September 8 2024 Meditation
We come to the beginning of another week, for 6 days we have received messages from the universe and each one of them has subtly changed us. As we continue into a new week, it is time once again to reflect on the messages that have come before.
We started the week with XUN (Penetration) and learned that we must become more like the wind, To be adaptable to situations, gentle as the breeze in persuasion and as persistent as the wind to slowly change the landscapes of your life.
We rolled right into a message about Leading with SUI(Following) and learned that we must sometimes point the way in humility and give others the opportunity in the sun. We also learned that in order to get people to follow sometimes we have to show them the way with our own success.
At the middle of the week, we received SUNG (Conflict) and realized that sometimes if we want to succeed we must meet our opponent halfway. The message was to look for common ground without sacrificing your principles.
We came into the second half of the week with HUAN(Dispersion) showing us that we were at a crossroads and that old ideas and attitudes no longer served us. It was time to let go of those and open up to new ideas and possibilities.
As the week started to come to an end DA ZHUANG (Great Power) popped up again but this time the message had subtly changed. The advice given was twofold.
First we should not charge forward trying to solve every issue with force because we will only find ourselves caught in a trap of our own making. We should face opposition by finding a quieter or gentler way.
Second Do not become so focused on using your power that you lose the goal or objective you were seeking. It is time to act with restraint and allow people to come over to oyur side.
And lastly the universe sent us the message of SUN (Decrease) telling us that the time had come where we may sense that things are moving backwards or slowing down. And although it seems like we are not making progress, the universe is telling us that things are still moving forward behind the scenes. Sometimes the way forward leads us backwards on the path.
I hope that the messages of this last week have been beneficial to you in your continued journey in life and I hope you will walk with me as we stay on the path in the bonds of friendship.
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