Chapter Twenty: What I Did For Love
"I just don't understand," Bella said, shaking her head.
"It definitely is a miracle," said Edward in relieved tone as they drove back leisurely to Olympic National and Tillicum Park Prep.
"But...chances like this are one in a million!" she whispered.
Edward smiled. "One in a hundred," he said indulgently, leaning down and squeezing her leg with a look of love. "And besides, James is saving Mike's life."
Bella returned his smile. "Yes. I know."
Bella returned to school by curfew and went into the room. James was still at the hospital to do a final check-over in regards to the kidney he was giving up and Alice and Katie were on a double date with Jasper and Tanya at the Olympic National Movie Shack. They called it a 'shack' because each theater could only fit about twenty people, and there were only three theaters and films to choose from.
The movies that week—each movie played for two weeks and consisted of retro films or cult classics were The Rocky Horror Picture Show—which you had to have I.D. for because it was rated R; Back to the Future—because everyone had to assume that nobody had seen the first one; and Super-Size Me—because Bella and the gang were convinced that they wanted to turn the X generation against fast food completely.
Bella picked up her phone and plugged it in to the wall. It was passed the sixty percent mark, so a charge was called for. Bella took a bottle of water from the mini-fridge and put a hand on her stomach. "The girls will definitely be in for a surprise," she said in a content voice. Her phone buzzed so she picked it up, quickly smiling when Edward's name and an adorable picture of him popped up on her phones' screen. "Hello," she said.
"Hello, darling," he said. "You okay?" he asked.
"Yeah, looks that way," she replied, looking around the empty room. "Alice and Katie are out on double dates."
"So you're there alone?" he asked.
Bella nodded, quickly realizing that he wouldn't be able to see that. "Yes," she said quickly. "All by my lonesome, it seems."
"Well, do you want some company?" he asked, and there was a quiet tap on the window a moment later. "Jasper and Tanya texted me," he explained after Bella had dashed over to let him in. He somehow managed to climb through the window gracefully in a manner that Bella herself had never perfected.
Bella sighed and put her arms around him. "In light of recent events, I'm really glad you're here with us."
"I'm still getting used to that, you know," said Edward with a grin.
Bella shrugged. "Well, I'm just doing what teen moms do..."
"And what's that?"
"Well, they'll frequently get pregnant again pretty quickly..."
"But you're eighteen, and engaged to the baby's father..."
She grinned. "Something I couldn't say the last time."
Edward inched backwards and turned on Bella's iPod and the song Shakespeare by Miranda Cosgrove began to play in the background. He walked back towards her and started to do a silly little dance.
"Seriously?" asked Bella, shaking her head at him, although she was trying not to laugh. "We have been over this at least two dozen times."
"Been over what?" Edward asked in a mocking tone.
"I cannot, I repeat, cannot dance, Edward."
"Come on!" said Edward. "Anyone can dance to Miranda!"
"It's May, Edward," Bella said quietly. "We're officially out of here in three weeks. Can I go that long without totally falling flat on my face?"
"Well, since our graduations are an hour apart—Tillicum Park's being first since it was built first and men are sons of bitches for thinking they must be first at everything—I think I'll wait until you fall in the attempt to get your diploma," he said with a grin.
Bella gently punched him in the shoulder. "You are not funny!" she said as the door unlocked behind him and the Double Date Players entered. They each held frozen yogurt cups from Yummy Yogurt.
"Hey," said Alice as she casually removed the fashionable scarf that Bella had bought for her for Christmas, Jasper at her heels.
"Someone doing NC-17 content behind closed doors?" asked Katie, a grin on her pretty face she tried not to laugh, leading Tanya in behind her.
"I always thought that X was the worst one," Edward said thoughtfully, turning to Bella, who was an expert on such things.
"No," Bella said. "Not anymore, anyway. They got rid of X in favor of NC-17, but even the MPAA doesn't really use it anymore. Now it's just R."
"What is MPAA, anyway?" Tanya wanted to know.
"Motion Picture Association of America," everyone replied.
