August 27 2024 JIAN (Obstruction)
Jian (Obstruction)
Adversity is how life unleashes your excellence from within.
Yesterday's message said we had reached critical mass and change was coming and today we face obstruction.
As the famous quote in GodFather 3 goes
"Just when I thought I was out, they pull me back in!"
Well just when we thought that we were going to explode into a new place on our path life has given us Obstruction.
Obstruction comes to let us know that something is still standing in our way. But do not get discouraged, Jian is here to make you stronger!
Nature is always creating moments of opposition in order to make its creation more resilient and strong. Take the seed as an example. We bury it in the earth, we water it and we care for it but for it to grow it has to push its way through the obstacle of the earth which covers it. It can never reached the sunlight and the fresh air until it has conquered the earth that stands in its way.
Something stands in your way of becoming more than you are now, you have reached critical mass and the change is ready to burst forth but you must find a way around whatever is holding you back.
The obstacle that has appeared is nature's way of saying you should find a better way. You could simply curse your circumstances and lament over the place you find yourself in or you can allow the obstacle to reveal how you might move forward through more innovative ways.
Life will always create moments of growth usually disguised as obstacles in our path, the key is to see them for what they are. When we choose to see moments of growth in the path we walk then the obstacles disappear and the path becomes clear.
Today is a day to shift your focus and see opportunities for growth and not obstruction.
The Changing Lines
Line 1
This line speaks of the opposites of Going and Coming. There is a saying 'I don't know whether I'm coming or going.'
We are challenged to meditate on the differences of Going and Coming. When we are 'Going' as on journey we can sometimes be paralyzed by the fear of the unknown because we are stepping out of what is safe to journey to a place we may not know. The act of 'Coming" is different, it is calming because we are returning, coming back from a long journey, coming home, coming back to the arms of our loved ones. This line asks us to determine what position we are in life at this moment. Are we Going and so must free ourselves from fear and tread confidently into the unknown or are we Coming and so returning from a long journey to the safety of what is familiar.
Determine where you are and you will have the answer you seek.
Thank you for reading today's message. If it has helped, please take a moment to comment and vote. I always want to hear your thoughts on the message and how it applies to your life's circumstances.
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