2. Clay Kaczmarek sacrifice (ENG)
Assassin's creed: Clay Kaczmarek sacrifice (Subject 16)
This is the memories
We let you live inside.
Where no home, no memories for the right.
We need to be inside your mind
To know the truth,
That is in the past.
When you let it in, let it in, let it inside,
That burn inside your mind.
Then you scream out, out, outside
We ripe you a part, but please don't mind.
Some of you might know, that I loooooove Assassin's Creed. I really really like it. Clay played a huge roll in the game and I honored to wrote a poem about him.
Néhányan már tudjátok, hogy nagyon nagyon nagyon imádom az Assassin's Creed játékot. Ugye Claynek egy elég fontos szerepe volt, ezért is megtiszteltető egy verset írni róla.
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