Chapter 11
Damian's POV
"Daaaaaaamiaaaaaaaan!" Is what I heard when my brother and I arrived to where Yuki was. Then I felt a small body tackle me from above.
"Oompf," I let out. I chuckle and pull Yuki into my arms, bridle style, his long hair getting tangled in my hands for a second. I look down into his bright eyes and lean in to kiss him. Intended for it to be a quick peck, but Yuki grabs my face and smashes our lips together tightly. I'm surprised, but I respond fairly quickly, closing my eyes and slipping my tongue out and onto his lips before pulling away. Now that I'm not being possessed by my wolf, I realize how bad his breath is.
Next time, I'll bring a toothbrush and tooth paste for him to learn to brush his teeth as quickly as possible.
Yuki grins at me and flops out of my arms and runs behind me to where Galen was standing, observing, and smiling. He jumps at Galen and crushes his lips to his as well. I smile in awe because, holy shit, that was adorable.
Galen releases Yuki and we start walking to the pond in the area. That would be a great place to start teaching Yuki. We have our phones as well, to show him pictures.
I lead the way, pushing aside the brush and branches to make way for Yuki and Galen. Yuki is happily humming a tuneless song and Galen is laughing behind me, which means Yuki must be doing something insanely cute or hilarious.
We finally make our way to the pretty pond and take out the stuff.
We both packed some cards from the pack house that children use to learn letters and words. I also packed some picture books that relate to nature so it'll be easier. Yuki sits on a log next to us and observes us unpacking curiously. That's when I remembered.
He's still naked as all's hell.
I laugh and pull out a strip of fabric that resembles Tarzan's scrap of fabric. It's better to work up to these kinds of things. I step to where Yuki sits and bend down to tie it around his waist. He picks at it curiously but doesn't remove it, thankfully.
I turn around and pull my phone out and look at Galen. We both nod and turn to Yuki. Time to begin.
"Yuki, this is what we call, a TREE."
1 month later
There's pressure on my legs.
"Hey. Bitches. Wake the fuck up. I've arrived and there wasn't an entourage to celebrate my coming. What the fuck is this? Why the fuck are you sleeping in the same bed? Thought you guys were having a rough patch. Hey! Give me attention! Wake up! I said- wait. Are you- Oh my god you're both naked!"
I opened my eyes to feel the pressure on my legs vanish, following the sound of feet thumping out the room, along with a high-pitch scream that could only belong to one person. Galen groans next to me and shifts his arm over my back, his head is resting on my lower back- oh. We are naked. I close my eyes.
Don't worry, guys. You didn't miss out on any passionate love-making.
The thumping footsteps return to the room, along with the heaving sound of heavy-breathing. I keep my eyes close, trying to preserve the peace. Alas, such a thing is inevitable if the person I think it is has arrived at the pack house.
A frothy, cold substance is sprayed over my brother and I, causing both of us to yell and jump up. We fall off the bed in a pile of werewolves and- did he just spray us with a fire extinguisher?
I lift myself off the floor- Galen is still laying there like a blob, mind you- and glare at Charlie.
His thin lips are lifted in a smug smirk as he stares us down his pale-as-paper button-like nose, clearly showing his fangs. His long, variously-shaded brown hair is pulled back into a ponytail, letting his extremely long hair be pulled so it doesn't drag on the ground. His red eyes are squinted in an attempt to look gloating, but his cute face completely defeats the attempt. Charlie is a vampire. And he's about... 116 years-old? I don't remember all too well and he doesn't either. But that's the approximate age. All I know is that he was like 10 when he was on the Titanic.
I lift myself into a more comfortable position, still glaring at the vampire. "What was that for? Whoever put itching powder in your lingerie- it wasn't us this time. I swear," I tell him. He rolls his eyes and shifts his stance.
He crouches down with his ass on his heels- not the body part, I mean the actual heels that he's wearing- and stares at me with his face right in mine.
"Don't play dumb, you unmajestic wolf-boy. I'm talking about the phone-call I had with Vizin. Your father tells me that two certain dumbasses found their mate. And I wasn't informed until four hours ago! Who helped raise you and your brother? Who raised your father? Who was there every step of the way in your lives? Me! And you didn't even bother to tell me that you found your mate! On top of that, Vizin didn't even tell me who or what your mate is! The nerve of that boy! I wiped his ass a kid, he doesn't have a right to keep thing from me! It's top secret alpha business, he says. Fuck that. I raised him. Little shit!" Charlie was fuming. He paced back and forth during his rant and his voice kept going up at certain points. For someone who looks like a fifteen-year old, he sure was intimidating.
Galen, who had his face buried into the carpet, groaned. "Go the fuck away, I want to sleep..." he mumbled. And then went back to sleep. Charlie's face went red. I gulped and stumbled away from Galen.
Charlie marched to Galen and bent down to grab his foot. Galen groaned as Charlie dragged him by his foot to the window. Charlie jerked the window open, breaking the latch and cracking the top section of the window. I winced. Dad's not gonna like that.
