Talking to Heartland and becoming a hunter.
Yuma woke up in a haste as he ran downstairs to wake his brother up but noticed he was gone with his deck and duel disk.
"Huh, must've left already. I wonder why?" He questioned as Astral hovered next to him staring at the empty bed.
Y/n stood in the elevator of heartland as he stood next to the female he met last night. They both stood there in silence the only thing heard was the movement of the elevator. Grabbing his wrist he began to hide the corrupted number card as it was stricken down by dark highlander as they fought on the stone bridge that made it's way to the gate. The female now named Dextra looked at him as he had a look of discomfort until it vanished as he tried to play it off with a cough.
"Sorry. Allergies." He said making the female look at him before nodding her head. The two soon heard the doors open along with a ding showing the man of heartland in all his glory.
"Ah Mr.Tsukumo. so good to have you here. Now I assume you're questioning why I asked you to be here?" He smiled overly cheerful that could even rival Yuma.
"Yeah. I would like to know why I am here instead of dueling your carnival." He questioned as his deck slowly had a transparent black flame around it as if it was warning Y/n of this guy.
"I just cut to the chase. I would like for you to join my number hunters." He smiled. "With your unique summoning technique you will be a great addition to our team." He smiled as Y/n placed his hands in his pockets.
"No. If I were to join your group, I would have to return them for some unknown reason." He said as he felt Number 48 appear behind him some how slipping pass Dark Highlander. "If I were to join your group there has to be a reason as to why you want me to join. You have Dextra here. There wouldn't be any need for me." He added but Heartland smiled.
"If you join us then I'll give you this card." He smiled showing the boy a xyz monster.
Y/ns eyes flashed to black as he smirked before Highlander cut down 48 causing the boy to pant.
"I-I." He stuttered befor holding his face as a flash of a memory appeared with a man wearing black and grey clothing appeared. "I XYZ SUMMON NUMBER 68: SANAPHOND THE SKY PRISON!" Y/n held his head as a sinister glow radiated from him. "Fine! Just give me the card!" He demanded causing heartland to smile and walked towards him before placing his hand on the nineteen year olds shoulder along with handing him the card.
"That a boy. Welcome to the team Y/n Tsukumo." Heartland smiled making the boy push the mans hand off of him and grabbed the card placing it in his deck as the pain from obtaining the card caused him to grind his teeth before leaving to the elevator with Dextra.
"Welcome to the team I hope you live up to the praise." She acknowledged making the boy nod with a smile.
"Oh trust me Dextra. I'll do what I can in this hunt." He smirked before walking out the elevator. But behind Y/n stood number 48 as it hovered behind him with 68 holding Highlander in one of its cells along with his other synchro cards and his deck monsters.
The two of them headed towards the exit of the building, but Y/ns duel gazer began to rang, answering the call he noticed it was Kari.
"What's up sis?" He asked as Dextra continued to walk with him.
"Hey. I wanted to see how you were doing. Yuma has been worried about you since you two didn't leave together." She wondered making Y/n smiled.
"Oh don't worry sis. I had a meeting with heartland and I'm currently walking with my new co-worker." He smiled as Kari looked at him confused.
"Co-worker? Meeting? What's this about Y/n? You're not getting into trouble are you?" She questioned making Y/m shake his head.
"No I'm just working for heartland as a duelist. He's having me go undercover just incase if people cheat during a duel. It'll be fine sis. Trust." He smiled but Dextra called out to him.
"Y/n come on." She said making Y/n nod.
"Gotta go sis. see you later." He said as be hung up before Kari could say anything. Catching up to Dextra the both of them walked down heartland city. But the two of them noticed a tag duel between a couple and their opponents. But the male of the couple had been making illegal moves hiding cards in their sleeves catching Y/ns eye.
"Dextra let's battle those two." He said making the female look at him.
"Why?" She questioned making him look at her.
"They're cheating.." He said making her look at him then back at the couple.
"You know what. How about you take them both on. To prove to me what heartland saw in you." She said with a stoic face making him nod.
"Consider it done." He said as he walked towards the two. "Hey you two." He called out making the couple look at him. The female had pink hair and gold eyes as her outfit consist of a sweater and a pair of jeans along with heels. The male had slick back black hair and silver eyes. But his outfit was the opposite as he wore a black punk outfit.
