Drowning- An Octonauts One-shot
This one is for~~~
This one is an Octonauts one-shot!!!
Story: Kwazii nearly drowns to death during a mission.
Type: Angst
Ships?: Tweek x Kwazii
Characters: Kwazii, Peso, Captain Barnacles, Tweek.
Characters Mentioned: Dashi, Shellington, Professor Inkling, The Vegimals.
Pronouns used: He/Him- Barnacles, Kwazii, Peso, Shellington, Inkling.
She/Her- Tweek and Dashi
Extra?: T^T
*Captain Barnacle's P.O.V*
It was supposed to be another simple mission. Just to help maintain the coral reef and inspect the surrounding area.
Then why did this happen? Why did he almost die? How could I, the captain of this team, let this happen?
I looked over at the bed where Kwazii laid. He was currently unconscious at the moment.
He has been for the past 3 days now. I sigh and close my eyes, with my mind going back to that day.
The day Kwazii nearly drowned.
The day we nearly lost our lieutenant of the Octonauts...
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ FLASH BACK ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
It was a normal day out today. The ocean was nice and calm and the Octo-Pad was running smoothly.
I gave the team a fairly simple task today. And that was to do a nice check up on the coral reef nearby and just making sure the surrounding area was okay.
Peso, Dashi, and Shellington went out to the coral reef. Me, Kwazii and Tweek went to observe the surrounding area.
The professor and the Vegimals stayed behind so they could make us some food. It was a good set up for the day.
I was looking over the caves in the Gup A. Tweek was looking over the gesyers in the Gup D. And Kwazii was looking over the underwater canyons in the Gup B.
It was all going smoothly when I got a distress call from Kwazii himself. I pull out my pocket watch as I was outside the Gup A.
'Must've gotten into some trouble... as usual.', I think to myself.
"Barnacles to Kwazii. Come in Kwazii.", I announce.
"Captain! I seem to be having a minor erm... problem.", Kwazii states.
"Problem? What kind of problem?", I asked in concern.
"Well. I may or may not... have.. erm... refilled the tank in me gup last time I was out...", he explains.
"So... you're stuck?", I asked.
"Aye. I got no fuel.", he says.
"Oh boy. Don't worry. I'll call Tweak to give you a tow back to the Octo-Pod.", I tell him.
"Aye! Thanks captain!", he thanks.
"No problem.", I say.
I hang up and was about to call Tweak when Dashi called instead. Seeing as she was calling, I picked up.
"Barnacles to Dashi. Report please.", I say.
"Captain! There's a storm coming! It's coming fast.", Dashi calls.
"A storm? But it was supposed to be peaceful.", I said.
"I know. But apparently there's going to be one! And it's a big storm.", she said.
"Understood. I'll sound the Octo-Alert.", I said.
I hang up and sounded the Octo-Alert. It plays its siren as I breathe.
"Octonauts. To the HQ and your gups.", I announce.
I swim back to the Gup A and see everyone online. Good. Everyone is okay so far.
"Octonauts. There's a storm coming. We're going to have to make it back to the Octo-Pod.", I explained.
"But what about the sea creatures here captain?", Shellington asks.
"You 3 make sure the sea creatures are in a safe area and head back to the Octo-Pod.", I explained.
"Roger that captain!", the 3 exclaimed.
"Inkling. You and the Vegimals hang tight and secure the Octo-Pod.", I say to them.
"On it captian.", Inkling says.
" *Vegimal Giberish* ", the Vegimals say.
Not that I understand them, but I'm hoping they got the message.
"Tweak. I need you to go pick up Kwazii and bring the Gup B back to the Octo-Pod.", I explained.
"What about the surrounding area?", Tweak asked.
"There's no time. The Gup B is out of fuel. Kwazii needs to be picked up before the storms hit him.", I say.
"You got it cap!", she says.
"Kwazii. You hang tight for as long as you can.", I tell him.
"Okay captain!", Kwazii says.
