Chapter One (Me!)
Picture at the top is Isa!
I'm making this chapter longer than the first in the other book like this just because I have the world and character already built and want to cover all of that.
Quick disclaimer with that because I dint want anyone to worry: Just because I know about these things doesn't mean I'm not excited to see how you twist them. I would not use these characters if I wasn't okay with people messing around with them. Do whatever you want with them, I want to see it and you will do so amazing.
And all of the fairy types listed are real.
Anyway, let's get into it!
TW: Mentions of rape, discrimination, and implied murder.
Isabueel Gorsnœf stepped through the shadows lining the market. It was almost closing time, but they really need the food for tonight. It had been an exhausting day, and they really just wanted some zanirai.
It was kind of like a mixture of pizza, a cookie, and a taco. It's better than it sounds. Of course, none of those were allowed here. But whatever.
They saw the vendor, who seemed to be in the middle of putting one of the shells into a large box.
A spike of anxiety ran through them, and they quickly stepped out of the shadows and over to the vendor.
"Hello." They said simply, adrenaline coursing through their veins as they glanced around.
He looked up, and his expression quickly changed from one of slight annoyance because of the late customer to fear to anger. "What... What do you want, scålit." He spat the word like a curse, which it was, and Isa grimaced.
Not like they weren't expecting it. But it still hurt. Their mother was a Brounie, one of the few females of the kind, and supposedly the best at fixing furniture since her great grandfather.
And their father, if you could even call him that, was.... Well, he was a Redcap. Brutal, murdering, rapists that kept to the far mountains until they came down to hunt.
It was bad enough to be a hybrid, even worse to be the child of a Redcap. Her twin, Kadnoq, had gotten off lucky in the looks department when it came to that. With her straight wood-brown hair that was distinctive to the Brounie and brown eyes, she could pass as normal.
Something Isa could never do with their messy white hair, grayish skin, and red eyes. They needed money that they didn't have to hide that, and even then they'd have no idea how to use the materials.
But Kad was gone. Isa was the lucky one now. For getting out.
They sighed and placed a few clumps of quartz on the counter.
The vendor glared at her. "You're short." He said simply.
"What? Your sign says 4 quartz or 1 silver!" Isa exclaimed.
"Yeah, normal quartz. These are tiny! I can't take them."
"Please! It's all I have to spare." Isa exclaimed, stomach grumbling with them in protest.
"No. Go bother someone else." He said, going to scrape the beans into a box.
"Wait!" Isa hesitated, then removed a thin gold charm from their pocket. Kad has made it for them a few months before... the incident.
The vendors eyes sparkled. The charm was shaped like a rose and had crushed, less valuable, jewels painted over the surface.
He snatched it off the counter quickly, studying it in his palm "Fine." He said, slipping it into his pockets.
A mournful and guilty pit opened in their stomach, and they felt like they might throw up for a moment. But they needed to eat.
I'm sorry, Kaddie.
Isa reached for the pieces of quartz, but he got them before they even came close.
"Uh-uh. I'm doing you in a favor taking this. You should be grateful I'm even going to give you this." He said as he began to put together a zanirai. "Most would spit in your face. But I'm nicer than them."
"I know. Thank you." The words felt like treacherous fire on their tongue. It was bad enough threat they had given away the charm, and now they were thanking him for it. They were disgusting.
The vendor finished, and they grabbed the cheese-coated shell and walked away before he could say anything else. They heard him scoff behind them, but didn't dare turn back.
They were almost home, steps heavy with guilt, when something fell in front of them. Probably another mean prank.
They sighed and wiped away tears, clearing their eyes of the blur for now, and knelt down next the object.
It came up to their calf, and had three large circles connecting to each other. Crystals lined the surface of two of them. It looked like a way oversized-
They launched up and tilted their head violently, ignoring the pain that resulted.
Shit. Shit. Shit.
Above her, where there was usually a dark purple sky that looked just rough enough to be fake, there was a large blue and green crack. Something pale scrabbled around beside and passed over the gaping whole in Asreaol.
Asreaol was the border separating them from the Human world, put there hundreds of years before. And now is was cracking.
Isa had heard tales of the Humans. Monsters that destroyed or experimented on everything that was different. They suddenly had a vision of being studied under a large microscope, needles stuck in their arms, and giant, leering, faces over her.
In the darkness of the night, there was screaming. They couldn't tell if it was in their head or not, but it was there.
That ending sucked. But hopefully it gives you something to play with! I didn't want to intrude too much on this, cause it's supposed to be your guys' thing, but I got a bit carried away.
I can't wait to see what you guys do with this! By- wait.
I need to tag someone. Here we go:
Due to complications, I have had to elect a new second chapter person. They might still do it, I just need to get someone else for now.
Lightning_introvert Would you like to try?
Thanks for considering this.
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