"Where's James?" asked Alice, crossing the room—whilst holding onto Jasper's hand—and sitting on the love seat in the corner. "I haven't seen him since he wasn't talking to me in AP Calc today."
"Oh," said Bella, turning to Edward. "That..."
"What?" asked Katie, sitting on the couch with Tanya.
"What's going on?" Alice wanted to know.
"Two things," Edward replied.
"What do you want to hear first?" Bella inquired.
"Can you describe what they are?" asked Katie, taking a bite of her brightly colored frozen yogurt.
"Well...they're both medical," Edward said.
Bella put a hand on his shoulder. "Why don't you tell them the thing about Mike and I'll tell them the other thing?" she asked.
"Well...maybe I wanted to tell the other thing..."
Bella pouted. "Come on, Edward, please? Your dad's been telling you everything about his case anyway..."
"Yes, but he's Geoffrey's father," he said.
"Please?" asked Bella, putting out her bottom lip.
"All right," said Edward, turning to them all. "James got tested to see if he was a match for Mike's kidney," he explained. "Well, it turns out that he is, indeed, a match. He's getting some last minute tests done before he gets prepped for the initial surgery."
"Tests?" asked Katie. "What kind of tests?"
"Well, to see what anesthesia he's allergic to, and stuff," Edward replied.
"Gotcha," said Katie.
"What's the other news?" asked Alice.
"Well," said Bella. "I fainted in the doctor's office. Now, you either do that if you're tired, which I am; stressed, which I am; anemic, which I most certainly am not; or—"
"Pregnant," Alice whispered, her eyes wide and her smile big. "Bella, are...are you pregnant again?!" she cried.
Bella nodded, a slow smile coming to her face; she was coming to accept her condition, given that she now had a support network. "I am."
Alice cried out and bounded across the room towards Bella, bouncing as she went on her nimble feet. "Omigod, omigod, omigod," she cried, taking her hands and jumping up and down. "This is so exciting! When are you due?!"
"December," she replied. "Hopefully by Christmas, you know..."
"This is great," said Katie, fixing Bella with an understanding smile. Katie remembered how difficult Bella had had it two years before, and did not want to see her friend go through that again. "At this rate, you won't be showing, so no one has to know, you know..."
"I know," said Bella. "I know."
Bella and Edward returned to the hospital the next evening. Even though it was a Saturday, removal of a kidney was considered emergency surgery and had to be done right away. Dr. Cullen was scheduled to do the operation, and everyone was surprised that Mike was awake for a period, no matter how short. After explaining Bella's rather unusual relationship to Mike, she was allowed to see him. And, got to tell you, she was very glad she did.
"So, you two are engaged?" he asked in a hoarse voice.
Bella nodded and showed him the ring. "We are... And I'm so glad that everyone found you a match. The world wouldn't be the same without you."
Mike smiled at her. "I'm really glad that I'm going to be okay," he said quietly, a smile coming to his face. "I've heard this donor is really great."
She felt her head cock to one side. "You mean, you don't know?" asked Bella, a perplexed look on her face.
"Don't know what?" Mike asked.
Then, Bella realized it wasn't her story to tell. "Nothing," she said. "Did Edward or James tell you that I'm expecting?" she asked.
Mike smiled. "No," he said. "I'm really glad. Maybe this time you'll get those twin girls you want so much."
Bella smiled down at him. "I have mentioned that once or twice, haven't I?" she asked him, her eyes never leaving his.
"Yeah, pretty much," he said.
Dr. Cullen stuck his head into the room. "Sorry to break this up you guys, but the patient is prepped for surgery, and we've got to prep you now, Mike," he said with a smile.
Mike nodded and two nurses appeared to wheel him out of the room.
"Dr. Cullen?" asked Bella.
"Please, Bella. Call me Carlisle," he said softly.
"Carlisle... So...Mike doesn't know that he's getting James's kidney?" she asked, feeling the worried look on her face.
"No," Carlisle replied, shaking his head. "James asked to tell him, but he was already getting prepped when Mike here woke up."
Bella nodded. "I understand," she said. "Is Edward in the waiting room?"
