Getting Contracted.
I arrived at the arena, it was so big I convinced mu father to let me wrestle, even though he did not want his only daughter un the business she wanted it nore thsn anything. Of course with my luck I got lost, I've been walking around looking for the office for what felt like hours, when I bumped into someone, he was gorgeous,
"Oh my god, I'm so sorry, I'm so clusmy." I say looking away from his face.
" It's no problem little lady." He said with a smile.
"Here ya heading?" He asked.
"You know where I can find the office, im supposed to go over my gimmick and all that before I make my debut. " I ask him.
"I was heading in that direction come on." He said.
I followed him and he stopped a door, and knocked on it. "Come in." Said a voice from inside. "See ya round little lady." He said with a smile and walked away.
I walked i the room and vclose the door behind me as i yook a seat in front of the desk. "Hello Nicole, your dad told me you would be showing up today." He said. " I have everything for you." She said and gives him her misic cd. They talked over her character and she signed her contract. "Now you will train a bit more and when we feel you are ready we will deubt you in NXT." He said with a smile as i got up and left thd room.
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