Hero suit
"Y/n time to wake up!" A female voice called out from the other side of the door. A cat slowly stretches as it made its way to a mop of H/c hair. The latter was sleeping on a mattress that laid on the floor. Yu Takeyama, the woman taking care of the boy, couldn't get him a bed frame just yet but since she has the day off she planned to go shopping for the boy. Purring the cat rubbed herself against her human before pawing his face waking the boy somewhat.
Yawning himself awake the boy sat up and rubbed his eyes. Petting his small cat he stood up before making his way to the kitchen to grab a glass of water.
"Good morning Y/n. How did you sleep?" Takeyama asked as she looked at the boy seeing his facial expression saying "don't ask." "Well anyways did you do your homework?" She asked as he sat on the couch resting his head on the cushions.
"Yeah. Kind of hard though. But I was able to figure it out." He said before looking to the side seeing Eren looking over the city through the window. "Takeyama when does school start?"
"You still got about an hour. It's only a ten-minute drive from here." She said before sitting down and handing him a plate of French toast. "Here. This should be filling." She smiled making him raise an eyebrow.
"You're kind considering I morphed yesterday," I said to which she nervously chuckled.
"I know it wasn't your fault. Whatever you dreamt about scared you. I can't blame you for it. Nightmares like that are created by trauma. If you want to talk about it that's fine."
"No. Just because I'm talking to you normally doesn't mean I trust you one hundred percent. When I feel like you gained my trust I'll tell you my past....what I can remember that is." I said before eating my food.
"What you can remember?" She questioned before I finished eating the food and putting it in the sink after rinsing it off.
"Don't worry about it," I said before getting changed into my room and heading to the door. "How long is the walk from here?"
"Twenty minutes." She said before grabbing my hand. "Let me take you to school." She said but I looked out the window. The school was directly in front of us and I know the media is thereafter the USJ attack I saw on the news after I got scolded by her.
"Nah. I'll walk." Making my way to school I forgot Kitty girls but then again when I was eating she went back to sleep. I think I'll be fine for today. "I mean I got you," I said as Eren was walking next to me.
"This world is drastically different from my time." He said as we waited at a stoplight before making our way closer to the school.
"What was your time like Eren?" I asked as he looked down at me before straight ahead.
"It was cruel."
The light changed color as the two continued. Walking towards the school the young boy was surrounded before reporters bombarded him with questions. Pushing past the annoying questions he sped towards the school.
On top of a rooftop, two men in military wear watched as the boy entered the school.
"Do you think that's Project A?" One of them asked as his teammate looked at him.
"We can't assume. But something seems off about the boy. He seems to be talking to himself. At least as far as I can see." He said as his eyes turned that of a hawk.
Jimmy sid: military recon
quirk: bird's eye view. This quirk allows him to see far away places hard for normal people to see.
John McGregor: military recon.
Quirk: bloodhound. His quirk allows him to sniff out anyone like a hunting dog.
"I mean when we traveled to the facility it was destroyed. It could've been the kid. My nose hasn't let me down yet." He yawned as they saw the sun peak out of the clouds.
"Still we can't assume. We never met project A yet. So don't try to rush a job. If anything we can rule him out as a suspect. Until the day happens when our suspicions are correct. We'll let the boss know."
"Who do you think he'll send? Possibly special forces right?"
"No. If he is what we think he is and he's that big of a threat. Boss will probably send one of the projects after him." Keeping an eye on the boy the man looked directly at him before seeing him enter the school.
"Ooo, Project fight, who do you think it'll be project F, B? Oh what about project C?" John questioned getting excited about the massive fight.
"You idiot even if we know who it'll be, Project C is too destructive, Remember what happened with the Tianjin explosion? (real thing btw)" Jim glared at him as his soldier buddy nod.
"Yeah. But you got to admit that explosion was big."
"Of course it was. Project C is a God of destruction."
I made my way to my class, after dropping by the support class, taking a seat behind my classmate Tetsutetsu and next to Kendo. I yawned as I laid my head on the desk relaxing for a little before our teacher enters.
"His name is Eren Jeager." A voice echoed through my ears causing me to look up. Looking around I searched for that voice gaining the attention of Tetsutetsu.
"You alright man?" Looking at him I nod before looking out the window.
"What was that voice. Jaeger is that Eren's last name? Where have I heard that name before" I thought before hearing Vladd walk into the classroom.
"Listen up everyone in two days the sports festival will begin. Today is a quirk training day. So let's all go down to the field and prepare. We'll show those class A students what class B is made of." He motivated everyone making them cheer except for Monohma and Y/n.
"We're already better than those class 1-A chumps when the time comes we'll beat them without breaking a sweat." The blonde boy said causing everyone to look at him.
"You shouldn't underestimate your enemy. They can do anything to you without you knowing it." Vladd said as he scolded the boy. "Remember that even if this is a sports festival your opponent can and will pull something out of their sleeves. Now get dressed and head out. Y/n." He called out as the boy looked at him. "You still need a hero costume have you thought of one yet? It was part of your homework last night."
"I have. I've given some things to the support class so they can get a start on it."
"Alright. Let's all make our way down to the field and get dressed. Y/n you can stop by the support class to pick it up." He said before writing a pass while everyone poured out of the room. "If you have trouble just show them this pass." He said handing the boy a small hall pass with his face on it weirding the boy out a bit.
Going the opposite direction of his class Y/n started to have a small conversation with his ghost teacher.
"Eren is your last name Jeager?"
"Yeah. You had one of my memories make itself known to you." He said causing the boy to look up at him.
"What was it?"
"My first step to freedom. Y/n when the time comes I won't influence you in any decision you make. I will strictly teach you to use your titan form. Every decision you make is yours. This is your freedom."
"My freedom. That's right, my freedom of choice and how I will use it. Eren, tonight I want to train. Help me understand my power. Help me so I can kill the people that funded the project." I glared with determination as he looked down at me.
"I will. But you need to be discrete about it. They must do something that warrants death. You must find that."
"Yeah. Once I kill the people and destroy the facilities I can finally be free." I smile at him determined to finish the project once and for all.
Upon entering the room the boy saw a student with pink hair, a blue tank top, and baggy brown pants.
"Welcome! You're here for your costume and support item correct?" She smiled making him nod.
"Yes. I need it so I can train."
"Of course I'm sure you'll love it." She smiled before pulling a suitcase out of the room's closet. Picking it out she showed him the things he asked for. A black jumpsuit, a metal harness that rest on the arms with one grapple for each arm. On the waist was a knife sheath with a black grip sticking out. The metal breastplate shined as he smiled on the left bicep piece rest a hawk with white and black wings. The waist also held a gas canister as he secured it on the back of his waist.
"Thank you. It's great." I complimented before putting it on and walking outside. The sound of clicking metal echoed through the hallways.
"A hawk?" Eren questioned me as I nod.
"Yeah. The freest animal ever. To be able to fly around the world doing whatever it wants. It is something I want to achieve. Pure freedom." I said as he looked at me his stoic look changed slightly as he has a small smile.
"And you will Y/n. I know it." He said as I nod at him.
"Thank you teach."
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