Chapter 29
Macy's P.O.V.
"Would you call a friend babe?"
"Are you inferring that you want me to call you babe?" Luke joked.
I rolled my eyes and took another hot sip of my tea. Jonathan was off finalizing a few more things with Callum at the house, so I went to visit Luke.
"It's about Jonathan, isn't it?" I shrugged and stared at the table. "Macy, Jonathan's never been in a serious relationship before and the most you can do is talk to him. My shift ends right now and I have to get back home and edit a few videos. I'll see you soon, okay?"
Luke planted a short kiss to my head and left shortly after. I stayed in the booth, staring out the window. There weren't many people walking at this time of year, which was understandable knowing how chilly it was outside.
There was too much on my mind and nearly every thought revolved around Jonathan. Physical contact became a regular, subtle aspect to Jonathan and I's friendship, if friendship was even the case.
My heart suddenly began to pound as I heard people rush into the bakery and I was relieved to see it was only Luke. He shivered and rubbed his hands together as he took a seat across from me in the booth, his friend joining him. A fleeting feeling of anxiety filled me as I realized his friend had the bottom portion of his face covered with a mask and his hood fully covering the rest of his face.
"I thought you went home. Who's this?"
A giddy smile lit up Luke's face as he nudged his friend. I watched in curiosity as the stranger pulled off his hood to reveal a head of short, black hair and thin brown eyes. I had already registered the profile of the person in front of me before he even removed his mask and I squealed.
"The one and only. It's great to finally meet you," he smiled brightly, his mask now fully set on the table. I placed my hand out for him to shake and I inhaled sharply as he quickly got out of his seat and lifted me into a hug.
I laughed as he set me down. "Do you always greet people like this?"
"Never, but consider this a thank you for taking care of my best friend. Plus, I feel like I know almost everything about you with how much Jon and Luke mention you."
The door opened again and Jonathan came walking in. "Who the fuck was hugging Macy?"
Evan turned around and rolled his eyes at his close friend, opening his arms. Jonathan, being such an adorable mess, nearly toppled him and Evan over as they hugged.
"I wasn't expecting you. When'd your flight come in?," Jonathan said gleefully.
"Not too long ago. Luke picked me up and I guess he must have known Macy was here."
Jonathan grinned. "Well, I was just about to pick Macy up and the first thing I see when I get out of the car is some stranger holding Macy in the air."
"Just got a bit excited. Can I crash at your place for a few nights?"
"Of course, no worries. What about you, Luke? Want to stay over for tonight?"
Luke looked torn. "I have some serious editing to do tonight, but you know, fuck it. I'll go. Evan, we can ride in my car."
The possibility of having a serious talk with Jonathan would have to be delayed until Evan leaves. I wasn't at all disappointed, knowing that I wanted to avoid having that discussion for a while.
Jonathan and I got into his car and he was quick to put the heater on.
"How'd it go?" I asked, hoping that they were able to settle everything.
"It was surprisingly easy to plan with Callum's help and we basically have everything done. Only two days and I'll have to say goodbye."
I held Jonathan's right hand in mine as he continued driving. There was silence on the drive back, which took no time at all and I soon found myself rushing inside the house from the cold. Evan and Luke were close behind after Jonathan had followed me inside the house.
"I'll start cooking after I get changed, okay?"
"It's fine, Macy. We can order takeout."
I shook my head and reassured him that I'd be happy to cook for the four of us and I knew Luke would help out with the cooking as well. So I went upstairs to change into black sweatpants and a dark grey sweater and put my hair up into a high ponytail.
Evan was preparing the table while Jonathan had gathered a few of the extra blankets and pillows and put them into the bedrooms upstairs. Baby had appeared from her hiding spot and sat on the couch beside Luke.
"One of them has to stay in your room. I only have one spare room left since the others aren't furnished."
"Fine by me," I smiled, happy that there was another reason to spend another night in Jonathan's room. "Luke, we're making fettuccine alfredo. Get the glass bowl in the top right cabinet out and a large pot."
Luke appeared from behind me and nodded. "Yes, ma'am."
I washed my hands before grabbing all of the ingredients from the fridge. The sauce would be made from scratch so it would take nearly twenty minutes to half an hour. After instructing Luke to begin boiling the flat noodles, I began cutting the vegetables I'd be adding.
"I can take it from here, Macy, and before you ask, yes, I did wash my hands."
I was half convinced that Evan had read my mind, but ignored it as I continued chopping.
"Seriously, Macy. You don't know it, but I'm great at cooking so just let me take over from here and you take a break," Evan reassured me and ushered me to the couch.
Reluctantly, I rinsed my hands and took a seat next to Jonathan on one of the couches. I glanced back to Evan to see him cutting the vegetables at double the speed I was with ease and I smiled.
"Did you want to watch something, Macy?" Jonathan asked, holding the remote.
"I'm fine." My eyes flickered to Luke as he raised his eyebrows and pointed to Jonathan. I knew exactly what he wanted me to do and I shook my head. "I'll see if I can bake some brownies or something."
I left the living room and began gathering several items from the kitchen cabinets. Evan remained focused on his cooking, so I didn't say much. The brownie mix didn't take long to create and I was soon pouring it into shaped cookie cutters to bake.
"The foods almost done," Evan said.
"And brownies will be done between twenty to thirty minutes."
"Do you need any more help?"
