September 6 2024 DA ZHUANG (Great Power)
Da Zhuang has returned. Today the Universe is taking us back to a lesson that we learned on August 28. Great Power is already within us.
I would encourage you to go back and read the main interpretation of August 28 as it will refresh your memory about the qualities that Da Zhuangis bring to you today. But that willnot be the end of the message.
On August 28 Da Zhuang came to us with a changing line in position 1 and we provided the interpretation for that changing line. The lesson of Changing Line 1 was knowing when to move and when to stand firm - basically not to 'Jump The Gun'. Today Da Zhuang returns and the position of the changing lines have changed. We need to look closer to see how the message of Da Zhuang has been altered for us today.
The Changing Lines
Line 3
Use your power wisely, do not be like the ram that charges head first into the hedge and entangles its horns. Sometimes when meeting resistance it is better to find a quieter way to achieve your objective even if it appears you are in a weaker or subordinate position. Don't force anything, allow events to unfold.
Line 5
Do not become so intent on using your power to change a situation that you lose the goal you were seeking to obtain. The situation you are in cautions you not to push too hard, you must give people time to come around to your way of thinking or you will end up losing your objective. Now is the time to find a less forceful approach while still remaining focused on your goal.
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