School [3]
The funny thing about school is, when you go to a new one, you actually have to socialize to make friends.
Socialization was not Craig's strong suit. Not only was he terrible at it, and didn't care enough to try and get better. Which is why he found himself alone on the first day of his new high school. He walked into the plain looking school early, and sat in a plain looking classroom, with plain looking desks. Boring. Craig liked boring, so he was perfectly content sitting alone waiting for the first bell.
He truly had no interest is getting to know anyone at this school. Which is why he wanted to shoot him self in the head when he noticed a loud, jock boy start to walk over. He was of average height, with brown hair and eyes, with a slight pudge to his face. He was wearing a lettermen which was the only clue they made Craig think he was a jock, the rest of him didn't look very jock-like in his mind.
"Hey! New kid! Yo! When'd you get here?" He asked, sitting in the desk directly in front of Craig, and turning around to face him. Craig looked up and narrowed his icy eyes. This kid looked absolutely harmless, but he was a person, which gave Craig enough motive to dislike him.
Craig didn't respond, and then looked away, pretending to not have heard him, and ignore him. This made the brown haired boy frown,
"Uhm, hello?" He asked, his brows furrowed as he studied Craig's sharp features, "did you hear me?" He asked once more, leaning in a little to inspect the new boy further.
"Yes." Craig finally spoke. He didn't look at the boy, and kept his eyes trained up front. This caused more of a frown on the jocks face.
"Alright then uhm... when did you get here? I'm Clyde." He continued talking. Why did he keep talking? Craig glanced at him for a mere second before looking away.
"Okay." He stated, hoping soon this 'Clyde' boy would take a hint.
"Whats your name?" Asked Clyde, looking gradually more hurt as the conversation went on. Craig mentally groaned and instead of answering, stuck a middle finger in front of Clydes doe eyes. This made Clyde recoil slightly, and create a glassy look in his eyes.
"Hey," he pouted, sniffling now. This caught Craig's attention, "come on now, that's mean.."
Clyde was now wiping his eyes constantly, as if he was trying to stop the tears before they could fall. Craig cringed. He wasn't about to comfort the poor boy, he didn't like crying. It was repulsive, and honestly embarrassing. This left Craig wondering what was mental disorder was wrong with this boy, which only caused him to realize, he didn't care enough to even ponder the thought.
First impressions are 100% important. Some people overthink first impressions, some people don't think about them enough. And then there's Craig, who mistakes first impressions with only impressions. His philosophy was: why care if you're never gonna see them again? This attitude of course, ends poorly a lot, because most of the time, first impressions are called first impressions because they are the start of many.
This was the day that Craig finally realized that maybe, treating every interaction like a one and only interaction wasn't the best idea, and he could thank Clyde Donovan for that lesson.
After class, Craig saw Clyde talking with an African American boy. Clyde seemed to be still distraught over his morning meeting with Craig. Not that Craig cared, but he started to care a little bit when he saw both boys approaching, one wearing a very stern facial expression.
Craig was more annoyed then anything when he was forced to talk to Clyde again, as well as this new kid.
"Hey man," the dark boy started, "I don't really know what the hell happened earlier but can you just apologize to Clyde? I'm not looking for a fight." A fight? Craig wondered when a fight got involved, and if Clyde, a full grown high schooler really needed a body guard.
Craig stayed silent and after the dark boy kept rambling on about apologizing, he finally leaned close and brought his voice to a whisper.
"Look, this is dumb I know, and honestly, I don't like defending Clyde, but if you don't apologize I'm gonna have to deal with a mopey baby the rest of the day. Please don't make me be a babysitter." The boy said. Craig finally looked over.
Craig couldn't help but understand what this poor kid meant. Clyde seemed like a handful, and it wouldn't kill him to apologize, so he swallowed his pride and walked over the Clyde, offering the most half assed apology known to man.
Shockingly Clyde devoured the apology like it was the cake he ate for breakfast. He was elated to get one. Craig honestly wondered if Clyde was bipolar because of how quickly his teary eyes turned into a bright smile.
"You're alright man," Clyde told him, grinning more and patting his shoulder, "this is Token." He introduced his black friend.
Craig offered a wave, and before he knew it, Token had somehow managed to engage Craig in a conversation and even slyly invite him to sit with them at lunch.
An even more surprising turner of events, Craig said, and I quote, "fine".
How is the updated version? Should I keep going or go back to the regular?
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