Chapter 6
Jonathan's POV
It was weird having someone other than me in my house, but it was a nice change.
I looked down at the plate sitting in front of me. Fettuccine Alfredo and brownies? How did she know those were my two favourite foods?
I finish the rest of the pasta while contemplating if she was a major stalker or if it was just a good guess.
After finishing it, I place my dishes in the sink and left overs in the fridge. All while thinking about my strange encounter with the kid next door. What does she want with me? Everyone hates me or just doesn't speak to me...
I head to my room and change into some jeans and a plain black tee shirt. Looking on my desk I spot my Dragon Ball Z hat that one of my online friends bought me. I reminisce about all the memories I had with them. From first meeting to recording every night, our stupid fights, and spending hours just talking.
I grab the hat and place it over my messy hair, which I was too lazy to fix. Looking in the mirror, I was quite pleased with the man staring back at me. Even though nobody else would see me today, it was still nice to look decent.
Hearing a door slam, I peered out my window spotting the origination of the noise. The brown haired girl next door was walking towards the forest, which was planted at the end of our road.
I gasp and run out the door after here. She can't find it.
A rumour was spread that those woods were haunted by the spirit of a woman who was murdered in the forest hundreds of years ago. Legend says, a woman lived with her husband and son in a small cabin in these woods. This woman was wrongly accused of killing their infant son, who died of unknown causes. Her husband blamed her and killed her with an axe. She is said to roam the woods sobbing and calling her sons name. It is also said that she kills whoever hears her sobbing in the woods.
Obviously this was just a rumour but nobody dares to step foot in the forest. Though, it is more than easy to get lost. She must not have been told. Shit.
Pushing the door open, I stood on the front deck and looked around for her. Unfortunately I only spotted questioning glares from my "friendly neighbours". I sigh and run in to the woods.
The lush forest was filled was hundreds of trees, varying from a bright green to dark red leaves. Birds chirped to one and other, light brown squirrels jumped from branch to branch and an old owl sat perched atop an old oak tree. It was beautiful, the only sounds were made by nature, which was calming from the noises from the city.
I look down and saw small footprints heading deep in to the forest. Nobody comes in here anymore, the only path was over grown with grass and covered with leaves. I follow the foot prints she created, breathing heavily. She can't find it.
The only noise that I heard was my foot steps on the ground below me. The animals must have been spooked.
I continue running, desperately trying to catch up with her. Looking down I see her foot prints have disappeared. "Fuck!" I say aloud. I look behind me looking for any sign of her.
Instead of retracing my steps, I decided it would be faster just to run to my cabin. Hoping she won't be there.
I ran for another moment until I saw the small wooden cabin in front of me. This was usually a welcoming sight for me, until I saw her opening the door.
"Kid! Stop!" I scream at her.
She turns around shocked, "What are you doing here?" She asked.
I walk towards her, "Don't go in there," I say, more calm. She gave me a confused look before shutting the door.
"What's in there?" She asked.
I didn't reply, I just stood there. She asked once again. I took a deep breath, "Please just head back."
"Not until you tell me what's in there," she said threateningly, walking towards me. I take a step back.
"Listen to me, kid. Just leave."
Then something unbelievable happened. She nodded and started to walk back.
694 words.
Votes and comments are always appreciated :]
Stay classy~ Holley (W1LDC4T43)
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