Sometimes you take what you can get.
Y/n woke up to the sound of sirens. The lights of the police cars lit up the room he stayed in. Quickly jumping out of the recliner he went to bite himself but a long branch wrapped around him keeping the boy's arms away from his mouth. Trying to wiggle out he sighed as the hero Kamui woods appeared with mount lady.
"Well seems like we found you." She smiled as the boy growled.
Woods walked next to her before getting a good look at the boy.
"This is who gave you the slip?" He asked making the female look at him before holding her arm.
"He's stronger than you think." She said as she rubbed her wounded arm from when the boy attacked her. "Anyways let's take him in." She smiled before having woods open the boy's mouth and placing a tablet in his mouth causing him to swallow it.
Feeling his eyes grew heavy the boy slowly began to fall asleep as he went limp in the hero's branches. Mount lady's smile vanishes as fast as it came. She held her arm with a slight growl.
"That brat what does he think he was doing." She said before looking around and seeing his living conditions. "Oh, that's right. He's trying to survive. But I don't get it why doesn't he go to an orphanage?" She asked as Kamui Woods looks at the boy.
"Do you think he left his orphanage?"
"That could be a possibility." She concluded as the two left with the boy. Sleeping in the police cruiser Y/n squirmed a little as he began to dream.
Y/n stood on a cliff as he looked around seeing the ocean below its calm waters and the sound of seagulls went off in his ears as he smiled at it.
"Beautiful isn't it?" A voice asked as he turned around seeing an older man standing next to him. His long brown hair was dressed in a bun. He wore a pair of brown pants and a green shirt. His eyes showed no emotion.
"Y-Yeah. It's breathtaking." He smiled as he looked back out to the ocean. "I always thought about how big the ocean is. The crystal clear waters, the sun beaming down on you. It seems all too peaceful."
"I thought so too. But then I learned about what lies on the other side. Y/n you must master this power and use it to put an end to the project. They wish to bring back the titans." He said causing the boy to turn to him.
"Titans? Wait, how do you know my name?" He asked but the male vanished as a titan stood in front of him. Its brown hair and green eyes looked down at him as it gently picked him up before placing him on his shoulder.
"Your titan power is mine." He heard the voice as he was now sitting on a roof with a massive wall in front of him. "Take back all the titans and make sure they don't ever regain the abilities to bring us back. This is your fight for freedom." The voice spoke before Y/n turned around and saw his titan form.
Waking up he found himself in a bed as he raised his head yawning but he noticed he wasn't in his hideout making him go into a state of panic.
"Easy there." A prideful voice called out as he saw all might. Instinctively the boy went to bite his hand but couldn't move seeing he was bound to the bed. "I just want to talk."
"Why don't you unbind me first?" He asked causing the male to shake his head.
"I'm afraid I can't do that. We can't have you transform, now can we?" He smiles while I slowly start to hyperventilate. This being bound to the bed is reminding me of my time there. The cuts, the torn limbs....everything.
I noticed the man beginning to worry as I was held down. My breathing was beginning to get spermatic as I was remembering everything. Just then I smelt a kind of perfume as my vision began to vanish again making me fall unconscious.
"Poor kid." The M-rated hero Midnight said as she brushed some hair out of the boy's face. "Just from this, he must've to have a horrible past." She said as he moved around in his sleep. "Do we have to send him back to his orphanage?" Midnight asked as she looked at the symbol of peace.
Just then mount lady and kamui woods walked in and answered her question.
"No." The female said as she looked at the boy. "He never was at an orphanage." She said making the two heroes look at her with shock.
"Family?" Looking at them the symbol questioned to which Kamui woods shook his head.
"No. He has nothing to his name. As far as we're concerned he's just a name." Woods answered as the heroes looked at the boy.
"Well let's get him to an orphanage." Midnight said but was stopped.
"I don't think that's the right thing to do. He could just use his powers to run away then we'll be at this all over again." Kamui spoke before the symbol of peace came up with an idea.
"I have come up with an idea!" He exclaimed as they looked at him while he laughs. "One of us will adopt him. He will also be under investigation so we can find out more about him." He smiled.
"My home isn't safe for a minor." Midnight said as she blushed.
"Oh right cause of all that booze and you do only have one room," Kamui spoke before he looked at the symbol of peace. "My house isn't big enough to support two people and I don't make as much to support a kid." He said before the three looked at Lady.
This caused her to recoil back as she looked at them.
"What?! No, there's no way I'm gonna take care of this brat." She said before All Might smiled.
"But your quirk is similar to his." He listed off.
"Your house is big enough to support you and him," Midnight added as Kamui crossed his arms and sighed.
"And, admittedly you make more than me so you can support him as well." The hero said causing her to sigh.
"Fine." She gave up before looking at the sleeping boy.
*six hours later.*
As I slowly woke up from my slumber. A strong aroma entered my nose as I lifted myself from my bed. I looked around seeing a T.V, a coffee table, tan curtains, and a green couch that I'm currently laying on. Looking over the furniture I noticed the hero I saw earlier. What was her name again? Something lady? She wasn't in her hero outfit but instead in blue jeans, and a purple shirt.
"I see that you're awake." She acknowledges as I saw my reflection in a glass window of one of the cabinets. I grew worried. Is she gonna do what they did to me?
Seeing her turn around I instinctively jumped out of the couch and place my hand in my mouth but she stopped me in a panic.
"Don't you do it! I don't need my home to be destroyed." She said as I saw two plates in her hands. On it was bacon and eggs with some toast. "I made you breakfast." She said as I nervously backed up but she cautiously placed it on the table. "You can eat it at your pace." She said before taking a seat at the kitchen bar.
"Where's Kitty girls?" I asked as she looked at me with confusion.
"Kitty girls?"
"My cat. She and I lived together." I explained as she looked at me before making her way to the front door. As she opened it I noticed a full black cat with a white spot on her chest.
Meowing she hopped on the couch as I sat down carefully before she sat on my lap purring. I began to pet her as I stared at the food.
"You might want to eat it. You have school today." She said causing me to grow confused.
"School?" I asked as she nods.
"Yeah. Have you never been to school before?"
"No......." I answered as Kitty Girls noticed my change in attitude before the lady as she licked my hand causing me to pet her.
"She's fond of you." She smiled before sitting next to me making me scoot over.
"She's the only thing I can trust cause unlike anyone else she hasn't hurt me," I told her before petting my cat.
"I see. Well to tell you. You'll be assigned a class called 1-B. There you'll be watched over by the teacher Vladd while I'm at work." She said as I grew even more cautious.
"I'll go but in taking my cat with me," I said causing her to look at me.
"I can't let that happen."
"You will or I can just transform and run away and let you deal with trying to find me."
This causes her to grow an annoyed look before see me smirk.
"Fffffine." She hissed as I knew I won. "But you need to get into your school uniform."
After getting my uniform on and getting my cat I sat in the backseat still not trusting this woman. After a ten-minute drive, I made my way towards the gate but felt her grab my hand causing me to go wide-eyed with fear.
"Don't tell anyone about your ability to shift. We don't know if your special and people are looking for you. Just say you have healing strength or something. Okay?"
"Sure." I squicked out before making my way to the school with my cat. I looked at the school before I saw a white-haired male wearing his hero outfit. It was completely red with some wires going to his wrist.
"Welcome Y/n." He greeted me before standing tall in front of me "to U.A academy. I'm here to take you to your homeroom to which I'm the teacher of and will be personally watching over you."
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