I smiled. "No, I think we're set. Thanks for helping out, Evan."
"No problem, darling."
I walked back to the living room and took my seat next to Jonathan again. He and Luke were watching UFC:Wrestling while I stared blankly at the screen, wondering if we'd be doing anything other than watching TV tonight. I was tempted to propose game night, but I knew Jonathan didn't have board games to play. A smile danced on my face as I realized that Jonathan had Super Smash Bros. and Mario Kart.
I leaned into Jonathan and whispered the idea and he grinned, pulling me into his lap.
"Sure, babe. Just right after this match."
For once, I thought I was actually excited about wrestling, but the pounding in my chest was actually from Jonathan. Luke wiggled his eyebrows at me and I was relieved to see that Jonathan was still focused on the screen. I flipped Luke off before cuddling further into Jonathan.
His raven hair has gotten a bit longer to a point where I could easily run my hands through them. His eyes were no longer the color of the raging sea but instead the most beautiful blue sky I had ever laid eyes upon. God, did he take my breath away.
After the match ended, Jonathan hadn't bothered to get up and asked Luke if he could set the game up instead. Luke happily obliged.
Jonathan smiled at me as his arm snaked around my waist and pulled me even more against him. I could feel the slight creases and curves of his chest and firmness of his arms around me. This probably wasn't the time to be fawning over him.
"Evan, you almost done there?" Luke called out.
"I'm just taking the brownies out real quick. Give me a second," Evan answered. He came rushing onto the couch beside Jonathan and I with a carefree smile. "What game?"
The food was still cooling down so we played two individual games, which Jonathan and Evan had won, but Luke had wanted to play on teams the next game.
I got up and walked to the dining table, making sure that the table was set. "We can play after dinner. Come on."
They all took a seat and begun serving themselves. Jonathan had already filled Baby's bowl and she ate under the table. Along with the pasta and brownies, I had set out tea and the leftover chicken from last night's dinner. Luke loved his chicken.
"I never got to ask, but why the sudden visit?"
Evan smiled nervously. "I was originally planning to go to Tyler's but his and Kelly's anniversary is this week and they're going on vacation. I just really didn't want to be alone for a while."
"Well, I thought Sydney lived with you," Jonathan said.
I had assumed that Sydney broke up with him by the expression on his face.
"It just didn't work out, I guess. She hasn't gotten her stuff out of the house yet and the breakup wasn't anything bad. I just thought everything was fine."
Jonathan gave his friend a comforting smile. "I'm sorry to hear that, Evan. I knew how much you liked her. How long were you planning to stay at Tyler's?"
"Three weeks at the most."
"Then stay here for the next three weeks."
The table cheered and soon the three of them were telling their latest stories and jokes. Their laughs were contagious and my cheeks hurt by the time everyone had finished their plates.
"Luke and I can wash the dishes before we start playing again," Evan offered, already taking the plates from the table. "Thank you for the meal, Macy."
"You did most of the work anyways," I said. I helped grab the rest of the plates and placed them next to the sink.
After Luke and Evan, had put the dishes away, we all huddled around the TV once again and began playing. Luke had 'claimed' me as his partner and after kicking ass as Little Mac and Ness. We hadn't gotten to Mario Kart before Luke called it a night.
"Luke, you can sleep in Macy's room and Evan, there's an extra bedroom down the hall. Macy's staying in my room tonight."
"Sounds like a plan, Luke grinned. "Mind if I borrow some pajamas."
"Not at all, come on."
The two of them went upstairs while I went to tidy up the living room a bit more before heading to Jonathan's room.
"So are you guys dating? I know it looks kinda obvious but Jonathan never said."
"He never said anything to me either, honestly. Like all of a sudden it's like we're in a relationship with nothing being said."
"Aren't you going to talk to him?"
I tucked a strand of hair behind my ear and took a seat on the couch. "I've been thinking I should stay quiet, just until after the funeral."
Evan nodded. Baby had dragged her dog bed from upstairs and placed it in the corner of the living room earlier and had fallen asleep there so I let her be as Evan and I walked upstairs in silence.
"Thank you again, Macy."
"I couldn't have cooked that meal without you."
"Not for that. Thank you for caring for Jonathan and for tonight. It's really helped."
A warm smile formed on my face and I wished him goodnight.
"Goodnight, darling."
I walked inside Jonathan's bedroom and closed the door. He was in the bathroom already brushing his teeth.
"Macy. Your toothbrush is in here."
I thanked him as I walked into the bathroom and got ready for bed. Jonathan preferred to have all the lights off and the window open so that the room was only illuminated by the soft glow of the moonlight.
Somehow, he looked even more handsome with the light on his face as we laid in bed.
"How'd you like tonight?" I asked.
"It was great, Macy, and those brownies were delicious."
I snuggled further into his chest, cherishing his body heat. His arm cradled over me and we stayed like that. Our chests pressed the slightest bit together, my smile against the neck, and his hand playing with my hair.
"Goodnight, Jonathan."
"Night, babe."
The funeral is next and I'm going to seriously cry when writing it. There was a lot of fluff and a lot of fun surprises in this chapter that you guys hopefully liked. Vote and comment
And as always I hope ye enjoyed(:)
P.S. Tell your friends about this book *wink wink* and don't forget to leave your votes (shameful promotion) because I've noticed they've been really inconsistent and that's pretty odd.
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