With one hand, Charlie picked Galen up by his foot and shoved him out the window-we are on the third floor. There was a high-pitched scream and a loud thump as Galen's body hit the ground below. There was a long silence as Charlie looked outside below the window.
A pained groan resounded from below and Charlie "harrumphed" before closing the window and curtain and turning to where I still sat on the floor against the wall. He came over and sat in front of where I was slumped, still completely naked from when Charlie caused me to jump out of bed.
A bright smile appeared on his face and he tilted his body as he sat with his legs crossed- the sight makes him look like a happy teenager but I know what lies beneath that lying smile.
"Now. I'm going to ask a very simple question and I want you to truthfully answer it. Okay?" He gently asked me. My mouth tightened as I nodded my head, my body tensing in preparation for a retreat. His smile widened and he patted my knee.
"Are you fucking your brother?"
My eyes widened and I inhaled quickly, causing me to choke on my spit. I coughed and coughed, seemingly having a choking fit- and not the good kind. Charlie still sat there with a smile.
I stuttered out as much as I could as I continued to cough. "What?!" Cough "I thought you'd-" cough "Ask about-" cough "our mate-" cough "holy shit I can't breathe-" cough. Inhale.
I breathe in a shaky spew of air, finally calming down. "Um. We're kind of, ah, fucking, as you so eloquently put it. We haven't had sex, but we're together. But it's not just us. Our mate, Yuki, is also in our... threesome... relationship? I don't know how to describe it. He's a cat shifter. That's why dad couldn't tell you," I stutter out. Charlie's eyes soften and a genuine smile appears on his face.
"I understand now," he says softly. He leans over and pulls me into a hug, causing the blanket to fall off. I quickly grab it to keep it there. "I'm happy for you and Galen. I knew the secret of the cat shifters was top secret, but I didn't think that's what your father meant when he was saying it was top secret. I get it now, though."
He pulls back to look at my face, his smile slowly falling. "Even though I'm happy, I'm also sad because if you have a cat shifter for a mate, that means you will have a long and arduous journey ahead of you. Trouble always follows a cat shifter. I'll help in any way I can. I promised your grandparents I'd protect the pack, after all," he says as his smile comes back. I smile with him.
The door to the attic, which Galen and I were staying in last night, slams open and Galen stomps in, naked as the day he was born. He stops and glares at Charlie with his hands on his hips, trying to look fierce. Though it wasn't working very well with the fact that his dick was flopping every which way. I muffled my laughter in my hand and Charlie calmly sat there as Galen began screaming at him.
"Charlie, what the fuck was that?! I could've broken something! Or landed on something and broke it! The whole pack except you already arrived and I could've fallen on a child and broke it, you bitch! I almost landed on Mrs. Gabrielle wi that stupid stunt of yours! And I need my beauty sleep! What's this white, foamy shit all over me anyways?! Why do you do this shit?!" Galen stood there ranting and Charlie calmly sat in front of me, staring Galen in the eyes.
When Galen finished the rant, Charlie stood up and hugged him. "Congrats on finding your mate. If something this major happens to you guys again when I'm not here, you will either call me and inform me or I will shove my first so far up your ass that I'll wear you as a sleeve, and I don't mean the good kind of fisting either. Okay?" He mumbled into Galen's ear. Galen's eyes widened and he nodded quickly. Charlie gave Galen one last squeeze around the shoulders before backing away to look at both of us.
He smiled brightly. "Well, boys, how about you both get dressed and we can eat some breakfast and have some bonding time in the baths? In this pack house, you have one of those baths that you find in hot springs, right? So get dressed. Come on. Snap snap," he instructed while walking to the door. My brother and I scrambled to get our clothes and shuffled them on.
We quickly followed Charlie down the stairs to the kitchen. He went to the fridge and got two bowls, a box of Cheerios (because Cheerios are far more superior than fruit loops), and the milk. He pushed them toward us and we prepared our cereal as he got a blood bag out of his cooler and out a straw through the plastic to drink it like a Capri-Sun.
We finished breakfast in silence and put our stuff up before going to the baths. We arrive and stripped as got into the large bath together.
Charlie let out a long groan as his pale body was submerged in the hot, steaming water. "Ugh. My body was so stiff and dusty from going to fast on my motorcycle for such a long period of time," he mumbled whilst sinking lower and lower until his mouth was covered with water.
"Did you come straight here? How did you get from the old pack house to here in four hours?" I asked with my eyebrows furrowed. Charlie sighed in content and was silent for a moment before speaking.
"I broke speed limits and traveled off-road for a majority of the time," he mumbled. I nodded and went back to soaking in silence. The silence wasn't uncomfortable, though. It was peaceful. "Oh, and your father wants to tell the pack about your mate. And I want to meet this mysterious cat shifter."
Galen sighed from the other side of the bath. "His name is Yuki and he's perfect."
Charlie raised an eyebrow. "Really, now? Well, when do I get to meet him?"
