Droite vs Tron. Questions get answered
A/n. So I'm gonna be doing some recap in some chapters to remind people what happened in the last chapter if I post late. Just a small heads up.
Anyways enjoy! Oh! I will also being using some Japanese names for cards let me know if you want me to continue with Utopia or the Japanese name Hope
Droite and Vetrix appeared in a jungle clearing as a small pond appear in front of them. The female duelist looked at the masked child before the two drew their cards.
"8000 life points. You're a crafty one." Tron complimented but Droite didn't care.
"No matter what kind of trick you use, I'll defeat you. Here in the jungle field. If a player doesn't summon,special summon or set from their hand while this field card is up they take one thousand points of damage." Explaining to Tron the ponds water rippled.
"I see. You came here knowing that. So you're who set traps on my coaster to lead me to this jungle." Tron thought out loud before getting annoyed. "You went through some lengths."
Annoyed Droite drew her card giving her the first turn.
"I draw. I activate the magic card. Phantasmol dance of the confusing butterflies. When i activate this card while a field spell is active i can special summon the level four photon butterfly assassin morpho and swallowtail. Show yourselves Morpho, swallowtail." Flying up the two monsters giggled as they appeared on the field. "I overlay the two level four monsters to build the overlay network. XYZ summon! Appear photon butterfly assassin."
Shocked Tron backed up a small bit. "An XYZ summon of the bat?!"
"Furthermore, I'll entertain you with these three continuous magic cards." She announced before activating them as the three appeared one after another. "First up is butterfly charm. I'm sure you were listening about the field spell?"
"Right. I was listening."
"However, with butterfly charm, if you summon a monster but don't attack with it, It'll be forcefully destroyed."
"So then I'll attack."
" I wont let you do that. Next up is Assassin Gate. If a monster that does not have assassin in its name attacks, its forcefully destroyed by this card."
This perked Trons distress as he realized he wouldn't be able to attack.
"Right. The only fate that awaits your monsters is destruction, regardless of what you do."
"N-No way." Tron said as he waved his arms.
"I'm not done."
"The third. Death butterfly's invitation. In order to maintain this card I have to pay two thousand life points." While explaing the spell a golden tornado appeared from it and crashed into her causing her life to go down to six thousand.
"But, when its active any monsters on the field is destroyed, it will inflict 1500 damage to the controlling player."
"So that means I'll receive damage if I don't summon any monsters and even if i manage one, It'll be destroyed, and I'll receive tremendous damage. You used up 2000 of yours to deal 1500. I see so thats why you raised yours all the way up to 8000." Shocked Tron looked at the three spells as a white plain butterfly flew next to him.
"With this combo you'll be engulfed in this jungle in three turns." Looking at her opponent Droite smirked. But that smirked vanished as she remembered what Kari told her.
"Look Y/n is strong but with amnesia he doesn't know this place. Can you watch out for him?"
"Y/n. I promise I'll protect you."
Just then a red cart entered the jungle as a familiar spikey haired boy drove in confused.
"Huh? Where are we?" He asked as Astral and Tori looked around as a small monarch butterfly flew past them and towards the right showing the three a duel as they followed it.
"Droite and Tron?" The young duelist asked as he looked at everyone with Tron doing everything he could to get the young duelists attention.
"Aye Yuma look at that pickle I'm in." He smiled gesturing to the three spells.
"Eh?" Looking at the three and getting filled in by Astral the three looked at them.
"But there's a way around it." Astral said causing Tron to agree with him before going on to his turn.
" but I will triumph over love. I draw. I set a monster and a face down. I end my turn."
"It's useless. You cannot escape this jungle. I draw. I give up two thousand life points to keep my spell on the field."
Droite 4000
"I activate photon assassin butterflys effect to flip your defense position monster to face up. Furthermore it loses 600 attack points."
Trons monster flipped over showing Hearldric beast Abercornway with its attack now twelve hundred.
"Go Photon Assassin butterfly attack Abercornway."
