More crack shots!!
This was requested by~ Dreamy_Milkz!!
Fandom: South Park
Story: Kenny dies. Frens confuse of names
AU?: None lol
Type: Crack Shot
Ships?: Bunny (Butters x Kenny) but not really mentioned
Characters: Kenny
Characters Mentioned: Cartman, Stan, Kyle, Butters
Pronouns Used: He/Him- Everyone
Extra?: Not part of this, but I headcanon Butters to be Bigender but hasn't told anyone.
Mean Fatty: I'm so bored.
Green Hat: then do something fatass.
Mean Fatty: hey! i'm not a fucking fatass u fucking Jew!
Green Hat: hey! could u watch ur mouth?! it's to early for this shit!
Emo Boi: guys. not now. we're gonna go to school soon.
Immortal Princess: Mhm mmmh hmmm!!
Emo Boi: Kenny's right. this is getting out of hand.
Fatass: hey! why the fuck does my thing say 'Fatass'?!
Green Hat: what thing? this above us? *points to the names*
Fattass: yea! what the hell man?!
Emo Boi: why does mine say 'Emo Boi'?
Immortal Guy: mhmmmh!! hmmm!!
Green Hat: Kenny's says 'Immortal Guy'.... why is that?
Immortal Guy: mm... hmmm! mmh-
*Insert a silly way Kenny dies*
Green Hat: YOU BASTARDS!!!
Best Precious BoI: w-what's going- OH GOD! KENNEH!!
Fatass: holy shit. he ded.
Green Hat: oh no! Butters! it's okay bud!
Emo Boi: yea! it's going to be ok!
Best Precious Boi: *crying* how are u sure?! he's dead! he's getting eaten by mice right as we speak!!
*Insert mice eating Kenny's corpse*
Green Hat: holy fuck man!
Emo Boi: ew. that's fucking gross.
Fatass: hey! person who's doing this shit!
*Mangy desends in the form of a South Park person*
Silly Mango: hello!
Green Hat: holy shit! who are u?!
Silly Mango: *giggles* i'm the creator!
Emo Boi: what?
Silly Mango: of this book and this chapter!
Green Hat: wait. book? we're in a book?!
Silly Mango: yep! i'm Mangy! oh. Kenny died huh?
Best Precious Boi: mhm!! *still upset*
Emo Boi: we have a question...
Fatass: what the fuck is the fucking names?! >:(
Silly Mango: *shurgs* crack shot. u all get silly names.
Green Hat: why isn't mine something with my heritage? Like how Fatass does!
Fatass: hey! i'm not fucking fat fucking Jew! >:o
Silly Mango: well see... i didn't want to offend anyone... so ye.
Green Hat: wow. hearing that makes me happy! :D
Emo Boi: what about me? :/
Silly Mango: it fit. that's all.
Green Hat: well u got Cartman right.
Fatass: >:[
Emo Boi: wait. why is Butters... 'Best Precious Boi'?
Silly Mango: cause he is. UwU
Best Precious Boi: i am? ;'^
Silly Mango: very. now. i'm gonna adopt u now. >:3
Best Precious Boi: wait wha-?
*Mangy procceeds to kidnap Butters and take him to have a better life*
Green Hat: well there he goes...
Emo Boi: what about Kenny?
Fatass: he'll be back later.
Green Hat: the hell? how? he ded.
Fatass: eh. don't question it. let's just go.
Emo Boi: ok?
*The boys head to school and learn dumb shit*
I got a new kid guys!!
Now I got 7 kids! UwU
This was fun to write.
Also sorry for breaking the 4th wall lol.
And something I forgot to mentioned!
For the headcanons!
I'm okay with writng headcanons for any oc I have!!
So like Mangy, I'll write some headcanons for her!
And it's also a chance for you all to learn about how I see characters!
So request away for any headcanons for characters or couples!!!
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