Last Day of 1st Semster
Yesterday was the last day of 1st semester at my school. And so that meant no more gym for me. So yesterday in gym, it was a free day. Everyone was just sitting on the bleachers socializing or playing with some sports equipment. Since we were bored, my friends and I volunteered to clean out the lockers in the girls' locker room. This is what happened: (btw, I'm just gonna abbreviate my friend's names to R, J, M, and B)
Coach: Since you girls are bored, you wanna clear out the lockers in the girls' locker room?
Me: *shrugs* Ok.
Me: Ok, everyone, before emptying out all the lockers, open all of them first?
J: Why?
Me: You'll see...soon.
M: OMG!!! *about the throw up* IS THIS A BRA?! And someone's panties!!! EEEWWW!!!
M: We still have to put it all into the bin!
Me: Fine! *grabs an orange cone*
R: What are you doing?
Me: *doesn't touch stuff and uses cone to drag them into bin*
B: Catch!
M: These lockers are disgusting!
R: *about to barf*
Me: Hold on, I'm gonna go get some fresh air.
All: *laughing/dying*
Girl: *comes in* What are you guys doing?
Me: We're robbing this place, you saw nothing.
Girl: O.O
B: We're cleaning.
After 20 minutes of hilariousness-
Coach: You girls done?
All: Yep.
Coach: Can you sort them into piles? Uniform, Goodwill, and trash.
M: Ok.
Coach: You might want some gloves.
J: Finally, we got gloves?
R: What do we do with these? *points to dirty underwear*
J: UGH!! *takes broomstick handle to push it into trash pile*
Me: *gag*
B: This is uniform, right?
M: Yeah, just put it in to bin.
Me: Guys! This is disgusting! I got a gray stain on my gloves!
R: EW!!
Me: *sorting out piles*
B: *pointing* What's that?
Me: I don't know. *looks closer*
J: I'm gonna throw up.
R: What the?
All: *stare*
A small spider crawls out.
People nearby playing 4 square: *turn to look at me like I'm crazy*
B: But it's small.
Me: *not listening* KILL IT!!! *snatches broom from J* DIE DIE DIE!!! *swinging and smashing broom everywhere*
All: *scream*
M: I think it's gone!!
R: What the?
Me: What?
R: *hold up notebook*
B: *reads name* What the?
Me: But he's a guy!
M: Why is a guy's notebook in the bin of the girls locker room?
Me: You don't think he...
B: Uh....
R: Look at this! *holds up paper*
M: It's that guy's!
B: Ugh.
M: Ok, who has classes with him?
Me: I have Homeroom and science with him.
M: Than ask him why his stuff is in the girls' bin.
B: This is trash. *throws something at trash pile*
R: *who was standing in front of trash pile, yelps and runs* That could've hit me!
R: What?!
Me: AAAAAHHHHHH!!! *takes broom and swings and smashes it again* DIE SPIDER!!!! DIE SPIDER!!!!!! DIE!!!!!!
J: We gotta out it in the bags.
5 minutes later-
Me: Guys, this is how Santa does it. *tries to swig back over shoulder like Santa, but it's too heavy* You know what? Never mind. *drags bag*
Coach: Ok, so you girls are done.
Back in the locker room-
Me: So this is the last day of first semester. And so I won't have some of you guys in any of my classes after today. So we shall stage a grand farewell. Every pick a locker to start.
All: *pick a locker to start at*
Me: So since these doors are open, we can runs across and close them like dominoes style. Ok Gertrudes (that's what we sometimes call each other), stick your hand out and when we finish countdown, run across your row and then just run around and slam ever locker shut as fast and loud as you can.
M: Countdown from 3!
All: 3, 2, 1, GOOOOO!!!!!
All: *runs everywhere slamming lockers shut*
People outside locker room: *hears slamming noises* What's going on in there?
Me: *going temporarily deaf* DOES ANYONE HEAR ME?
All: *still running around and slamming lockers shut*
5 minutes later-
Me: *sweating* THAT WAS AWESOME!!!!
B: *thumbs up*
M: Yay!
Bell rings-
All: See ya, Gertrude.
Loved it!
(By the way, my name's not really Gertrude.)
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