With droites monster attack being successful Trons life went down to 3100, but due to the spell card Invitation he went further down.
"Thats awesome, Droite." Yuma praised as she set a monster face down.
"A flawless,perfect,combo." Tron said as he in a way mocked it.
"I wont let you see Y/n." Glaring at Tron this sentence caught Yuma off guard.
"You're cutting your life points,No, your actual life to protect Y/n. Are you thinking of Y/n to that extent? All your actions are what refer to the "power of love", right?" Tron asked as he stared Droite down.
"Huh? Love? Droites doing this for my brother?" Yuma asked not getting the idea of this as he knows Y/n can handle himself. That was until Tori punched his stomach making him go wide eyed with a comical jaw drop as he held his stomach as she had a pout before admiring Droite.
"Gosh you're so thick headed." She scolded the young duelist before looking at the purple haired woman. "But the power of love, lovely isn't it?"
"Dont you get it now?" Droite referred to Tron. "Even if you set a monster you won't escape this combo."
Trons turn
"My turn. Draw. I summin Hearldric beast barons falcon."
"So you finally prepared yourself. Butterfly charm effect activates, when you summon a monster in attack its forced to attack, thus activating asassins gate causing it to be destroyed along with invitation dealing 1500 damage." Droite smirked as Baron's falcon was destroyed and Trons life hitting one hundred.
Tron: 100
"Awesome. That Tron dude can't be Droite." Yuma smiled as he looked at her.
"I did it. Now my victory is assur-"
Tron slowly began to get up as he laughed ending Droites celebration.
"Nice. Very nice. The "power of live" humans share. I want to experience them as well. I mean your happy moments with Y/n. I want to sink my teeth into them." He threatend making Droite and Yuma gasp.
"Now, here I come. I activate the magic card high medallion arts. This card allows me to special summon two heraldic monsters with the same level from my graveyard and xyz summon them. I use Abercornway and Baron's falcon to xyz summon Number 8 Heraldic King Genome Heriter." Trons number card appeared in defnese mode its appearance was that of a deer with long blonde hair and a mask making everyone shocked.
"That's." Yuma started as Astral finished due to his partner being in shock.
"Tron's number."
"I end my turn with this." Tron chuckled making Droite growl.
"Doesn't matter if you use a number. The next turn will decide the outcome. I draw."
Droite: 2000l.p
"I wont let you lay a finger on Y/n! I activate photon assassin butterflys effect to change your monster to attack position and it loses 600 attack. Photon Assassin butterfly attacks Heraldic King Genome Heriter. This is ends it. Butterfly death dance!"
"Yes! If this goes through!" Yuma cheered.
"I activate Genome Heriter effect. By using one overlay unit I can use one of its three effects. I will use your monsters name." The blonde locks of Trons number surrounded Droites butterfly causing it to get drained of its color as Heriter changes form to show it now as Photon Assassin butterfly but with a mask.
"What just happened?" Droite asked in fear.
"I just stole your monsters name. Watch carefully." Tron smirked.
Due to Droite attacking with her now unnamed card her monster activated assassin gate causing it to be destroyed.
"Now since your monster was destroyed invitation activates dealing 1500 points of damage." Tron smiled as Droites life went down causing her to lay on the ground.
Droite: 500
Trons masks left eye began to glow as his symbol appeared setting the jungle on fire.
"Does this mean I can't beat that man?" Getting to her feet she looked at her field with despair.
" oh yeah. I just thought of something good." A roar sounded off as Trons crest appeared again and hit Droite on her forehead. "I'll steal your memories from you." He smirked as Droite was wrapped up in a DNA helix chain.
"This can't be Droites, Oi Droite!" Yuma called out as the woman stared blankly at Tron. "Whats wrong?! Droite! Don't let Trons powers beat you." He yelled as Droite lowered her left arm along with her duel disk that was connected to. "Weren't you fighting for Y/ns sake?! You gotta win....and see Y/n!"
"I....Y/n." She muttered as Y/n a flashback of her and Y/n appeared with him smiling.
"I dont want one of my peers to be hurt."
