Chapter 28
A/N: I described the position vaguely in the chapter, but the picture above is definitely how I would imagine them sleeping
Jonathan's P.O.V.
The bar had been surprisingly enjoyable. I had honestly expected myself to drink well over my limit but it was difficult to order drink after drink like I usually did, when all I could really focus on was Macy. She had gotten along well with everyone she had met the entire evening and had even befriended the bartender.
Macy had driven home with me sitting in the passenger seat because although I refrained from drinking over my designated limit, I certainly drank over what I should have.
Thoughts registered in my head at a normal speed but there was difficulty processing them, which meant the filter I had around Macy did not exist and I was left a blubbering idiot.
"I think you're pretty," I smiled, knowing all too well in the back of my head that I would regret ever drinking in the morning.
"And you drank too much," Macy said with a grin, helping me inside. I stood fine on my own, but she linked her arm through mine as we walked up the stairs to my bedroom. She led me to the bed and sat me down, then looked through my closet. I was about to ask for a blanket, but Macy had instead thrown a pair of pajama pants and black tee shirt at my face. "I'll leave you to change."
"Do you think you can stay here for the night like you did before? I liked that."
A soft smile was directed towards me. "Okay," she said quietly. "I'll go get ready for bed and I'll be right back."
So she left and I changed quickly, then walked to the bathroom to brush my teeth. The reflection in the mirror was unrecognizable and at first I blamed it on the liquor, but I knew this change was much more significant.
Physically, I noticed that the bags beneath my eyes were not as dark as they used to be and my skin had cleared up a bit. The real difference was derived generally from the thoughts that lingered in my head from day to day and the feelings that encompassed my heart.
The relationships I had with my family and friends were mended. The hostility that had plagued my brain whenever I was in public had dissolved into a warming sense of generosity. All the hate in my heart had morphed into a love I could barely control. And it was all because of Macy. The lovable, eccentric, and beyond beautiful Macy who found me deserving of redemption. She was everything in the world that was good and pure and kind and it counteracted everything I seemed to be.
From the corner of my eye, I saw Macy standing behind the doorway to the bathroom, staring up at me as I finished brushing my teeth. As I lowered my head to rinse my mouth, I felt her arms wrap around my waist from behind me and I straightened up, smiling at her from the mirror.
"What are you doing?"
"Hugging you."
"Oh," I managed to sputter out. I put my toothbrush away and watched as she got on her toes to rest her chin on my shoulder, her arms hugging higher around my torso. "I think I like this."
Macy grinned. "Hugs?"
"I like seeing us smiling together."
With no second thought, Macy planted a kiss to my cheek and walked back in the bedroom. I turned the bathroom lights off before following behind her into bed.
As if instinctively, Macy scooted closer and her legs latched across my torso and her arms gently hugged my head into her chest.
"You're a koala," I muttered, putting one arm atop her thigh.
"How so?"
"You know how koalas like grab onto things and they don't let go for a while. You do that. Not just when you sleep, but ever since I met you, you stayed and you've never wavered."
Macy laughed and hugged me tighter.
"You're really cute when you drink."
I shook my head slightly and quickly stopped after realizing her chest was squished against the side of my face. God, I could never get tired of her.
"But like, think about it."
"Well, I don't just think of you as someone I can hold onto. This is stupidly corny, but you're my support. You're the one thing that's always there for me."
I smiled. "This is a lot of thought for just a koala and a tree."
Macy nodded and nothing else was said as I stared at the ceiling and slowly felt Macy's latch lessen as she fell asleep.
Macy was cooking downstairs by the time I had woken up. She had music playing and her hair was down in natural curls.
"Morning, babe," I whispered, wrapping my arms around her waist from behind like she had done the night before. "What are you making?"
"Do you not like that? I can call you anything you want. Princess, angel? Oh, I know the perfect name," I smiled. "Troll."
I laughed as she turned around and lightly shoved me towards the table. "We'll stick with babe. I'm just finishing up the pancakes. Eggs and bacon are on the table and so is your coffee with some Advil."
Surprisingly, I didn't have much of a hangover but I took the Advil anyway and sat down at the table.
"Callum called the house phone. I know you wanted to be in charge, but he's done a lot of the planning with all the suggestions you had the other day. He's really done a lot and you know that this funeral had to come sooner or later."
My stomach dropped and I took a deep breath in before answering. "I know, Macy. I'll call him later and check in with him about everything. I'm just hoping that we'll get through it quick."
"That's another thing. Callum said he invited your family and I figured it would be small since you don't really talk about any of your extended family, but apparently you have a lot and Callum might have invited them all."
"I'm screwed."
I'm back! So sorry for not updating in a while, but finals were being a pain in the pass. I'm on Christmas break though for the next two weeks, which means more updates to come hopefully for this book, BBSquad One Shots, and Rogue.
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And as always I hope ye enjoyed(:)
P.S. I made a Foreword to this story, which includes a general summary and a note
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