"Waiting for you," said Carlisle.
Bella smiled. "Thanks," she said, leaving the room after Carlisle gave her arm a squeeze. She made it to the waiting room without incident and sat comfortably down beside Edward.
"You doing good?" he asked.
"Actually, I'm doing well," said Bella with a smile. "God, I sounded so much like my dad there..."
"Have you told him?" he asked. "Or your mom or your stepdad?"
Bella shook her head. "No. I don't talk to them, you know that. I was pretty much banned from their house after I had Geoffrey. I would spend every vacation period with Alice."
"I remember you telling me," Edward said thoughtfully.
Bella sighed and put her head on Edward's shoulder. "I'm glad you picked to sit on a bench," she said softly.
"I've always thought that they were way more comfortable than the alternative options," he said in a whisper. "I got you something."
"What?" she asked.
Edward handed her a paper bag. "Here you are," he said.
Bella smiled and removed a perfectly square, pink book. On the top, in a pretty, white-lettered font, it read, The Ultimate Wedding Planner & Organizer. After a festive curly shape, it showed the arms of a woman—who was clearly garbed in a wedding dress—and holding white roses. Below the little square—which had what looked to be white daises near the bottom right corner—it said: Celebrating the most memorable day of your life!
"I thought, you know, it might be useful..."
Bella turned and kissed him on the cheek.
"No lip action?" he asked, a small laugh escaping from his mouth.
"We're in a hospital," she whispered. "I can't exactly suck your face here, despite the fact that I may want to..."
"Hearing that you want to is enough," he replied.
Bella sighed. "Did your dad tell you how long this would take?"
"This, being the surgery?" he asked.
Bella nodded. "Yeah," she said.
"Two hours," he said. Edward was silent for a moment or two before he spoke again. "We could pick a location..."
"Anywhere?" she asked, peeking at him.
Edward smiled. "Yes. My parents are more than willing to give you the wedding of your dreams."
Bella smiled. "Thornewood Castle," she replied.
"Is that in England or something?" Edward asked with a chuckle.
"No," Bella replied. "It's in Tacoma. You know that city south of Seattle. Seattle, as in one of the largest cities in Washington State."
Edward smiled. "It sounds lovely."
Bella took out her phone and quickly managed to Google it—she became aware again of how good the service usually was in a hospital. She found it with no trouble and pulled it up. "Here," she said.
"Ooh, Laurel Creek Manor..."
"Ew, no," she said quickly. "It may be cheaper, but it looks...I don't know... cheap and gross to me."
Edward laughed as Bella clicked the official website.
"See? All this stuff that would be available to us..."
"Do you know anyone you would like in your wedding party?" Edward asked, turning to her, an indulgent expression on his face.
"Yes. I made a promise Alice I don't know when that she could be Maid of Honor," she said with a smile.
"And...? Anyone else?" he asked.
"Yes. Katie as Bridesmaid is a given."
"And Angela and Jessica?" asked Edward.
"They're in Spokane, and I doubt that they want to leave," Bella replied. "So... I think what this all boils down to is when you want to get married..."
"How about July?" he asked. "We could do it before your birthday, less competition."
"July, yes," she said. "That sounds good. Let's just hope it's not too hot."
Edward smiled. "I think I can understand that."
"How about the twenty-first?" she said. "It's a good solid number, don't you think?"
"I do," he said, and gently pulled her closer to him. "You all right?" he asked then.
"Why?" asked Bella.
"You just look tired..."
She smiled. "I am a little, I guess."
"Do you want to sleep?" he asked.
"Yes," she whispered.
"I'll wake you if something happens. You can sleep."
Bella opened her eyes. "What?"
"My dad's here," he said, nodding in his direction.
Bella turned. "Oh, hello, Carlisle," she said.
He smiled. "I'm here to inform you about the surgery."
"Tell us," said Edward, taking Bella's hand. "We're ready."
"I'm sorry to have to tell you this," he began. "But..."
"What?" asked Edward.
"Please," said Bella. "Just...tell us."
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