Chapter 20
Jonathan's POV
The past few days have been the worst in my life. My mothers cancer had progressed past the point of no return.
"Mom, please don't go," I plead, tears streaming down my cheeks.
I was kneeling beside a large hospital bed, which my mom lays in. This will be her last day.
The room was filled with medical equipment and plain white furniture. It was boring, but a room I will always remember.
She weakly turns her head until she is facing me. Her breathing mask was covering her mouth which made speaking difficult.
A small smile appears from within the mask. I knew she was hurting, but she was strong for me. I needed to be strong for her.
I held her small, frail hand in my large, strong one. Her once soft skin was now leathery and dry.
She was dying and she looked like it. It broke my heart. I hated even seeing her cry, let alone die.
Just then the door opened and a man appeared in the door way. He wore a black dress shirt with a matching pair of dress pants and a gold tie. His old age was present by his hair loss and wrinkles which lay under his eyes and fore head.
A genuine smile was always present on his face, which was something I hated. He was around death and illness all day but still managed to smile like nothing was wrong. It bothered me greatly. This man was known as Dr. Gardener.
"Jonathan, do you mind stepping out of the room for a moment, please?" Dr. Gardener asked me.
I gently nod my head and slowly release my hand from my mothers, possibly for the last time.
As I walked out of the room I looked behind me and saw my mother, for the first time in years I saw her cry. A small tears rolled out of her bright blue eyes and down her pale cheek.
She didn't want me to leave, I didn't want to leave her but we must be polite to the man who's keeping my mother alive.
Mr. Gardener softly closed the door behind me as soon as I stepped out. I assumed he needed to tell her some news I couldn't hear.
I leaned against the pale walls that lined which connected each doorway and made the building look everlasting.
The world is loosing a beautiful woman, who is a amazing mother and an extremely generous, caring person.
It broke my heart how nobody else is here supporting her. My brother didn't even bother showing up. My dad, who was stricken with a bad case of selfishness was no where to be found. Even her friends never came to visit. I knew it made her feel worthless, but she was the opposite of that.
Cancer, the disease which takes the lives of the innocent. It is the silent killer, the destroyer of lives. Cancer, the real life monster.
I slowly start to slide down the wall until my knees are pressed up against my chest and my butt is planted on the cold floor below.
Tears, the salty waters which drench the faces of the ones who's emotions over power their bodies limit. I wish I could stop crying, it shows weakness. Something I wish I wasn't. But I can't keep denying it.
I hid my face in my between my arms. Nobody needed to see me cry, but I couldn't help it.
Then the door opened and the doctor emerged. He still smile mysteriously disappeared.
I quickly stood up and wiped the tears from my face. Faking a smile was all I had to do to avoid the "Are you ok?" which everyone seemed to ask.
"Jonathan..." Dr. Gardener started, "I'm sorry but we can't keep putting her through this. She's suffering and its inhuman to do this to her. I talked to her and she agrees with me. I'm so sorry."
That's when my world stopped.
I knew this day was coming, but I didn't expect it to be today. I figured I had a few more days to spend with my mom. My plan to make these last few days amazing for her was ruined.
No matter how much I didn't want her to go, it was for the best.
I nodded once more and then the doctor spoke again, "I'll give you two about ten minutes, ok?"
There it was again, his stupid smile. Although, this time it was different. It has emotion unlike before. He was upset, something he probably doesn't feel often.
I walk back in to my mothers dull hospital room. She had rolled to her side and was now facing away from the door. My mother had her hands covering her face, only soft cries escaped from beneath her hands.
"Mom?" I asked quietly.
She slowly rolled back on to her back. It looked extremely painful, a few groans escaped her lips as she moved.
Cancer had taken a toll on her body and every movement was as if she was laying on a bed of nails.
I ran towards her bed and helped her adjust the blankets. She was weak and in pain, something I desperately wanted to change. But since I couldn't, helping her was the best I could do.
"Mom, please don't leave me..." I said quietly. Tears began to flow from my eyes once more.
My mother was surprisingly strong after I came back in to her room. Her tears stopped and she just wiped the tears from her eyes and began talking, "Jonathan, there is something I need to tell you."
I sat on the edge of her bed and watched her intently as my tears continued to fall.
I could physically feel my heart breaking. It hurt worse than any physical pain anyone could inflict on me.
"You are perfect. Jonathan, you are amazing, never forget that. I know that you get upset sometimes and do awful things but remember that does not define you. Please look on the bright side after today and don't let this destroy you," her words were quiet and she spoke slowly.
For the first time in a long time a small smile appeared on my lips but it soon faded as a small sob escaped my lips.
I couldn't hold it in any longer. My emotions got the best of me.
I fell forward and wrapped my arms around my mother, for the last time.
Just then Mr. Gardener appeared in the door way with a group of nurses behind him.
"It's time."
Just in a few moments a beating heart can completely stop. That's exactly what happened to my mother. They gave her a lethal dose of drugs and claimed she would die without pain. Although, she was in pain when she died.
That was over an hour ago.
Now I am sitting my truck with Baby sleeping in the back seat.
Numb, is the only way I can describe my feelings. I just lost the most important person in my life to a disease.
I couldn't let her down but I couldn't stay strong for much longer.
I couldn't cry, that would upset her. She wanted me to be strong, like her. I needed to be strong for her.
I had called her earlier and had a brief conversation with her, which made me feel better. I have never had a friendship with someone like her before. Luke was different, he was always there for me but is distant now. Macy seems to want to stay, something nobody has wanted to do with me.
I pulled out my phone from my pocket and dialled her number.
The classic ring began and a few seconds later her sweet voiced played through the speakers on my phone.
1267 words.
I want to apologize for the slow updates. lovelylittleturtles and I started school again. As many of you know school is a 24/7 job and takes up a lot of time and its hard to make time to write.
Also, personal issues are going on and makes writing even more difficult so I hope everyone understands and continues to be patient.
Comment below and predictions or just because you can.
Stay classy~ Holley
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