August 21 2024 FENG (Abundance)
Feng (Abundance)
If you make your heart like a lake, life will continuously fulfill you.
Today, we are going to speak about abundance. The quote above talks about making your heart like a lake, what does that mean?
The cycle of water is a continuously flow of give and take. Evaporation draws water from the earth which then condenses in the atmosphere and returns to the earth as rain. The cycle is moving and transformative. A continuous process of leaving and returning.
Lakes participate in this process, water evaporating from them and then returning in the form of rain. Their abundance of water is not static but dynamic and constantly renewing.
To make one's heart like a lake is to recognize that there will be times that we may not have everything we need, we may give more away than we think we can afford. But we have faith that the natural flow of abundance will return what we have given and make us whole again.
Feng tells us that we must recognize that we may be at the apex of the cycle, reaching a place of increase, but the cycle is not over and we must continue to keep positive even when the cycle begins to flow towards a place of decrease.
Feng tells us that the abundance we have received can not be contained by closing our arms around it and hoarding it, but by opening our arms and letting it go. By remaining in a place of detachment recognizing that since we have received abundance before, it will again return.
So wherever you are in the cycle, whether the leaving or the returning, make peace with the path you are on and trust that what is unfolding in your life will lead you to where you should be.
The Changing Lines
Line 2
You may be going through a period of darkness, someone in your life may have hidden their motives in a way that brings mistrust. Even while enountering a period of darkness, remain sincere. The challenge to your integrity leads you to provie its existence in a way that makes your upright character more clear.
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Because of your modesty you are able to draw on the talents of others around you. You are recognized for your ability to weather any storm and succeed. Your abundant state of mind allows you to draw on the talent of others.
Thank you for reading today's message and may you find abundance as you continue the path you walk in this life.
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