Project A.
Warning: Gore. Please skip this chapter if you don't want to read this part.
A young fifteen-year-old sat on a bed, his arms and legs bandaged up, the room he sat in was painted red with blood. His eyes shook as he feared for what they had ready for him. The door opened letting in some light as the boy backed away in fear against the wall.
"No, please, I didn't do anything yet!" He cried as three scientists walked in two of them held restraints in their hands while another had a table of surgical tools.
The two strapped him down much to his dismay as he thrashed around. One of the scientists held his eyes open as he looked at her with fear and tears.
"Stay calm. The less you move the less time we will be here for." She calmly explained as he cried seeing the lead scientist pull a scalpel off the movable table making him squirm.
"Project A." A tough male voice spoke making the boy move his eyes to the left side as he stood looking at the night sky. "You have failed to reach expectations. If you do not react accordingly to this current test. We'll feed you to our next subject." He spoke making the boy wide-eyed. "I do believe you do not want that to happen considering you did it with the one before." He concluded making the boy tear up.
He was right, before you there was another, one you sadly and disturbingly ate. But of course, you didn't remember. Why? Well, you thought it was a dream. One where you would wake up from. You only heard it from these people. But when you woke up there was the lower part of the female's body.
"Now let's begin." He said before turning his head to his assistants.
The boy felt the cold steel on his bandages as the small blade cur through his arm downwards causing him to scream in pain but it was muffled as he was gagged by a piece of cloth. The small cut quickly expanded as he cried and squirmed. Blood leaked from his arms as it was now painting his bed red. The smell of iron stunk the room as he cried in pain. The female scientist looked at him with a stoic look. The one cutting him continued down to his hip as he cried more.
"That's enough." The leader said as he turned to the boy. "Let's see if it works." He said as the three watched the boy. His wounds leaked like a faucet with his nozzle turned. The boy hiccuped as he cried. The three stood there watching. But nothing happened. "Unbind him. He's defective." The man turned around as he made his way to the exit. "Take him to the person that will inherit his powers. All for one wants those upgraded Nomus soon. So why wait?" He smirked leaving the room.
The boy cried as he was being dragged into a room as his blood left a trail from his room to the room the Nomus were being held in. The boy felt himself get roughly tossed in as he held his wounds. He cried as he banged his side against the steel door. Taking the cloth out his mouth he yelled out to the people on the other side.
"Give me one more chance, please! I don't want to die." He cried as he heard growling coming from behind him. "I don't want to die." He quietly let out as he was met with a bird like person. The Nomu lifted him before opening its mouth. The boy looked in fear seeing the saliva and rows of sharp teeth.
The boy cried as he felt the tongue touch his nose with multiple drops of saliva landed in his hair. The boy cried thinking of how his life will be cut short.
"To activate your powers. You must have the determination to live." A voice spoke.
"I want to live..... I don't care what I have to do. I want to live and be free." He thought. "So I can kill the people that gave this program the green light. I'll kill them all and will only trust myself!" He screamed as a small yellow and green glow surrounded his body.
The lead scientist exit an elevator and made his way out of the lab towards the driveway of the disguised Lab that was made as a hotel. Pulling his phone out he checked the time but an explosion went off behind him with a massive roar following behind. The male looked in excitement as the thing he wanted appearing finally came a fifteen-meter monster.
"Yes. You finally achieved it project A." He cheered as his research wasn't for nothing. But his celebration was cut short as the massive hand of his creation slammed onto him before the creature pulled himself out. Roaring through the facility the creature roared in anger as the staff of the lab ran away. After its roar fest, the creature stepped on or even punched them into a red paste. The creature's left fist exploded upon the impact as it destroyed everything in its way. Picking one up he bit the head of one and spit it out. Roaring in the night the beast made its way to the exit but was ensnared in wires causing it to trip and fall. More wires appeared pinning and sinking into the monster. Multiple army men ran to the beast as it tried escaping.
"Get to the beast's neck and sedate it. It'll turn back once we calm it down." The Commanding Officer yelled as his team made their way towards the monster.
Roaring in a burning rage the beast lifted its body slowly as the restraints cannons that were cemented into the ground began to crack. Climbing to its knee the beast roared once more as steam came off of its wounds. Everyone stood back as even more steam came off it. The people that were on the back melted as the steam began to melt the wires. The monster stood in a crouching position as it had its arms trapped in the wires but it pushed and finally got out of the restraints as they went flying and cut a few men in half.
Turning around the monster gripped two cars that were parked outside before throwing them as two groups killing them. Everyone looked in fear as the beast released steam from its mouth as its tongue was split as if it was a bit on. Repairing itself the monster ran away into the desert where the home of the facility was. After two days of running and sleeping the beast landed on a beach in exhaustion. Steam erupted from it as the monster slowly evaporated into nothingness. On the sand, a small body with H/c hair and e/c eyes slowly woke up. His pants were torn and his shirt vanished. Looking confused the boy saw the ocean and its crystal waves in the night. The stars shined in the sky.
"I'm not at the facility?" He asked as he slowly began to cry. "My wounds are healed." He smiled as he soon began to laugh. "I'm free. I am free." He cheered as he laid on his back with the wave rolling up to his shoulders. The cold sensation didn't bother him as he looked up at the sky. He smiled as he exhaled from his mouth. Standing up the water trickled down his back as he looked towards the ocean surface. "I'm still close to it." He said looking behind himself. "How do I make it to the next island?" He questioned but heard a horn. Turning around he saw a cargo ship getting ready to leave. "Bingo." He smiled before running to the dock and sneaking onto it.
Sneaking to the back of the ship the boy yawned as he rests hidden behind a crate. Slowly he began to close his eyes as the cargo of the ship showed Japan.
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