"I hope we become good friends."
"That's right. I'm gonna make sure he's okay during this tournament." She exclaimed making Tron look in interest.
"I summon moonlit Papillion! Then I flip summon the phantom butterfly assassin Ulysses I had set reverse! I use these two monsters to build the overlay network. XYZ Summon. Appear Photon Alexandria Queen."
"Droite hasn't given up yet." Happy that the duelist got out of her funk Yuma smiled as did Astral and Tori.
"I activate Photon Alexandria Queens effect. By using all of her overlay units I can send our monsters back to our hands and deal 500 points of damage to each other for each."
"A draw?!" Astral and Yuma said as they were shocked.
"Butterfly effect!" Alexandria Queen flew around with rainbow shards shooting from her wings as Droite glared at Tron. "I don't need my life...nor my real one at that! Together with my memories of Y/n, I will...!"
"Well said for an insect. Your feeling, your memories will become a delicious meal for me. Trap activate. Medallion Record. When an effect using xyz materials activate i can negate it."
"N-No way!" Astonished Yuma watched as Alexandria's effect was negated.
"Hehehe...your turn?" Tron asked a defeated Droite.
"Droite! Stay with us!"
"No...i don't want to forget about you. Y/n."
"Theyre flowing within me. Your conscious, your memories, your love." Tron smirked as he glowed a red hue. "My turn. I draw. Sleep inside me Droite. I attack with Photon Assassin butterfly!"
"Stop it!" Yuma yelled as Droites monster was destroyed and with the effect of Invitation she was inflicted with 1500 points of damage. Ending the duel in Trons favor.
"Droite, you will journey through Amnesia."
"Y/n...Y/." Droite tried to finish but lost the name.
"What gives? Memeories of love isn't that tasty." Tron said as he used his finger to adjust his mask.
In a fit of rage Yuma glared at Tron. "Tron!!"
"I'll eat your heart next Yuma." Tron smirked before vanishing in a portal as he turned into dust.
"Droite!" Running to the female he caught the falling woman.
"Tell that person....to..remember me." She pleaded as tears came down her face. "Y/n."
"No way." Saddened by the outcome was all Tori could say.
"So thats.. Trons power."
"I wont forgive you!"
Meanwhile on the coaster track.
Two carts, a blue one and an black one, raced down a track.
"So you've made it Y/n." V said as he looked behind himself as Y/n rushed forwards his monsters gone as the two spiraled into a dome.
Outside with the spectators.
"What deals they haven't showed any of the duels." Alice said annoyed at the static screen. Below her was Yuma's friends as they complained about it as well. "I hope Y/n is okay." She mumbled.
Rushing on the coaster track Yuma and Tori made their way to find a duelist in the dark pit until a notification on their coaster went off showing two people entering the space area.
"That must be where Y/n is. If we can find him we'll see if someone followed him." Yuma concluded before speeding up causing Tori to hold onto her seat.
"Yuma slow down! You'll run into one of those traps."
Space area.
Golden pixels began to form as V appeared as he stood on a space ship.
"Y/n. I'm ready for our duel. I'll take whatever you dish out to me." He said as golden pixels across from him formed to show the red capped duelist.
"V. You'll tell me everything I want to know." He glared. "Now get ready."
"I'll go first. I draw. I summon planet path finder. Next i special summon solar wind jammer. This card can be summoned by halving its attack points. Then i activate the spell card Tannhäuser Gate. This card changes their levels to the combine number the two numbers are four and five which makes them nine. I overlay my two level nine monsters to xyz summon. Appear number 9 Dyson Sphere." V said as his number didn't appear but Y/n knew it was on the field. "Due to this space field I can draw a card after a successful xyz summon. I set one card face down and end my turn."
"Of course that number hides in something like this." Y/n growled as he looked around.
"What's the matter Y/n? It's your turn."
