In The Cold, Comes The Warmth -Cheeseloon one-shot
Fandom: Inanimate Inasanity
Story: Balloon goes to buy some decorations, but somebody decides to lock him out in the freezing cold.
AU?: Human au.
Type: Angst and Fluff
Characters: Balloon, Cheesy
Characters Mentioned: OJ, Paper, Nickel, Lightbulb, Paintbrush
Pronouns: He/Him- Everyone minus Lightbulb and Paintbrush
She/Her- Lightbulb
They/Them- Paintbrush
*No P.O.V*
Christmas time was always chaotic in Hotel OJ. From tons of baking and a very messy kitchen, to hanging up tons and tons of decorations..... It was always something during this time!
OJ and Paper are hanging Christmas decorations currently. Lightbulb, Paintbrush and Balloon were baking in the kitchen.
And everyone else was doing their own thing, like playing games, writing letters to Santa, maybe a few were making out. Not that I can see anyways, I'm just a narrator.
Moving pass, Lightbulb was looking for some more flour for the cookies, but she couldn't find any. It took her a bit, but she came to the conclusion that they were out of flour.
"Guys! I think we're out of flour!!!", Lightbulb exclaimed in pure horror.
"Well shit. We're gonna need to buy some more then...", Paintbrush muttered.
"I could go buy some. The brownies and cupcakes are done anyways.", Balloon said.
"No no! It's okay! We have enough cookie batter!", Lightbulb beams.
"Then why say it?", Paintbrush asked.
"So we make that mental note! For later.", Lightbulb says.
With that said, the three go back to baking and having that holiday cheer. It was very nice and calming for them all.
Thing was, two people were staring at Balloon intensely. Those two were Nickel and Cheesy, and both for very different reasons.
Cheesy because he was admiring Balloon and his smooth movements though the kitchen as he continued to bake. Balloon was like an ice skater graciously moving as he baked.
Gosh, Cheesy was mesmerized by this. He loved Balloon so dearly, and it was showing. Thank god the two were in a relationship, or else he would've done something about it.
Now Nickel on the other hand... Well... he was the complete opposite of Cheesy. Nickel was just glaring daggers at Balloon.
How could a person like him stay in the hotel?! Balloon didn't deserve to live in the same hotel as everyone else.
Not only that, but OJ had the AUDACITY to bunk both Nickel and Balloon together!!!!! It was horrible, Balloon was horrible!
The sight of Balloon was enough to piss off Nickel. Something needed to be done about this.
Cause he knows nobody else liked Balloon in the hotel. Sure Balloon apologized and gave out those letters to the others.
However, Nickel knew nobody liked Balloon. Not that he cares about what goes on and cares for Balloon.
So Nickel planned on doing something to keep Balloon out of the hotel. As this was going on, all the prepping was done for the sugar cookies, they were sent to the oven to bake.
Minutes went by and the cookies were done and began to cool down. The trio were chatting away when OJ came over.
"It smells amazing in here guys! And the brownies along with the cupcakes look great!", OJ praised.
"Thanks OJ! Loonster here made those! Right bud?", Lightbulb explained.
"Y-yea. I made those...", Balloon confirmed, very flustered.
"Really? I didn't know you could bake!", OJ exclaimed.
"M-my uncle taught me... And Lightbulb", Balloon said.
"Well that's super impressive. Glad you found something to calm ya!", OJ praised.
"T-thanks Jay....", Balloon said even more flustered.
As they talked, Paper walked in to check on everything. And to maybe take a sneak peak at all the tasty treats.
"Smells lovely in here guys!", Paper beams.
"Thanks!", Paintbrush thanked.
"Oh! OJ. We're going to need more decorations...", Paper said.
"We are? Well crap. It's super cold out!", OJ says.
"I could go. I'm done baking anyways.", Balloon says.
"Are you sure? You're immune system is weaker than most of ours here....", OJ worries.
"I'm sure. I'll be okay OJ. It shouldn't take too long. Just a quick walk and back.", Balloon reassures.
"Well... Alright. But don't take too long, okay?", OJ demands, on the count of his dad-like manner.
"I won't OJ. I promise.", Balloon promised.
"All we need are lights, okay? You can grab anything else if you'd like.", Paper explained.
"Lights. Got it. I won't be long then!", Balloon beams.
The others smile and bid farewell to Balloon as he walks out the kitchen. He walks up to his room to get dressed properly for the weather outside.
A few minutes later, Balloon walks back down, decked in two jackets, a beanie, boots and 3 gloves. Well, Balloon wasn't gonna go out like this before, but Lifering made sure he was properly ready.
So Balloon accepted his uncle's fate and let him do his thing. So now he was fully decked and ready to buy some Christmas lights.
He was about to leave when Cheesy walked over to him. Balloon looked over and smiled, making Cheesy chuckle.
"Did Lifering do this?", Cheesy asked.
"Yup. But hey. He's just making sure I don't get sick.", Balloon chuckled.
"Hehe. But you look super adorable though.", Cheesy compliments.
Balloon's cheeks turn pink from the compliment and turns away, the best he can, from Cheesy. Cheesy chuckles again and pecks Balloon's cheek, making him blush more.
"See ya Loon!", Cheesy says.
"I'll be back in a little bit silly.", Balloon giggles.
