Ass Class - Karma/r
Karma Akabane x Reader
Part ONE of ONE
Rating: G - PG
I was smiling so much writing this. It's so innocent, but there is stuff implied.
Inspired by the song "I Believe in You" by Michael Buble. The music video still makes me cry!
I Believe in You
Karma Akabane sat alone in his bedroom on the floor, fiddling with his toys. He was trying to make his teddy sit on top of his train track, but it just wasn't working out the way it was supposed to. It frustrated him because Teddy had to be the one to drive the train into Dinosaur who was tied down onto the track up ahead.
If he couldn't make that happen then his game was ruined!
Outside, he heard shouting and screaming. His little ears twitched and he stood, brushing his fringe out of his eyes. He stepped over his forgotten toys to peek out of the window, having to stand on his very tippy toes to reach it, and what he saw made him smile.
Down in the neighbours yard was a very pretty girl. She was wearing a dress covered in daisies and bright pink sandals, and she was picking flowers out of the grass. Karma watched as she tossed them into the air above her head, jumping and dancing as they fell on her. Suddenly, she turned and looked straight up at him, sensing he was there, and he gasped loudly, dropping down out of sight.
Did she see him? He wasn't sure, but he quickly returned to his toys, unable to bring himself to look again for fear of being caught.
Two weeks later, he spotted her walking home from her kindergarten, carrying books in her arms. He jumped down from his place in the tree and sprinted out the gate to catch her, but she dropped her books when she was just a few paces away. He went over and picked them up.
"Hi, I'm Karma," he told her, grinning cutely as he handed her books over. "I live right next door to your house."
"I'm (Y/N)," was all she said, also smiling.
He invited her over and they spent the afternoon in his yard, holding hands as they played and played until the sun went down. That's how it continued every day after that, although when Karma got in trouble, they could only speak to each other through the gaps in the fence.
One day, Karma climbed the tree in his yard, having noticed her eyeing a beautiful flower all the way up on a high branch. He nearly slipped five times and he was scared to climb higher than he ever had before, but it was worth it to see her smile over the big yellow flower that he handed to her minutes later.
Nine years later, (Y/N) was fourteen and Karma was already fifteen.
Their activities changed from when they were kids. Sometimes, they still tackled each other and rolled around in the grass together, but now they mostly liked to lay on the grass and hold hands. Karma also started helping (Y/N) with her homework as she fell too far behind to keep up - they both knew she was going to end up in 3-E at the beginning of the school year.
On this day, she was on the swing in his yard, looking up at him as she swung back and forth while he looked on from above. He held a knife in his hand and was carving into the highest part of the tree trunk, but she didn't mind.
When he was done, he leapt down out of the tree, waiting for her to finish swinging before he grabbed her hand and lead her to a bench on the other side of the yard. Beside it was a bush she planted as a kid for a school project and gorgeous purple flowers were blooming out of it.
"You know, Karma," she said, looking up at the crescent moon, "you don't have to be in class 3-E this year just because of me. I know you're smart enough to be in 3-A." He simply smiled at her from his side of the bench. "You should strive to be first in the school."
He reached into the bush and picked out the prettiest of the purple flowers. "I can do that from 3-E, it's a piece of cake, but I can't help you move up to a higher class if I'm on the main campus and you're not."
"You shouldn't do that."
"Besides," he continued, ignoring her statement, "I have a feeling 3-E is going to be the best class for me this year." He gazed at the moon for a moment before he slid across the bench to hand her the flowers.
She smiled and the two of them leaned in to kiss.
Another six years later and the two of them were married. Karma's parents had left them his childhood home (arguably, it was hers too) and he picked her up in her beautiful dress to carry her into the house. (Y/N) was holding a "bouquet" of three purple flowers.
Days after that, they began the renovations. They'd only set up one table when they became distracted, dancing around what would be their dining room before he set her up on the table. He ran to the other side and dragged her over to him by a sheet she was sitting on.
Soon enough, they were all over the place, Karma was dancing on the table while she spun around on the floor, he tipped up the table when she was sitting on it again, laughing as she slid down it. Whenever they came into contact with each other, they always paused for a sweet kiss before they'd start dancing again.
When they'd finished the renovations, Karma started at his job as a Bureaucrat, just as he'd promised Koro-Sensei, and (Y/N) became a teacher with their best friend (and Karma's best man) Nagisa.
She'd had a rather trying day and was looking forward to winding down, though Karma was distracted by his work.
"Hey, Karma," she called, dressed up in a gorgeous white nightgown and lace underwear, teasing him from the doorframe with a white flower and her loose shoulder strap. He was shocked for a moment before he threw his reading glasses to the side, chasing her into the bedroom as he pulled his shirt off.
They were cuddling not long after, but he fell asleep before her.
A couple of weeks later, they discovered she was pregnant, and they swayed back and forth in the bathroom. His hands were on her stomach and his nose was buried in her hair as he grinned, realising that something within him was ecstatic to have kids even though he was a bit hesitant before.
He smiled. "Things will never get better than this," he told her.
They did. Years on and they'd had two kids, a boy and a girl, that chased each other all over the house. The two of them still danced in between looking after the little ones and their jobs. It felt like time flew by as more and more picture frames appeared on the mantle.
In their old age, Karma and (Y/N) sat in front of the fire, still holding hands. Their daughter had just given birth to their third grandchild that day and she named him Koro after her brother and her parents teacher.
After all, it was Koro-Sensei who said the two of them should get married.
"I have a present for you," Karma said, getting up from his place to grab a small box hidden by the firewood. (Y/N), curious, leaned forward in her seat, already holding her hands out to take the box before he'd even knelt down beside her. "I met you on this day seventy years ago. Happy anniversary."
She opened the box and instantly moved her hand to her mouth. She teared up, beginning to sob happily, recognising the contents of the box. Memories came flooding back to her as she picked up each of the wilted flowers one by one, laughing and crying with her overjoyed husband.
There was one that used to be big, bright and yellow, six that used to belong to two bunches of purple flowers, a tiny one that used to be a white lily. Every single flower from all of their years gathered together in this shoebox.
When she picked up the last one, she suddenly stopped, staring at it with wide, teary eyes. It was the very last flower Koro-sensei had picked, somehow preserved in the shape of a perfect, yellow sunflower. Some of the seeds had been picked out, creating Koro-sensei's smiling face in the centre.
"Karma..." she whispered.
He smiled, on the brink of tears himself. "That octopus did something to it to make it last forever. I was thinking that maybe we could give it to little Koro, you know, pass on the legend."
(Y/N)'s hand moved to her heart. "Oh, Karma! That's a wonderful idea!" The two shared a kiss over the beautiful flower, laughing as they pulled away to gently press their foreheads together. "For Koro's first birthday. I hope he's proud of us, wherever he is now. Who knows, maybe we'll meet him again in another life."
"Somehow, I doubt that's possible. But I guess it'd be nice to try to kill him all over again."
"I know, I know, I'm just kidding!"
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