"My turn. Draw!" Looking down at his hand he saw a combo he can do automatically. "I know your monster has 2800 attack points. So I summon Fabled Raven in attack mode." Slamming the card onto his duel disk Y/ns monster smiled as it looked at the empty field. "Next i activate its effect to discard one card. I discard Snoww. Then when Snoww is sent to the graveyard i can add one dark world card to my hand. I choose Beiige. Now i activate the spell card dark world dealings. We both draw a card i discard Beiige due to my spells effect. Next ill summon him to the field. I tune my level three fabled raven with my level four beiige to synchro summon. Appear! Dark Highlander!" Yelling out his monsters name the synchro monster appeared as it spun its scythe around before placing it down. "You can't attack me directly now since Dark highlander has the same attack as your monster." Smirking Y/n looked at his opponent as Highlander placed his scythe in front of his master in a protective manner. " I set a card face down and end my turn."
"I draw. I attack with Dyson Sphere." V said as Y/n looked up in the sky seeing small beams fall down.
"You'll destroy your monster as well!" Y/n reminded but V looked disappointed.
"Did you forget numbers cant be destroyed by other monsters except for numbers?" V reminded him causing him to see Highlander take multiple shots as he fell to one need before collapsing and turning into pixels.
"Sorry Highlander." He apologized sending his monster to the grave.
"I end my turn."
"Not so fast i activate gateway to the dark world to bring back Beiige."
"My turn. I dra-" y/n couldn't finish as Yuma and Tori landed in front of them.
"You really are an idiot Yuma." Tori scorned as Yuma opened his eyes.
"Yuma? Tori?" He heard his brother questioned.
"Y/n! I have something to tell you." He said standing fully up as he looked up at his brother. "Tron defeated Droite."
"So? She lost a duel she'll be fine." He said not worried about his superior.
"No you don't understand. He took her memories." He explained making Y/n confused.
"He took her memories as in something a part of her?"
"Yes. She said to keep remembering her. She even liked you." He said making Y/ns eyes widen.
"She liked me?" He repeated as something in him snapped. "Move Yuma." He said as his cap covered his eyes.
"I said move!" He yelled as his eyes revealed to be red and blue. "If you have questions for V ask him after the duel, I'll make him pay, I'll make them all PAY!"
Yuma backed away along with Tori as they saw Y/n's furious demeanor. But Astral noticed a black sinister Aura around him making the being curious.
"I draw!" Y/n looked at his hand seeing the tools he needs for his summoning. "I summon mad king Bronnz. I overlay my level four monsters to build the overlay network, XYZ SUMMON Lavalval Chain in defense mode!"
"I activate its effect to send a card from my deck to my grave. I choose sinister sprocket. Next i set two cards face down. I end my turn."
"My turn. I draw. I attack your xyz monster with number 9!"
Y/n watched as his monster was destroyed making him stare down V in anger.
"I end my turn."
"I draw! I activate the spell monster reborn. I chose to bring back fabled raven. Now I discard one card making it level three. Next silvas effect activtes having him appear on my field. I tune my level three fabled raven with my level five silva. Appear RED DRAGON ARCHFIEND!" Y/n yelled as a eruption of flames blinded everyone with its heat before appearing.
"Battle. Go Red Dragon Archfiend attack V's number! Absolute power force!" Firing a ball of fire at V the attack curved towards the sun.
"Very well Y/n. I'll show you my number!"
Appearing from behind the sun Number 09 dyson sphere appeared as the giant satellite surrounded the space ship they stood on.
"So that's your number V. I'll blow it up like nothing." Y/n said as He made V use an overlay unit. "Now i activate my spell card. Red Dragon Vase!"
"I draw two cards. I set two cards and end my turn."
"My turn. I draw! I activate dyson spheres effect. I attack you directly."
"Not so fast. I activate Kuribohs effect. I can discard this monster to stop negate any battle damage I take." Y/n said as Kuriboh took the hit before shattering.
"I end my turn."
"I draw. I activate Scarlet Security. When I have a red dragon archfiend I can destroy your spells/traps. I set a card face down. I end my turn."
"I don't get it why isn't Y/n attacking?" Yuma questioned before Astral observed the duel.
