Droite's curiosity with Y/n. Co-workers day.
Kari is currently putting away the dinner with the help of her grandma as her brothers are both brushing their teeth. Y/n and Yuma one at a time rinsed and spit their toothpaste out before Yuma went to get his clothes for a shower while Y/n was already wearing his pajamas. The outfit consists of a black shirt and red checkered pajama pants. The boy went through his deck as his tattoo glowed once he passed over number 68 and 48.
"Why are you two malevolent?" He questioned as he stared at the two. Walking to the kitchen to get a glass of water the boy met with Kari as he was handed a cup to fill the cup with from Kari. "Thanks sis." He smiled before filling up the cup and chugging it down as he has been without water all day.
Just then the door bell rang gaining the three people's attention.
"I got it." Y/n said as he placed his cup down and jogged towards the door before cracking it open. "Eh!?" He exclaimed as he opened the door completely. "Droite?" He asked as the female looked at him.
"Hello Y/n. Can we talk?" She asked looking at him with her normal serious look.
"Uhm sure. We can chat in my room." He said as the female nod towards him.
Letting her in Y/n looked embarrassed as Haru and Kari looked at her with wide eyes at how pretty she seemed.
"Come on we can go to the room." He said slightly pushing her up to the room before looking at the females mouthing "later". The two of them entered his room.
"I didn't think your room would be so. Colorful." She said which Y/n rubbed the back of his head.
"Well it's actually Yuma's he lives up in the attic to stay with his dad's artifacts. Grandma put me in here so I didn't have to sleep on the couch." He said rubbing the back of his head nervously. "Anyways. How can I help you?"
"I want to know why you took Heartland's offer." She said as she sat on his bed.
"To hunt numbers. I'm missing my memories and specific number cards can help me get them back. So far the three numbers I hold are linked to my memories. Some good." he said before grabbing his arm as he held his tattoo. "Some bad."
"I see and what about the Tsukumo family? What do you think of them?" Raising an eyebrow Droite looked at him as Y/n looked towards the night sky from the window he stood next to.
"They're nice people. They took me in when I didn't have anything but a deck to my name. But back then I didn't have a name. Kari thought of Y/n Tsukumo for me. Haru is like a sweet grandma that helped me with my deck. While Yuma is a hyper kid, he means well, he wishes nothing but good vibes with everyone. He's in a way reminds me of myself even if I don't know how I was back then." He chuckled as a star twinkled in the night sky. "Now my turn to ask a question. Why are you so interested into me?"
Droite looked at her buissness skirt not wanting to look into his eyes. "You just remind me of someone and well since we will be co-workers I want to know more about you. Heartland doesn't have any files on you so I wanted to see why he chose you. When we first met you were mysterious as I've never seen your synchro monsters before. So i just want to know more about you." She said looking at him with a stern expression.
"I see." He smiled before chuckling gaining Droites attention. "I wouldn't be telling the truth if I said you didn't intrest me a little." He said walking up to her and holding his hand out. "Well. I hope we get to know each other and become good friends." He smiled as Droite held his hand as the two shook hands. "I think it actually pretty late. You should stay here for the night." He said looking at the night sky as thunder clouds began to hover above them. "It seems like it's gonna rain too. So staying here would be a good idea for tonight." He smiled making her blush a bit.
"I think you might be right. I'll just sleep on the couch over there." She said pointing at the couch in the corner.
"No. You can have my bed. I actually have a spare blanket and pillow in one of the drawers." He said pulling out a basic white pillow and black comforter. "You can leave in the morning after breakfast." He smiled as he laid out the necessary things onto the couch for himself.
Droite looked towards him as he got ready to sleep. The adult looked at him and laid down on the bed yawning before sleeping as well. Unknowing to them Astral and Yuma heard their conversation with worry as Yuma found out that Y/n became a number hunter.
Timeskip brought to you by Chibi Y/n petting chibi versions of his dragons.
Droite slowly rose from the bed as she rubbed her eyes,rubbing the sleep out of her eyes, she noticed Y/n was missing with chatter coming from the living room. Walking down the steps quietly she noticed Y/n watching a video from his D-Gazer about making chocolate chip pancakes. She watched as Y/n poured the pancake batter into a pan as he sprinkled a decent amount of chocolate chips along with pulling out pieces of bacon from the oven and moving what seems to be hashbrowns in a seperate pan.
Y/n turned around as he began to hum a song as he made the food as he let out a small "Yu-Gi-Oooh" he smiled as he acted like he was gonna draw a card. "It's time to d-d-d-duel" he smiled before laughing at his silliness. Finally finishing up the food he readied it all on paper plates and kept some in pans. Y/n turned around to wake everyone up but noticed Droite standing there with a small smile on her face. "Uhm. How long were you there for?" He embarrasly asked.
"Basically the entire time." She smiled making him blush.
"Well food is in the counter help yourself. I'm gonna go wake up my family." He shyly stepped up the stairs before running up them.
Droite got herself a portion of the food and took a bite out of the pancake amazed by the taste. Soon the Tsukumo family came down and gotten their food except for Y/n as he began to put his jacket on as he secured his deck in it's box.
"You're not gonna eat?" Yuma asked as Y/n shook his head with a smile.
"No I ate before making the food. There's plenty and even bento boxes for everyone. Droite I'll see you at work." He smiled before walking out of the house.
Walking outside Y/n pulled out his numbers and sighed seeing them in his possession. "Alright what's the next number?" He asked himself before the number 50 appeared on his wrist as if answering his question. "Alright. Time to find that number." He spoke to himself as he walked towards heartland city. Droite finished her food and thanked the Tsukumo's for their hospitality. But before she left Kari stopped her.
"Hey." She called out to the female as Driote turned around. "Take care of Y/n. He might seem strong but he's still oblivious with his amnesia." She asked as a smile crept it's way onto her face.
"Of course. I'll look after him and make sure he doesn't get into too much trouble like Gauche." Droite said as she looked towards Heartland as she knew where he was. "I'm sure Gauche is fond of him after the duel, but, it'll be a while until they are friends." Turning back to Kari Driote said her goodbyes and left into the city.
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