first day of nothing
i feel warmth on my face my eyes flutter open jack stands out side in brown sweat pants and-NO SHIRT!! i feel my face turn red i hid under the covers "oh youre up i thought you were never getting up." i hear him he sits on the bed next to me he trys pulling off the cover "No i look ugly in the mornig." i say tryig to calm down "elsa i saw you in youre pajamas with unicorn slippers watchingmylittle pony and you say you look ugly in the mornig." i pull the covers down just to show my eyes he smiles "stop smiling like that." i say 'why" he aks "its creepy." i say "sure. comeon get up im making breackfast" he says. "are you going ot leave." i say "not until you get up." he says i sigh and sit up i fun my fingers through my hair and puting in in a messy bun "hmm." he says holding my chin "hey!?" i say "yep definetly ugly." he says i gasp he moves back and lets down my hair "dont put it up" he says and walk out.
i put on my unicorn slippers and walk into the kitchen which is huge we eat and i go back in the room to get dressed i put on hawiian pattern flowerd shorts and a blue lace top i put on sandles and bit of makeup and i put my hair in a briad "okay so i have a list of things i want to to do before the work part of tthis trip starts."jack says walking into the room i finish my shoes "okay so i want to visist all the beaches then a hike and theres this thing call queens bath and its supposed to be a hot srprings type thing oh and also we could go to that little town that was in the pamflet i=and stuff." he says "youve never been to hawii have you." i say "no why." he says "it shows." i say "oh." he says
we walk along all the beaches that are close but we dont go hiking or to queens bath beacuse i dont want to yet we go to a little town and shop "hey elsa." jack says "what." i turn aroundhe hold up matchig out fits "n-no oh no haha." i say nervously "oh comeon." he says "no" i say "well im buying it." he says i lugh "im nnot wearing that." i say "its a waste of money." i say he ignores me and goes off the the regester i find a really pretty necklace with an opal tutle and starfish "you ready." he says "huh oh yeah." i grab my bag and walk out
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