Chapter 12
Jonathan's POV
Driving is absolutely exhausting! I've been driving all night and haven't stopped once, except for drive through coffee and gas.
I've been on the road for currently 25 hours, 10 minutes and 34 seconds. It's exhausting and it's getting harder and harder to keep my eyes open.
I watch the sun start to set and the clouds swirl with pink and white, which painted a perfect picture to end my day. The street lights soon illuminate the road and make visibility slightly more easier.
Suddenly the road turns completely dark and I can no longer see anything. Everything went quiet and I started to relax.
The horn threw me out of my relaxed state and back to reality. I had fallen asleep at the wheel. I was thankful it was only for a second and I didn't swerve off the road and kill myself. I was lucky.
I take another sip of my bitter coffee and try to wake myself up. Thankfully the coffee seemed to work.
My parents lived in a small house in the middle of a small town. This town was surrounded by a dense forest which reminded me of town I currently live in.
Their house was quite small, only a one story house with a small fenced in back yard. Exact replicas were littered around the small town along with a few small shops. It was a town for retired people who wanted to live out the rest of their days in peace.
Throughout my trip I left my phone resting in the passenger seat. It died just as I left town so I knew I would get hundreds of messages.
Leaving abruptly was the last thing I wanted to do. I knew Macy was looking forward to our walk but when my mom asks me to come over for an emergency, I had no choice.
My mother has always been there when my dad was drunk or high and abusive. Yes, he would yell, scream, and sometimes hit. I was just the ungrateful child who was a mistake and a screwup.
The memories formed tears in my eyes. The sound of his voice and the look in his eye stuck in my mind and haunted my dreams. It caused me to start to be like him. I'm ashamed to say, I'm turning in to him. I don't like it but I can't help my anger.
I sigh in relief as I spot the first brown house with a dark trim and big windows. Pulling in the driveway and seeing my mother smile caused happy memories to replace my nightmares.
I waved back at my mom and her smile shined even brighter, it reminds me of Macy's smile.
I turn the key in the ignition and listen to the motor taking a break in the first time in 25 hours.
Unlocking the door and stepping out, I was instantly pulled in to a hug by my mother. Her strong perfume lingered around her and crept in to my nose. It was a smell I can never forget.
"Hello mom," I say to my mother who's arms are still tightly around my waist.
"Hello Jonathan," she said looking in to my eyes.
Something was different about her. Her smile was still bright but felt dull, pain was visible in her eyes, and she felt weak. She needed support to stand when her arms left my waist. She closed her eyes and put her hand over her chest.
I urged to help her stand and asked her what was wrong, her only response was "I'm okay" but it was obvious she was not.
We walked in to the house, with my strong objection. I offered to carry the weak old woman but she denied saying she could do it herself.
As soon as my mother opened the door I was knocked down by a medium ball of fluff, also known as Baby. Her wet kisses drenched my face and her little tail was wagging so hard her whole back side was wagging with it.
"Hello Baby, I missed you too," I laughed as I pushed her off of me. I have not seen her in a year. She was my baby and she probably felt as through I abandoned her. Seeing me now must have been like a dream.
Me and my mother sat on the couch, along with Baby who sat on my lap. My mother starred at me and smiled before saying, "Jonathan, I don't think you understand how much I love you. You're my son and I'm great full for the time we have spent together and all the memories we made. I know Zachary's absence is hard for you but please know he loves you as much as I do. I know why he left and he urged me not to tell you, so I won't. He said he'll talk to you soon but please now he loves you-" I stop her there.
"Wait so you know where's he's been this whole time? I got a fucking note and you get a whole story! This is bullshit! Obviously he doesn't fucking care about me! He left!" Lack of sleep was getting the best of my emotions and rage fuelled me since sleep could not.
"Jonathan! Enough with that language! He will get in touch with you soon just know that he's been busy. He still cares about you," She smiled again, calming me.
"I'm sorry, I haven't slept in awhile," I reply, looking at the carpet which lay under my feet.
My mother pats me on the back and smiles at me once more, "Jonathan dear, I understand. I just want to get this all off my chest right now so please listen."
I nodded and she continued, "Jonathan your father left. I was diagnosed with terminal cancer, he freaked out and left. He's not coming back."
I sat there shocked. He finally left, but my mother is dying. I always wanted him to leave but because of this wasn't fair.
Tears fell down my cheeks. She wrapped her arms around me and whispered, "Jonathan, please don't cry. We knew this would happen one day. Please stop."
I wiped the tears from my eyes and nodded. "Jonathan, I love him but I know he needed to go. He had a fit and left. I'm sorry."
Laughter replaced my tears, "Don't be sorry. I'm happy he left." My mother only nodded solemnly before continuing.