The two kiss and bid each other farewell for now and Balloon walks out of the hotel. Cheesy walks back to the couch to watch the movie that was on.
Nickel, seeing this sickening scene, had the perfect plan to keep Balloon out for good. He gets up and sneaks his way towards the door.
Looking around, Nickel smirks and locks the door. There, now Balloon had no way of coming back in.
Of course, he'll have to do more after. Balloon would probably knock on the door, alerting everyone.
What could Nickel do so nobody hears him? Oh! Turn up the movie!! That way, nobody could hear Balloon!
Nickel grabs the remote and turns the volume up. Not too loud though, he doesn't want to destroy anyone's eardrums.
So there everyone had fun and hung out. It was fairly peaceful and everyone was having a nice time.
30 minutes had passed and most of the others had joined downstairs to just hang around. However, there was no sign of Balloon.
This was a bit worrying, as the walk shouldn't have been too long. Then again, it was snowing a lot outside, so it could've taken Balloon some extra time.
What nobody knew though, was that Balloon was back, but he was stuck. Outside the hotel and just behind the doors, was Balloon.
Balloon had been trying for about 5 minutes to get anyone's attention by knocking on the door. Nobody was answering and Balloon was just stuck outside in the freezing cold!
Yes Balloon had extra gear on, but it was still cold! Why wasn't anyone answering the door?!
Actually, why was the door locked in the 1st place?! OJ doesn't lock the doors until like 10 pm! So why were they locked?
The cold wasn't helping Balloon at all, he was cold as hell and he could feel a cold forming! He needed to get in before he got even more sick.
Thinking on his feet, Balloon drops the bags of lights, little nicknack decorations and a few snacks and walks to the window. He was hoping somebody would see him, if anyone at all.
Balloon banged on the glass, careful not to break the glass and hurt himself. He was really hoping somebody would see him, but nobody did.
Well, gee, Balloon knew that the others didn't fully accept him. But he didn't think they wanted him out.
He thought he was making progress making things right with everyone! Was it all just a lie? Did the other just, pity him?
No... No he couldn't have these thoughts now! Balloon was finally starting to feel better and his depression was improving!
Balloon walked away from the window, unaware that Nickel had seen him and smirked evilly. He walked back to the door and melted into the snow, knees up to his face.
Feeling utterly heartbroken and defeated, Balloon silently cried to himself. He was finally starting to feel better, and now everything was in shambles.
Back inside, OJ began to grow worried about Balloon's whereabouts. He should've been back by now!
So, OJ decides to go look for him outside. He grabs a thick enough coat, a beanie and gloves and puts them on to get ready for the cold.
Once he was ready, he let Paper know he was gonna go search for Balloon. Paper nods and OJ leaves.
Walking to the door, he noticed it was locked. That was weird, OJ didn't lock the door. He shrugs it off and leaves.
As soon as he walks outside, he hears sobbing. It sounded super close, so OJ looks to his side and there sat Balloon!
"Loon!", OJ exclaimed.
Balloon heard the shout and looked up, seeing OJ. His heart grew as he was finally able to go back inside.
He leaps towards OJ and hugged him tightly, sobbing a bit. OJ seeing the clearly freezing and hurt kid, he hugs him back.
"What happened? God your freezing!", OJ exclaimed.
Balloon couldn't really muster up anything, so he just sobbed. Seeing Balloon cry broke OJ's heart.
Realizing that it's still super cold out, OJ picks Balloon up and grabs the now freezing cold bags of decoration and goes back inside.
OJ walks in, alerting the others and making them gasp. Paper and Cheesy were shocked to see Balloon's state.
"Paper. You take the decorations and make some soup. Cheesy. You come with me and grab as many blankets as you can.", OJ said.
The two boys nod and OJ makes his way upstairs with Cheesy trailing him and they walk to the tea room.
While OJ went to that room, Cheesy rushed to every closet to grab as many blankets as he could. About 20 blankets Cheesy had grabbed as he raced to the tea room.
The tea room had a built-in heater, so it was the perfect place to keep Balloon as he recovers. Plus, he could drink as much tea as he wanted.
Cheesy had made his way to the room and saw OJ turning the heater on. The fire was crackling as it burned slightly brighter to warm Balloon.
"There.... How's that Balloon?", OJ asked.
"Mmmm..... Good...", Balloon muttered.
"Good. Cheesy is gonna stay with you okay?", OJ explained.
Balloon could only nod as OJ walks away, leaving the lovers alone. Cheesy walks over to Balloon and covers him with a nice and warm blanket.
"Is that good?", Cheesy asked.
"Mhm..... Thanks....", Balloon mumbled.
"Of course.... You up for cuddles?", Cheesy asked.
Balloon nods, which makes Cheesy beam and makes his way towards him. Cheesy sits on the couch and cuddles next to Balloon, not caring about the cold.
The two cuddle as the soothing sounds of the fire fills the atmosphere. It was very soothing, despite Balloon nearly freezing.
As the two cuddle, they soon fall asleep in each other's arms. The sounds of fire being their background noise as the night continues.
Even when the cold is harsh and some people are colder. There will always be that warmth to go back to. Because in the cold, comes the warmth.
Cuteness is real in here.
Okay bye!
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