Chapter 18
I got in trouble for one of my images in this story because it was inappropriate. So I posted the most inappropriate picture on my iPad to this chapter. Terrible, isn't it?
Galen's POV
A bang on the doorway is what wakes me from my deep sleep. I jerk up, dislodging the weight from my chest and knocking it off the bed. A groan from Damian lets me know that it was him who I threw.
"It's a glorious morning, is it not? Birds are shining, the sun is singing, and it's time to get the fuck up so we can go rip up some assholes, and not in the good way." Charlie sings and dances into the room, seemingly unbothered by the lack of dress of the two occupants on the bed and one on the floor. I groan and bury my head into the pillow next to me, which is actually Yuki. He giggles and pats my head before shifting into his lynx form and jumping at Charlie, who catches him and cuddles him.
My pillow is ripped from my face and then smacked into my face as I splutter. I catch it and throw it away from Damian, who is glaring at me. "Asshole!"
I shrug, unrepentant, before throwing myself from the bed to my chest of drawers to put some clothes on. Luckily after our... activities, we had the sense to take a shower before passing out. I slip on my shirt as Damian questions Charlie about the goings-on in the packhouse as we'd been busy.
"Well, in the last six days—"
"Six?!" Damian and I shout simultaneously as we finish dressing. I incredulously turn to Charlie, who looks like an old painting as he pets the exotic cat in his arms. He stops and glares at our interruption, before resuming his petting when Yuki meows.
"Hm. As I was saying before the interruption", he throws in another glare, "everybody within in a mile knows what you were up to, so we had to listen to that shit for five whole days. Thankfully you all slept through the sixth day and we were able to train without listening to the fucking moaning. Like the walls are soundproofed, I don't even want to know what exactly you were getting up to in here to get past that.
"Anyways, we trained for the last week or so, went over some strats, oh, and the scouts found the base that the hunters are using. Apparently, Jeremiah knew some of them and knew where to place the scouts to find the hunters quickly. All they've been doing at their camp is put together traps, be intimidating with their big guns, yada yada yada. Any questions?"
Damian speaks up. "When are we striking?"
Charlie hums. "Knowing Jeremiah, he'll wanna hit first. He prefers offense over defense. So, soon probably. I dunno the details so we can crash the meeting going on right now," he says before walking out the room with Yuki.
I sigh at his existence before following him to Dad's office and to the meeting room. We enter, ignoring the looks some shot us, Maxine's included.
"Have fun?" She asks innocently, which isn't innocent at all. I stick my middle finger up at her and sit next to Damian, who touches his hand to mine so we clasp them for brief moment before turning our attention to the meeting.
"Well, since you three were busy, I'll bring you up to date with what's been hap—"
"Beat you to it!" Charlie interrupts with a smile. Jeremiah sighs and gives him a droll look. "Well, except the whole plan part. That was boring, so I didn't bother."
"Okay, so we plan on hitting first—"
"Ha! I was right!"
"Shut up!" Jeremiah snaps. Charlie puts his hands up in surrender before miming a zipper with his mouth. "They have traps, so after about three days of fight training, we switched to maneuvering around fake traps in your wolf forms. You both have probably been trained since birth to fight, so you're good, right?" At our nods, he continues. "I've been putting off the attack since you were both occupied, but we're striking as soon as possible. That's tomorrow morning. Early tomorrow morning. And you're leading it. Yuki will stay behind—"
"No!" Yuki interrupts this time, shifting into his semi-human form. Jeremiah glares at him, crossing his arms.
"Yes. We need someone to stay behind to protect those that cannot protect themselves." At Yuki's hesitation, he continues. "It's a very important job. I trust you to do it." Yuki pouts but nods shortly. Jeremiah relaxes in what I believe to be relief.
"That's about it. Anything else?" He asks. Nobody speaks up. He nods while Dad dismisses everyone. The pain from my stomach immediately alerts me to the fact that I haven't eaten since last week. I stand up and stretch. I grab Damian's hand with a smile as he grabs Yuki's and we go downstairs to the kitchen. I open the refrigerator and get some stuff for omelets and starte cooking enough for the three of us.
"I want a pickle." Yuki declares, before rummaging through the refrigerator and grabbing the jar.
Damian makes a face. "Ew." Yuki glares at him.
"Yummy," he says as he bites into it and chews defiantly. Damian sticks his tongue out at him, and Yuki jumps at him. I evade with the spatula in hand and watch as Yuki starts making out with him, pickle in hand and pickle taste in mouth. I smirk as Damian squeals at the taste and Yuki starts chasing him around the island. I press close to the counter and finish making the omelets with a smile.
