Chapter 38
"Seriously, man, why'd you hide for all these years?" Brian asked.
We had a bonfire going in the backyard. Everyone was here now, excluding Macy. She claimed that she wanted us to have our "guy time", so she went to sleep a bit early.
Marcel and Craig arrived a little bit after David. And Brock lived up to his "Early Bird" title and arrived last. We had chairs set up and Luke was kind enough to go to the store really quick to buy a few cases of beer for all of us. While he went to the store with Craig, the rest of us split up. Some set up chairs and other things for the bonfire, while everyone else followed me to the forest to grab as many sticks as they could.
Everything had officially been set up by nine and we were still talking at one in the morning.
"Yeah," David added. "Was it just that you were afraid of what we'd think of you?"
I felt their stares on me, yet I didn't want to run or hide.
"I mean, that's some of it. I was just in a really bad place for all those years. Online, it was really the only place where I could let myself laugh and be happy. Once I logged off, I was just irritable and just really self-conscious about my looks and my behavior."
I had way too many drinks tonight, but it helped to say the truth. My explanation left my friends quiet. I could see Luke's face across the fire. He looked worried, but I smiled at him.
"I've gotten over it now, though."
"Why after all these years?"
I smiled, staring down at the bottle in my hand. "Because of Macy. Everything is because of Macy. She's made the biggest impact on my life and if it wasn't for her, I wouldn't be smiling right now."
The night played along. Tyler was quick to change the subject after it got quiet and I soon found myself pushing everyone around as we played a drunken game of football in the backyard, far away from the fire.
I was stumbling most of the time and in the middle of my wobbly legs, I fell and Brock pulled me across the grass by my legs.
"You're the last one left! Complete the mission!" Craig said as my back was dragged across the backyard.
I looked up at the night sky in confusion, laughter and shouting in the background. Then I was drenched. Luke stood by the hose spraying it directly at me, then onto Brock, and eventually all of us were soaked.
I wondered if this was what I had missed out on for so many years. It was just stupid, amazing fun and I needed this. God, I've needed this for ages.
The boys and I, we sat in our seats again around the bonfire, trying to dry ourselves as we shivered in the cold.
"Did you guys figure out where you'd be sleeping?"
"Yeah," Evan answered. "Brian and I are rooming together. Then, Brock and David. Then, Tyler and Luke. Marcel and Craig are sharing the couch-bed downstairs."
Craig winked at Marcel playfully. "Can't wait to see you in bed."
"You know it boo."
It was around three when the nine of us finally called it a night. We had to take turns going into the bathroom to change and get ready for bed. There was a bathroom in the hall upstairs and one downstairs so it didn't take all that long.
I could still hear the boys' amazement about how large the house was when I opened the door to Macy and I's bedroom. She was fast asleep when I walked in and I did my best to stay as quiet as I possibly could as I changed and brushed my teeth in the bathroom connected to our room.
"Jonathan? What time is it?"
I spit into the sink and set my toothbrush down really quick, walking into the bedroom.
"It's almost three-thirty, Macy. Sorry about the noise. You can go back to sleep."
"Get into bed with me then."
I grinned, going into the bathroom and finishing getting ready for bed. I turned the bathroom lights off before crawling into bed beside Macy.
Her arms instantly wrapped around me and I placed a soft kiss to her head. I then felt her hand touch my hair.
"I higher you styled your hair earlier. It's flat. Did you take a shower?"
"We were using the hose outside."
"Dork," she muttered. I could feel her smile against my chest and I pulled her even closer. "You smell like beer."
"I just brushed my teeth. Do you want me to brush it again."
She shook her head. "Just shush and go to sleep. We're going out for breakfast later on because I'm not going to have to rush around the kitchen trying to make breakfast for ten people."
I nodded. "IHOP?"
"Definitely," she yawned. "Go to sleep now, Jon. Goodnight. I love you."
Macy liked kisses and handholding and she liked to hug me from behind at random times. She liked little gestures and she always liked to rub circles on my hand with her thumb. She liked going downtown at night with Baby and I, Baby's leash in one hand and my arm linked with her other one. That's how she showed her love.
She was never big on saying those three words, but she said them tonight and I adored her for it.
We may only have been in an official relationship for a month, but I saw an entire future with her already.
I loved her more than words could possibly describe. More than thousands of smiles could possibly show. More than a million kisses, hugs, and dances a lifetime could possibly hold.
"Yes, Jon?"
"I may be a bit drunk, but will you marry me?"
"Go to sleep, Jon."
And maybe she wasn't ready. I don't think I was, but her smile against my chest convinced me that she was the only one I needed in my life.
Macy showed me a world I couldn't possibly have found on my own. She's given me love and compassion despite everything I've done wrong against her. She's shown me the importance of family and friendship. She figured out how to keep me smiling for the rest of my goddamn life and I couldn't thank her enough for that.
I then thought back to what I took out of that box days after Macy and I got lost in a forest. That's when I first began to trust her and I always thought it was incredibly stupid for me to bring it out after just meeting her, until I fell in love.
I knew she'd love it. It had belonged to my grandmother and somehow I ended up with it, a silver ring with a shining diamond.
So I had waited years after we started dating. During that time, Macy and I had our ups and downs. We traveled together. Sometimes we'd travel alone when I went to conventions or to visit friends, or she went to visit her mom back in Oregon. We experienced so many things and we grew as a couple and as individuals. She was always understanding though and I forced myself to be just as understanding as she was.
When the time did come, there were no candles, flowers, or signs. It was just us. Macy and I in the living room as one of our favorite songs played after dinner. We were dancing and singing and in the middle of it, I got down on one knee and smiled.
"I've been waiting to ask you this for years," I stuttered out. "I love you so much, Macy, and I want to make you as happy as you've made me. Will you marry me?"
And I would never forget what she did that night. Macy sank to her knees and wrapped her arms around me as she whispered yes in my ear.
And none of this would have been possible if she hadn't managed to make the boy behind the mask smile.
Guys, guys. Oh my goodness. This is it. I know you guys weren't expecting to end so soon, but this was everything. I feel bad for ending it so abruptly, but this is just how it worked out and I hope all of you liked the story!! This was absolutely one of my favorite books to write.
I am incredibly thankful and I always will be for everyone who has ever voted or commented. The support means the world to me. Vote and comment
And as always I hope ye enjoyed(:)
P.S. I am super sorry again for ending it with no warning
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