I exchanged glances with Galen. "That's difficult to say. Yuki is very... shy. He grew up alone in a forest with barely any social contact. We had to teach him English Tarzan-style and he's still not so good at it. He has problems with sentence structure but can generally understand you. But were the only people he's had contact with besides some old guy a few years back. I don't know how he'll react to you, much less the whole pack," I sigh out the last part. Charlie looks at me.
"You never know until you try. Don't underestimate someone because of how much they can or cannot speak. If you care about us, I think Yuki would try to as well," he says to us.
I nod. "I guess you're right. Well ask him today. You can come with but stay back a few ways until we summon you," I tell him. Charlie scowls.
"What am I, your bitch? Stay away until we summon you. The fuck is that? Hmm?" He snaps with a smile threatening to overtake his face. Galen and I laugh and go to exit the bath to dry off.
"We gonna go ahead and go tell Yuki. Please wait until we tell you to come. Please."
Charlie nods and sighs. "Fine. But he better wanna see me. I'm fabulous enough for anyone to want to meet me..."
Galen and I dry off and put our clothes on. We walk through the house to go out, passing many pack members on the way. As the month passed form when we started teaching Yuki our language, more and more pack members arrived from the old pack house to our new one. Charlie is the last to arrive. He stayed to help with heavy lifting (vampire strength is pretty handy) and stayed a bit longer because he was in that pack house since before my grandparents were alphas. It was pretty sad to make him leave, but he knew we needed a place that didn't have so many sad and happy memories from before the incident.
The crunching of leaves startled me from my thoughts in time to see Yuki wiggling out of a bush with a fist full of berries. He looked up and saw us and laughed before skipping to me and Galen, placing a kiss on of our cheeks.
"Yuki, how would you feel about meeting our precious friend?" I ask him gently. He thinks for a moment, probably trying to swish the words around his brain to get them, and then gets a hesitant look on his face.
"Precious... friend? Like... Damy and Gail... care for friend?" He mumbles to us, looking up at us both to see if he said everything correctly. I smiled and nodded.
He lets a small smile appear on his face, then a determined look. "If Damy and Gail care... then I meet friend. Only if Damy and Gail there with me."
"Hell yes!" We hear from behind us. I spin around and pull Yuki behind me, only to see Charlie sitting on a tree branch a few trees away. I glare at him.
"You said you'd wait until I summoned you," I snapped. Charlie shrugged and jumped from the high tree branch, landing without a hint of a sound.
"Yuki doesn't seem to mind," he says while walking toward us. I blink and look behind me at Yuki only to see him looking over my shoulder in curiosity, not at all scared or cautious. Wow. He sure has come far since when e first met him.
"Hello, Yuki. I'm Charlie, Damian and Galen's friend. It's nice to meet you!" Charlie says while stopping in front of me. I step from in front of Yuki and hold his hand in mine. Galen holds his other hand. Yuki smiles.
"Nice to meet Charlie!" He says brightly. Sometimes I feel the need to shield my eyes from his adorableness. Charlie smiles even brighter than Yuki.
"You're so cute. I'm happy Damian and Galen have you as a mate. Have you seen their wolves?" Charlie asks him, flicking his hair back. Yuki is silent for a moment before nodding his head vigorously.
"Yes! Pretty wolves! Shift like me!" He says excitedly.
"What do you shift into, Yuki?" Charlie's asks him, gently.
Yuki smiles and shifts into his lynx form. Charlie's eyes widened and he gets down to pet him. Yuki purrs and rubs his head on Charlie's hand like a house-cat. I clutch my chest. How can something be so cute?
Yuki turns away from Charlie and jumps onto Galen's shoulder clawing his way on Galen's clothes to get there. Then he shift to his humanoid form, with his tail swishing behind him and cat ears twitching, and clings to Galen's back, piggyback-style. Galen turns away from me to look over his shoulder, causing Yuki's backside to turn to me. His slim back and perky ass is facing toward me and I feel myself twitch in my jeans as I think about how beautiful Yuki is.
Charlie clears his throat in front of me and I turn to him to see him staring pointedly at my crotch, which is steadily growing in size. I put my hand in front of it and Charlie laughs at me.
"Well. Yuki. It was nice to meet you. I can't stay for long because Damian and Galen's father wants to have a meeting. They want to introduce you to the pack, if that's alright with you?" Charlie says outright. I gape at him. We were supposed to ask him, not Charlie! I turn to Yuki to see him staring at Charlie as if assessing him.
"You don't have yo if you don't want to, Yuki. We'd never force you into anything," Galen says softly to him, his neck turned to speak to Yuki as he rests on Galen's back. Yuki continues to stare at Charlie and then looks to me and then to the back of Galen's head.
"If Damy and Gail are with Yuki, then Yuki doesn't mind anything," Yuki mumbles while burying his head into Galen's hair. Charlie jumps up and down squealing a multitude of 'yes's.
Well. It looks like the pack is going to meet their future Luna soon.
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