August 20, 2024 ZHONG FU (Inner Truth)
Zhong Fu (Inner Truth)
Do not seek to follow in the footsteps of the wise,
seek what they sought.
As on of the last four hexagrams in the iChing, the development of Inner Truth is perhaps the core message of the iChing. You have heard the sayings, Live Your Truth or Speak Your Truth, in a nutshell is means to be honest with yourself and communicate who you are unashamendly to the world.
When we seek to align ourselves with the truth that lives in the core of our being, our perspective changes. We begin to see the events of our life as catalysts coaxing our inner nature forward.
Many times we move through life buffeted by circumstances, following others, misreading the signs and casting judgment. At some point we become disconnected from inner truth. What will it take to return us to our authenticity?
Zhong Fu is a symbol of unbroken lines on the top and bottom with 2 broken lines at the center. It is open in the center calling us to keep an open heart. A heart that remains open can be guided by inner truth. Difficulties in our lives can be transformed simply be transforming our perspective. When we approach them as a question instead of an obstacle, we open ourselves to possibilities of favorale circumstances.
Today Zhong Fu comes to tell us to live our truth, to be true to who we are. You already know the answers you need to grow and now is the time to proclaim them clearly and not run from them.
This above all, to thy own self be true.
Thank you for reading my message today, I hope it was beneficial to you and helps you in your quest to live and proclaim your truth.
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