"Oh a duelist that wants to lose." The male said smirking.
"We'll see. I want to duel you two and if you win you'll be both my heart peices but if I win I get both of yours." he said smirking as he knew that giving the opponent two heart pieces could cause them to have four.
"Alright. Now that's what I'm talking about." He smirked as the three of them readied their duel disks.
Sarah &Jack 4000
Y/n 4000
"I'll go first." Y/n said as he drew a card. "First I set a monster and a face down. You're turn Sarah." He said making the girl nod before drawing a card.
Sarah's turn.
"I draw. I summon Elemental Hero Wildheart. Now it'll attack your face down." She yelled as Wildheart attacked Y/ns face down showing Dark Resonator but the small fiend used its hand tune to block the attack as Wildheart backed up.
"Sorry but Resonator can't be destroyed by battle once per turn." Y/n explained making Sarah set a card.
Y/ns turn.
"I draw. I activate the spell dark dealings. I discard Snoww from my hand to add a dark world card to my hand. I choose dark world lightning. But it won't be in my hand since I'm using it now to destroy your face down." Y/n yelled as it showed the trap: Hero Signal. "Now I summon phantom king hydrige. I overlay my two level threes to build the overlay network." Y/n yelled as a black sinister aura roared around him. "I xyz summon number 48: Shadow Linch!" Y/n smirked evilly as he summoned his number card. "I attack Wildheart with Shadow Linch." Sarah looked up seeing Y/ns monster being its scythe down onto the monster decapitating it.
Sarah&Jack: 3700 l.p
"I set a card face down and I end my turn." Y/n smirked before he shook it off as he began breathing heavily.
Jack's turn.
"I draw. I activate the spell card skyscraper. Next I use the spell card polymerization. I fuse destiny hero plasma and Dogma to fusion summon destiny hero dragoon. Now i activate its effect destroying number 48!" Jack's Dragoon's chest opened up before firing a blast of heat destroying number 48 causing Y/n to kneel as he took damage.
Y/n: 2200.
"I set two cards and I end my turn."
Y/ns turn
"I draw. I summon fabled raven. I activate its effect by discarding two cards its level increases to four. Next I activate Graphas effect destroying your dragoon." Y/n yelled as Graphas spirit appeared and destroyed Dragoon. "Next is goldds effect summoning him onto my field."
Dextra looked at him with confusion. "I don't get it why only two cards? Wouldn't he gain more from using three? Unless."
"I summon broww huntsman of the dark world. Now I return goldd and Broww to my hand to summon my two graphas!" Y/n yelled as his dragons appeared by his side as they roared at the two.
"Wait when did he send the second Grapha to the graveyard?" Jack asked as Sarah gasped in realization the play of dark world lightning played through her head as she looked towards Jack.
"Jack it was back when he destroyed hero signal." She called out as Y/n smirked.
"I overlay my two level eight monsters to build the overlay network. I xyz summon the prison for all monsters, the maze of despair and the home for the world. Come forth number 68: Sanaphrond the sky prison!" Y/n yelled as a cube like object with multiple rings appeared before extending and breaking off showing Sanaphron. "Sanaphron's effect activates. It gains one hundred attack points for every monster in our graveyard. There are eight. So that increases it to 2900 attack points. Sanaphron attack Jack directly." Y/n yelled but Jack activated the trap card scrap iron Scarecrow.
"Nice job Jacky!" Sarah said but Y/n chuckled before laughing.
"Yes. Nice job Jacky cause you helped me out a lot." Y/n laughed as he flipped a trap card over. "I activate the trap Dark Prince Sanctuary." The trap showed a shadow that looked like Y/n as it stood in front of number 68. "This card allows me to release one monster from Sanaphrons prison onto my field and I can increase its attack to the amount of monsters in the graveyard. I choose Dragoon. Now Its attack is increased by seven hundred. Making it just enough to end this duel. Go Dragoon. End this duel!"
Dragoons chest opened as it fired a blast but it was suddenly stopped as Y/n saw a doomsday token.
"Nice try kid but you didnt see my field as I had another face down." Jack said as he smirked. But Y/n laughed.
