Chapter 2
Jonathan's POV
The sound of screeching tires snaps me out of my thoughts. I jump out of my chair and open the curtains revealing a car on the road stopped in front of a boy around seven years old. The boy stood in front of the car and held tightly on to a small puppy. The dog must have run on the road.
I close the curtains and let the darkness surround me again. I pick up my phone and checked the time, 5:30 pm.
I sighed and walked into the kitchen, opening the cabinet which once held expensive plates and bowls. The cabinet was now filled with various types of cereal and other similar foods. Grabbing a box of my favourite cereal, I head back to my seat.
Once I am acquainted in my chair, I stare at the single object producing light in my house; my computer monitor. The screen showed the conversation I had with my mother the pervious night.
We talk almost everyday. Usually our conversations consist of her asking me about my job, house, and relationships. She would occasionally update me on how my dog, Baby, is doing. Since she can't live with me, she is living with my mom. But last night was different. She barely sent anything other then, "okay" or "yeah". Which was odd. Even for an older woman she still managed to type as much as the average teenager.
I knew something was wrong. My mother was never like this, she was always cheerful and full of energy. That woman was tough as nails, but sensitive and sweet at the same time. She was never one to complain and always had a smile on her face. You could always tell when something was wrong with her though, her smile faded to a neutral expression and her voice which was previously filled with enthusiasm, turned cold and expressionless.
I read the conversation over and over again, as if reading it again would change the text or show me what was wrong.
Unfortunately it didn't. The messages still showed the same boring conversation. I sighed and turned off my monitor.
The sound of screeching tires came once again from outside. I walked back over to the curtains revealing the bright sun light once again. Instead of a boy with his dog, I saw a girl step out of the a taxi with my neighbours, the Kerjoff's. She was too young to be their daughter, so I assumed it was either a niece or grand daughter. I watch them as they take luggage out of the back seat and pay the driver. They waved to the driver as he drove away. Nice enough, I thought as they walk in to the house. Soon later other neighbours visited them and introduced themselves to her.
I close the curtains, embracing the darkness once more. I didn't think much of her, just another neighbour, i thought walking to my xbox turning it on. Distracting myself seemed like the best option and my love of video games was the best idea.
After what seemed like only an hour, I turned off my xbox and headed to my bathroom to take a shower before bed.
After I dried my hair and body I started heading towards my room. As I was walking there my phone buzzed in my pocket, it was my mother. All she said was a simple hello, which I duplicated and sent back to her.
"Jonathan, I have something I have to tell you." Those 9 words made my heart sink and my palm sweat. I replied with a short answer, okay.
I sit at my desk and put on my headphones, preparing for the news. I knew it couldn't be good. Hopefully my dad was in the hospital, it may sound awful but he deserves it...
My phone buzzes once again, I take a deep breath before swiping the screen.
"Jonathan, your dad decided that if you can't have Baby at your house, then it's time to get rid of her. He says that we can't keep her here and she's not our responsibility. Tomorrow morning he's taking her to the shelter or out back. I'm sorry I tried to convince him other wise but it didn't work."
Anger immediately filled my body. My hands gripped in to fists and I clenched my jar. How can he do that?
It's not her fault she can't live here!
He can't get rid of her!
I was snapped out of my thoughts when I felt the sensation of being watched. I locked my phone screen and froze. I felt a pair of eyes watching me from outside. I glance out the window, not turning my head. I see a girl watching me though her window. Now, fully looking out the window, I see the girl from earlier staring at me. "Mother fucker." I whisper then, still furious from my fathers stupid decisions, I whip open the curtains and asks the girl who she was. She had no reason to be staring at me, especially through my window.
"Macy. And you?"
She doesn't need to know who I am.
"No one important. Why are you in that house? The Kerjoff couple live there."
"Those are my grandparent's. I'll be living with them for a while."
Knew it. With her messy brown hair and short stature she looked a few years younger then me, probably still in high school. I hope she doesn't intend to be making friends right now.
"Listen, kid. You seem nice and got the whole 'nice girl' thing going on, so I'm going to warn you, don't talk to me. Don't peek into my window, don't say 'hi', and don't smile at me. I'm trouble."
Then she did something strange, she started smiling at me.
"Why are you smiling?"
"It's not good to be a stranger, especially to your new neighbor."
So what if I'm a stranger? I don't need another friend. I groan and grab my hockey mask, attempting to scare her. Maybe then she'll leave me alone. Instead she gasped, obviously she was being over dramatic.
"Oh how frightening! I'm so afraid. You're not that intimidating, but I'll let you get back to whatever you were doing. Goodnight, stranger." The sarcasm was very strong in her voice.
"Whatever, kid." I say, then close the curtains and go to bed. Sleep was the only thing I needed. It's what I do when I'm stressed, death without the commitment.
I woke to the sound of car doors slamming and an engine roaring to life. Walking through the darkness of my house, I found my window that showed the street. Outside I could see the Kerjoff's car backing out of their driveway and speed down the street. Her eyes locking to mine as they drive by.
1122 words.
First chapter in Delirious's POV is finally done! The next chapter will be in Macy's POV written by lovelylittleturtles
Votes and comments are always appreciated :]
Stay classy~ Holley (W1LDC4T43)
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