to the corpse showing Grapha. Firing a black blast at the corpse, the corpse changed from charred black to a fleshy human. But what was different was the birthmark shined with a pink hue.
"Time to take back what is mine." The human said showing a naked Y/n as his eyes glowed red and blue. "Go save Highlander my dragons."
Roaring in fury, Grapha and Abyss flew off while Y/n placed his hand on the serpent dragon head as he stroked its head before riding it towards the castle after the other two.
Y/n opened his eyes as they glowed red and blue for a second as his anger grew.
"I need to understand more. I won't let anyone get in my way of my memories."
Abyss roared as the three of them moved forwards. Just then a duelist appeared behind him smirking.
"Three hundred life points? That's an easy win." She smirked but saw Y/n stand on top of his cart as his dragon looked behind him with rage.
"Go Abyss. HELL'S RAGE!" Y/n commanded as his eyes flashed the two colors as his dragon pulled his head back before firing a massive red beam consuming the cart and duelist causing her to fall unconscious as her cart secured her and ejected her.
Noticing the sky above get blocked by some kind of cave Y/n looked behind himself seeing a number appear on his carts windshield.
"Ten. That must be the place I made it in. Fine." Sitting in his chair Y/n moved forwards before flipping his screen causing it to expand. Noticing the places he aimed his sights on number one, the place V took. "You're gonna tell me all that I want to know. Get ready V cause this time...this time i'm gonna make you feel pain."
Yuma sighed as he made it inside the cave at fourteen place. But the realization turned into despair as he realized he needs to beat quite a few duelist to get to the finals. But the rumble of the cave caused Yuma to look forwards seeing a duelist fall off his cart as Red Dragon Abyss roared in victory as Y/n had a furious look causing his brother to worry.
"Y/n." Yuma muttered as he saw his brother move forwards.
"What is he doing?" Tori asked as she looked at him as well.
"I dont know Tori. But we're gonna find out." Moving forwards Yuma didnt realized a trap card appeared as a spring fist punched him in the face causing Tori to scold him on not paying attention.
Y/n drove towards a trap card making him slow down as it showed it's image and effect.
"Path of destiny huh?" He questioned as a coin landed in his hand. "In for a penny." He said before tossing the coin up with it landing on heads.
Y/n l.p:2300
"I dont need a lot to beat V. This should do." He remarked before driving off.
Next to him Driote looked at him as she notice his change in demeanor.
"What's going on with you?" She questioned as he took off towards V. "I'll worry about that later. I need to take down Tron." She said before having her life points reach five thousand then six thousand, seven thousand and finally eight thousand thanks to the help of the heal master.
Soon the final duelist for the Magma, space, and jungle were determined. Four and Shark for the magma, Droite and Tron for jungle and Y/n with V in space with Yuma following the track to a random area.
The next chapter will be the duel between Tron and Driote followed by V and Y/n. Let me know what you guys thought of this chapter and have fun for the next couple of chapters. Soon we'll be heading into my favorite season of Zexal and one that will be loads of family moments with the Tsukumo family.
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