"Oh I have. That's why I activate dark world dealings. I send beiige to the graveyard and now he can be special summoned. Now I tune my level four beiige and fabled raven. To summon the monster of your destruction." Y/n smirked as he held a white card with red dragon archfiend on it. "Come to my side now. RED DRAGON ARCHFIEND."
Y/ns dragon roared as it appeared on the field as it glared at everything around it.
"Red Dragon Archfiend's effect activates any monsters that didnt attack this turn is destroyed." He announced as the two opponents along with Dextra saw Red Dragon Archfiend attack Number 68, since its attack didnt go through, with a beam of heat but also freeing Y/n from the purple energy. "I set a card face down and I end my turn."
Sarah's turn.
"I draw. I activate polymerization to fuse Avian and Burstinatrix to summon elemental hero flame wingman. Now attack Red Dragon Archfiend, with skyscraper on the field wingmans attack is increased to 3100. More than enough to beat your red dragon." She said as Wingman went attack red Dragon archfiend. "When flame wingman attacks a monster its attack points are delt to you as damage. We win!" She yelled as flame wingman crashed his dragon head fist into the dragon but was stopped by Y/ns monster as it held it back while being covered by flames as the flames disappeared it appeared with armor and its attack power increased to 3500.
"What?!" Jack exclaimed as a faint glow appeared behind the flames showing a trap card with Y/n looking down in disappointment by tipping his hat.
"Trap activate. Assualt mode activate. This card allows me to add a assault mode synchro monster from my deck to my field. So your monster is still too weak. Say hello to Assault mode Red Dragon Archfiend."
"No way." Sarah said in disbelief as her opponents dragon roared at her. "He has a counter to our strategy,I-I end my turn."
Jack looked at her in shock as she looked at the monster with fear.
Y/ns turn.
"I draw! I summon bronn mad king of the dark world. Now he'll return to my hand as I summon Grapha from my graveyard." Y/n's dragons roared as they met with each other as they turn their heads from each other and towards their opponents. "Grapha attack Flame Wingman with dark blast." He commanded as Grapha fired a pitch black beam destroying flame wingman. "Now Red Dragon end this duel. Attack Sarah with Extreme Crimson Burning." Y/ns monster roared as it brought it's right claw out showing a red ball of heat for throwing it at Sarah ending the duel and sending the couple back.
Winner: Y/n Tsukumo.
Setting his duel disk back into pixels Y/n walked over and took the couple's heart pieces knocking them out of the tournament. But a sudden sound of an explosion went off catching Dextra and Y/n off guard as they looked towards the sky seeing the World Duel Carnival airship falling.
"Dextra return to everyone. I'm gonna stop that." He said as he felt innocent lives on the plane.
"How?" She asked as Y/n smirked.
"Simple. By dueling." He said as his fuel disk appeared again. "Come forth Void Ogre Dragon and Red Dragon Archfiend." Y/ns dragons roared as they appeared with Red Dragon lowering its hand as Y/n jumped onto the giant claw as the Two dragons flew off towards the plane.
Kari was currently talking to a air field commander as the person that mans the sonar said that two unidentified air crafts are making their way to the ship.
Yuma looked up as he felt winds push him to the ground seeing Void Ogre and a dragon he hasn't see before but noticed Y/n in its claw. "Y/n?" He questioned as Astral looked at the boy and the dragons.
"Red Dragon get me close to the window." Y/n ordered as it roared and flew off towards the cockpit. Jumping into the ship Y/n moves the unconscious pilot but felt someone's climb in seeing Kite.
"Who are you?" They both questioned as they both tried to pull the plane back up.
"Now orbital." Kite ordered as the small robot fired its thrusters.
"Void ogre, Red Dragon help the robot out!" Y/n commanded as the two dragons appeared next to the robot and began to flap their wings in an effort to stop the aircraft. The two boys were able to successfully land the plane as Y/n's dragons roared in victory. The two boys looked at each other before walking away. Y/n's dragons vanished as they flew towards him. The boy yawned as he left with his brother after being bombarded by questions to which he answered truthfully causing Yuma to look at him in shock as his brother now had two new number cards.
Y/n walked towards his home as he began to think in his head. "If I'm gonna be working for heartland. I can use this to hunt for the numbers I need. I will know the secrets to my past. Even if it means I have to eradicate whoever oppose me."
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