"Octonauts! Let's do this!", I exclaim.
Right. I need to help out Tweak and Kwazii. I pull up the GPS to locate the Gup B.
Looks like Kwazii is close to the cayons. A little too close to them. Let's just hope we make it in time.
I drive the gup towards Kwazii's location. That's when I hear the storm. Crap! It was here already?!
I've got to hurry! I speed up so I can make it to Kwazii faster. Come on!
The sea is getting rougher! I've got to keep going! For Kwazii!
I see the gup! But wait. The gup was....
I speed up to catch up to the gup. It looked like it was getting trashed! Oh god!
The Gup B was getting badly damaged and-
I race towards the gup and Kwazii. Kwazii looked like he was stuck!
And now the gup is sinking to the bottom! This is not good! Where is-
"Cap! I'm here!", Tweak calls out.
"Tweak! Thank goodness! The Gup B is sinking!", I call out.
"Oh me oh my! We've got to hurry!", she cries.
So we head downwards to save Kwazii. We have to save him! I won't be able to live with myself if we don't!
Deeper and deeper the Gup B sinks. Kwazii probably has no air right now!
The gup manages to get caught in some rocks! Perfect! Tweak sees and rushes in to grab the gup.
She pulls the gup out and brings it towards us. I get out so I can get Kwazii out of the gup.
I swim closer and see blood. Oh my god. Kwazii....
His head was bleeding and had a ton of bruises all over his body. He must've been fighting inside to get free of the gup.
I manage to get him out and swim us back to the Gup A. I try and make him as comfortable as possible.
Me and Tweak now race back to the Octo-Pod to get away from the rest of the storm. My mind was going to Kwazii.
I need to call Peso. Kwazii probably has other bruises or scars I didn't notice before.
"Barnacles to Peso. Come in Peso.", I call out to him.
"Peso here! Is something the matter?", Peso asks in concern.
Peso always knew when something was wrong with us by the tone of our voice. It's one of the things I'll always cherish about Peso.
"Yea. Kwazii was badly injured. I'm not sure how injured. So I'm going to need you to check on him.", I explained.
"Oh no! Kwazii was hurt?! Don't worry captain! I'll make sure Kwazii is okay!", Peso says.
"Thank you. Please have a stretcher out ready. Kwazii is bleeding from the head a lot.", I said.
"Right away captain!", he says.
I hope Kwazii is going to be okay. There's so many thoughts running in my mind right now.
We make it back to the Octo-Pad safe and sound. We park and I carry the still unconcious Kwazii down.
Gasps could be heard as I place Kwazii down on the stretcher. Peso looks very worried and, with the help of the Vegimals, takes Kwazii to the med bay.
I look at my paws and shiver. This was Kwazii's blood on me. I try and shake the thought away.
I needed to be strong. For the team.
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ FLASH BACK END ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
I sigh at the memory and look back over to Kwazii.
His breathing was okay, which was a good sign. At least he's still alive.
According to Peso. Kwazii will be in coma for a while. He's not sure when Kwazii will wake up.
Maybe a few weeks, maybe a month. It all depends on Kwazii for if he does wake up.
For now. We'll be here for him. Waiting for him to wake up.
We're all worried for our pirate friend. Tweak is the most worried since the two are dating.
Peso is the second most worried because the 2 are best friends. I'm the 3rd most worried because I'm the captain.
I don't want to admit it. But I'm scared. I'm scared that Kwazii will never wake up.
But Kwazii is a fighter. He always bounces back. So, I just need to have faith....
Faith that Kwazii will be strong enough to wake up soon...
LIKE.... MAN......
And It's angsty~~
Just what the doctor ordered!!!
So the request did say that Kwazii died....
But I love Kwazii so much!!
And I'm not gonna kill my boi!!!
So he's in a coma!
If you guys want. I'll make a pt. 2 to this!
Where Kwazii wakes up!
But for the meantime!!
See ya tomorrow!!
(or later today really)
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