Chapter 18
Jonathan's POV
Finally having the house back to myself was different, it wasn't like I expected it to be.
After over hearing Macy talking to Jayden, I went back upstairs to my room, claiming that I'd be going back to sleep. In reality, I was going to call Evan for advice.
"Hey, Jon!" Evan greeted excitedly.
"Hey Evan. I really need your help right now, man."
"Of course, anything you need," Evan replied.
His cheerful tone never left his voice and that was something I deeply admired about him. He was always happy and willing to help, something I was not, but the kind of person I wish I was.
Before I could explain everything, I needed to know if Evan was caught up, "Do you remember Jayden?" I asked him.
There was a small pause before Evan replied, "The one who..."
He paused once more, he knew this was a sensitive subject for me.
"Yes, that one," I interrupted him before he could continue.
"Ok, what about him?" He questioned.
"Macy is going on a date with him tonight."
"Does she know tha-" I interrupted him again.
"No she's doesn't know," I said sternly.
I should have told Macy history I had with Jayden and why I despised him so much. Although, I contemplated letting her find out on her own.
"Do you think I should tell her? I mean he's bound to do something like that to her," I continue.
"No man, tell her. If Jayden does something like that to her she'll probably change forever and you'll regret keeping your mouth shut."
Evan was right. I couldn't let Jayden harm such an innocent girl, not Macy. I needed to tell her what he'd done in the past, whether she believed me or not.
"Okay thanks, I'll text you later about recording." With that, Evan and I bid our goodbyes.
I walked out of my room and towards the stairs, but stopped when I heard Macy talking to someone.
"You love him too, huh?" My heart seemed to stop at the first sentence. "He's a good guy. I know that, but sometimes he can be so difficult. I just thought he trusted me enough to tell me what's wrong, but I guess I haven't been completely honest with him either."
I ran back to my room as quietly as I could, hoping she didn't see me. What did she mean by 'I haven't been completely honest with him either'?
She's hiding something from me...
Although, I'm hiding a lot from her so I shouldn't be as mad as I am. I just didn't expect her to be hiding things from me. She seemed like the kind of girl who put honesty as a priority and I guess she had a lot of trust in me, which is something I don't completely understand.
Soon I heard the door shut, I peered out my window and saw Macy walking off with her backpack.
I sighed and decided that I'll wait until I see her again to tell her. She needs to know, but I'll let her have enjoy their night out first.
I head downstairs and see Baby sitting at the door. "What's wrong, Baby?"
She wined in response and jumped at the door, I knew she was upset about Macy leaving. For a moment, I was too.
Walking up to Baby, I scratched behind her ear, which always calmed her down. "It'll be ok, Baby. She'll be back soon."
Soon, I found the note Macy had left. I guess she had taken a liking to Luke. They would be a good couple, a lot better than her and Jayden. Although, Luke is a lot older than her, but age is always just a number.
After doing some quick cleanup around my house– which wasn't much since Macy was usually very tidy– I headed upstairs to record with Evan and a few other people. We had discussed recording while I was cleaning and decided to play another session of Dead by Daylight.
Dead by Daylight was a popular game I really enjoyed playing. It was my new absolute favourite. The game brought my friends and I closer and the subscribers loved it as much as I did.
Recording the entire session took hours and a lot of hard work. It may look like all fun and games, but looks can be deceiving.
And editing was the worst. It took longer than recording and a very keen eye.
Recording was my favourite because I could always be myself and play games with the friends I cherished, which is something I don't get to do a lot.
After a few hours of recording and countless laugh attacks, I said goodbye to the boys and ended my recording.
I viewed my files to make sure it recorded properly and weren't corrupted. Then I was about to shut off my computer when the skype ringtone blared from my speakers.
It was my mom. I answered and saw her smiling face looking back at me. If only I could see her smile like that all the time.
"Hey, mom. What's up?"
"Jonathan, I need you to come back for a few days. I'll explain when you get here." Her voice was raspy and she took many deep breaths in her sentence.
"Of course mom, I'll leave right away."
We said our goodbyes and I began to pack my bag once more. My mothers days were limited and I would do anything for her.
I didn't want to bother Macy so I decided to bring Baby with me and would tweet to my subscribers asking them to forgive me for not posting in a few days.
After packing a quick bag, I threw it in my truck and Baby jumped onto the passenger seat beside me.
I hoped everyone could forgive me for my sudden absence, especially for Macy to understand why I left. I'd text her later explaining everything, but I refused to ask her to help me. She'd have enough on her plate with Jayden.
As I started my vehicle, Baby began to stir in her seat. I scratched behind her ear and assured her everything would be okay. But would it?
932 words.
Chapters on this book will probably not be consistent. lovelylittleturtles and I are currently working on other projects and its our summer vacation. Personally I don't want to be glued to my phone writing chapters every night so please be patient.
Comment any predictions!
Stay classy~ Holley
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