"It appears he's stuck. I believe he knows something since it doesn't have any overlay units." Astral explained as his brother looked at his deck.
"I activate Gravity Blaster to increase my monsters attak by 400. Go Dyson spear attack Red Deagon archfiend."
"Trap activate. Red cocoon." Y/n yelled as his monster was destroyed as he took 200 points of damage.
Y/n 2100lp
"Due to red cocoon when it was sent to the graveyard. I can bring back Red Dragon archfiend."
"So what? Is that all you can do bring back a now weak dragon?"
"This duel isn't over. I got three face downs. I activate my first one mystical space typhoon to destroy your spell card. I know red dragon isn't gonna be enough to defeat you. But now its my turn. I draw!"
Looking at the new card he drew Y/n's red and blue eyes shined as he smirked. Looking up at his dragon Y/n began to laugh hysterically. Something that made his opponent and the spectators unsettled.
"V you should've been faster to deplete my life points cause now I have the winning formula. Something that even dyson sphere can't withstand. I summon red resonator. When this monster is summoned i can special summon a level four or lower monster. Appear my second Fabled Raven."
"So what your monsters can't beat me they're not strong enough."
"They're not strong enough separately. That's why I'm going to combine the three of them!" Y/n smirked as the stars around began to dim making everyone look around.
"Whats happening."
"Hehehe. I'll tell you what's happening." Everyone looked wide eyed as Y/ns voice seemed to have changed into something darker. " Choas is happening. Red resonators effect activates I can gain life points equal to a monsters attack points. I choose Red Dragon Archfiend."
Y/n: 5100
" Red Dragon Archfiend the time has come!" Y/n exclaimed as his dragon let out a massive roar as Y/n began to laugh. " I double tune my level two Red Resonator and Fabled Raven with my level eight Red Dragon Archfiend!"
"Double tune?!" V exclaimed as he watched Y/ns monsters move up as he began to laugh.
"Does such a technique exist?!" Yuma said as Astral noticed the black aura around Y/n take form of a dragon.
"A number?" He questioned as Y/ns first number appeared behind him.
Everyone watched as the two tuners turned into rings of fire as Y/n laughed before he started his new chant for one of his strongest monsters.
" The dark Prince and devil, here and now, shall become one. Shake the very core of the earth with your strength and be creation itself! Appear SCAR RED NOVA DRAGON!"
"So what Dyson sphere will be able to stop your attacks."
"Oh I know thats why I activate my two trap cards to bring back Red Dragon archfiend and Sinister Sprocket to Synchro summon Abyss Dragon. Now Abyss attack Number 9 Hell's RAGE!"
"I activate Dyson spheres effect!" V announced thinking he could stop the attack by nothing happens as his monster didn't gain any xyz materials. "What?!"
" I activated Abyss's effect. Negating your monsters effect. CONTINUE ABYSS!"
V:3600 l.p
"Now Scar Red Nova Dragon effects activates. It gains five hundred attack for each tuner in my graveyard, I have four that boosts it to 5500. But why stop there? I activate the spell Riryoku. It know gains 1400 more!"
Scar red nova dragon 3500>>5500>6900atk
V placed his arm down in defeat as Y/n smiled.
"Go Scar Red Nova Dragon attack Dyson Sphere. Burning soul!" Y/n yelled as his dragon flew towards Dyson sphere with it glowing red before charging head first into it making the number card explode along with finishing Vs life points.
"It seems you won Y/n." V smiled making the boy grab his collar.
"You're going to tell me everything i want to know." He said with his now normal voice and normal colored eyes.
"What would you like to know?" He smiled.
"Where is my number card?" He asked making V smile.
"Your number card is in Astral World." He explained making Y/n nod before leaving. "Is that all you want to know?"
Looking behind himself he smirked evily. "I have everything I need to get the rest of my memories." His eyes flashed red and blue before he left with his cart after picking up Number 9.
"Y/n." Yuma mumbled as he watched his brother drove off. "What happened to you?"
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