"Alright, alright. Time to eat up." I say, grabbing plates and putting their respective omelets on their plates. Bell peppers and sausage for Yuki, plain cheese for Damian, and ham and cheese for me. We sit down and start eating, and I watch as Damian inhales his food quick enough choke a few times.
Yuki is about halfway through before he pauses and chews slowly a few times. I also pause and am about to ask what was wrong but watch as his face screwed up. He looks like he's about to jump out of his seat, but apparently is too late. I watch in horror, nearly slow-motion, as he leans over and vomits right onto Damian's lap. I jump up to assist, in what way, I don't know. But then I remember Damian's reaction to witnessing vomit and jump out the way just in time for him to vomit onto my vacant seat. I turn away and take a few deep breaths before turning to the scene in front of me. First, I lead Damian and Yuki to the back door. I open it.
"Breathe in some fresh air," I order, before turning back to the mess and cleaning it up. After I finish, I turn to Yuki, ignoring Damian's dramatic gagging in the background as he sheds his shorts.
"Have you been feeling sick this morning?" He looks at the floor and nods. I sigh and lead him by the hand to where our pack doctor stays, leaving Damian's dramatic ass behind.
We enter the rooms and spot the doctor almost immediately. Savannah came into the pack a few years before we were born, and she delivered us when our mother had us. She was only 20 at the time, but she aged as gracefully as any werewolf. The laugh lines beside her blue eyes crinkle when she sees me leading Yuki in, but her brows furrow in concern when she sees the distressed look on Yuki's face.
"What can I help you with, Galen?" She asks, her warm tone of voice relaxing my tense form.
"Yuki threw up. He's been feeling sick this morning. He ate a pickle as I cooked omelettes, but hasn't really eaten since we—"
"—were busy, yes, I heard," she chuckles. I blush but nod. She takes a look at Yuki and takes his temperature and blood and the likes, before pausing and wheeling her office chair to a drawer. She pulls out a box, unboxes it, and pulls out a stick that make the blood leave my face.
She looks at me and smiles. Then she turns to Yuki, holding out the stick. "Pee on this, hun." Yuki looks at her in confusion and then turns to me. I go to explain, but Damian bursts in in his usual excitement and we all look towards him. He takes in the scene, his face paling as well when he sees the pregnancy test in Savannah's hand.
"You think Yuki's pregnant? B-But were only 16!" He chokes out. He has a point, but age has nothing to do with the fact that we had vigorous sex for 5 days straight and it's also a fact that lynx-shifters have extremely short pregnancy periods. I sigh and lead Yuki to the bathroom set aside to explain the process.
We finish up and bring the test back to Savannah, crowding around for the line(s) to appear.
Savannah looks up and smiles at us.
"Congratulations," she says. Damian faints. Yuki cheers. I stare.
I'm not really sure how to react. The irrational part of my brain wants to react like Damian and panic til I shut down. 16 years old, 17 in a few weeks, and we're supposed to raise a kid? But then the rational part kicks in. We're surrounded by people willing to support and help us. This is to be expected from improper planning. And then I picture a baby, our baby, maybe not mine this time, maybe Damian's, but mine all the same. It has beautiful fluffy brown hair the color of mine and Damian's eyes. Or the color of our hair, and Yuki's astonishing green eyes. A smile forces itself onto my have and tears fill my eyes. That kid would be so goddamn beautiful. And that kid would be ours. Our child. Out pup. Our kit?
A sob forces its way out of me and I pick up Yuki and squeeze him as tight as I can without hurting him. Then I drop to my knees and kiss his belly over and over again. I faintly hear Savannah calling Vizin, vaguely hear her tell him and hear his exuberant laugh. But all I feel is the overwhelming love for my mates.
We're in our bubble of contentment for a few minutes, sometime Damian waking up and joining the embrace. We finally detach, smiling happily at each other like a bunch of weirdos. Vizin claps a hand on my shoulder, whispering how happy he is for us in my ear. I hug him tightly in response.
"You're gonna be a grandpa, old man," Damian teases him. Vizin retaliates by giving him a noogie.
"Who's old now, huh?!" Laughter echoes throughout the room. We eventually clear out and every pack member we pass, Vizin brags about being a grandpa. The support from everyone is almost overwhelming, but only cements the fact that pack is everything. And it only gives me more determination to protect everyone from those hunters. The pack, my mates, our child.
Tomorrow is the day. The day we end this once and for all.
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