"I've known about the cancer for awhile now. I was diagnosed six months ago, I didn't have the heart to tell you. Zachary knows, and once I told your dad, he left." Tears started forming in her eyes, it broke me. I hated to see my mother cry, she was the most important woman in my life and I hate seeing her so broken.
"Mommy, it'll be okay. He was no good for you. Go out and find someone to spend the rest of your days with. Mom, you deserve so much better than that asshole," I said as I drew circles in her back with my hand.
She smiled and wiped the tears from her face, "I'm such a mess, I'm sorry Jonathan." I laughed with her, "it's okay mom."
Dealing with my mothers terminal illness was difficult. She gave birth to me, she raised me, she protected me from the monster my father became. I love my mother but I know it will happen. I have to be prepared.
Soon after my mother prepared dinner for me and her. We talked about current events and things that have happened recently. I wanted this to be happy and not all about her upcoming death.
We agreed I would stay the night and leave tomorrow, since I had to get back for work and she had to do some paper work and pack my fathers things.
My mother is a gamer. She loved video games and supported my job, my father on the other hand was the opposite. He hated video games and wanted me to be a lawyer or an accountant. That was never going to happen.
For the rest of the night we played Mario Kart on the wii. I let her win, every time. She cheered about her victory and said, "You young kids will never match my skill! Years of experience right here!"
The night was filled with laughs and will surely end with happy memories for when she is gone.
"I love you mom," I said to her before we head out separate ways and go to bed.
She smiled at me, "I love you too Jonathan," she walked to me and hugged me. I hugged her back, tightly. This might be the last time I hug my mother and I wanted to make sure she knew I loved her.
We go our separate ways and head to bed.
During the night nightmares crept in my mind and corrupted my dreams. My dreams were filled with imagines of my mother dead at the hands of my father.
I woke up in a cold sweat and screaming. Baby, who was sleeping next to me woke up and started whimpering. I pet her to try and calm her down, which helped me to. Petting a dog is very calming especially after a bad dream. I love this dog.
I guess my mother never heard my scream because she never came in. Me and Baby just sat in bed until sleep consumed me once more.
In the morning I had forgotten about what my mother told me last night. It was if it never happened. The smell of freshly cooked bacon, eggs and toast made me jump out of bed and run towards the kitchen. I was greeted with a smile from my mother and a plate full of breakfast.
I sat at the table and dug in. My mother started laughing, "Well good morning." I also wished her good morning while stuffing food in my mouth. Seeing my mother smile reminded me of the dark reality.
After breakfast my mother gathered all of Baby's things and put them in the back of my truck.
Baby jumped in the passenger seat as soon as the door was opened. We both laughed at the dog then hugged goodbye.
"Here," my mother said handing me a Tupperware container, "I made you some lunch and dinner for the road." I thanked her and placed it in the truck.
"Thank you mom. I love you," I said hugging her. She hugged me back and said that she loved me too. She kissed my cheek before I jumped in my truck and began driving home. She waved at me as I drove, I waved back.
This was possibly the last time I would ever see my mother. I was broken but wouldn't let her see. She was my mother and she was dying. I needed to stay strong for her. We promised to talk everyday but knowing her death was soon hurt.
I drove down the endless dirt road and then through the dense forest which surrounded the town. The highway was a nice change considering it's a smooth drive and there was fast moving traffic and not 80 year olds driving mustangs.
During the drive thoughts of my mother crept through my mind and wouldn't leave. Tears formed as I drives and blurred my vision.
I pulled over and let my tears out. My mother was dying and there wasn't anything I can do about it. I love her, she was the one who protected me, the one who loved me the most and now she's dying.
Baby whimpered again and placed her head on my arm. I laughed through the tears and patted her head.
I looked out on the road and see the same boy as before with the puppy. They were playing on the highways. I panicked. They were going to get hit, playing on the highway was dangerous especially for a young child and puppy.
Jumping out of the truck I ran to the end of the road and yelled at them, "Hey! Get off the road!" I waved my arms and then I saw a car. It was heading right towards them. I covered my eyes since it was the only thing I can do.
The car passed through them. They were fine. They continued to play and the boy chased the dog playfully. Not a care in the world.
I stood there dumbfounded. How could that be possible? Concluding that I was hallucinating from little sleep I got back in the truck and started my journey.
After 26 hours I finally arrived home at 7:36am. I shut off the truck and jumped out. Baby was following behind me. I unlocked my door and went to bed. Unaware of the woman sleeping in my house.
2098 words.
I think it's interesting to read this. Me and lovelylittleturtles have very different writing styles but we can work together well and write a good story. Which I think it's interesting and fun to read.
Comment what you think of the chapter and any predictions!
Votes and comments are always appreciated :]
Stay classy~ Holley
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