Chapter Thirty-Four
I have written this chapter four times and I'm still not happy with it and I want to die but it's fine, I'm posting it because I want to give you guys an update before I lose my mind
also it's super long so i hope that makes up for not updating in so long :(
Chapter Thirty-Four
I ignored my father's pleading all the way to the airport. I kissed him goodbye and didn't look back at him as I boarded my flight and sat impatiently the entire time as I flew across the country to get back to the unstable murderer that I live with.
I stared out the plane's window, lost in thought. I kept thinking about my father, and how seeing him had been the most exciting to ever happen to me, only for me to leave him two days later to go back home.
I don't know the next time I'll see him, or when Inanis would ever let me again, and yet, that wasn't what bothered me the most.
What bothered me the most is that despite all of that, I don't regret boarding this plane, and I don't regret leaving my father instead of waiting out the next five days.
I had to be honest with myself, and accept the realization that I the first day with my father was great, but after that I had begun to feel lost. Perhaps that was my brewing fear of leaving Inanis alone to do whatever he wants, or maybe that was simply because Inanis brings an excitement in my life that I couldn't explain.
Either of those possibilities were alarming, but, unfortunately, not surprising, at least not anymore
I don't like Inanis, but I also can't seem to think clearly unless I'm beside him. It's an odd revelation, an uncomfortable one, but again, not surprising.
He has a way of making you depend on him for the littlest of things, I hate it, but I also find it almost amusing. As arrogant as he is, he has no idea the affect he has on me. I wasn't entirely aware of it fully myself.
All I know is that seeing him act irrational on the television revived my confusing desire to stand beside him and scold him for doing nothing but breathing.
When the plane landed, and Washington D.C. was sitting before me, I felt as though I could finally exhale. Oregon will always be my favorite place on Earth, but something about D.C. opened my chest like nothing else.
I had already thought about how dangerous it was to be in D.C. alone without any guards. Oregon was more secluded, and my father's guards and security team were not nearly as good as Inanis's, but they were decent enough. Here in D.C. on the other hand, is swarming with politicians and those who dedicated themselves to The Bone Cutter, whether that meant by admiration, or pure hatred. To be by myself here would be suicide.
Knowing I'd get recognized, I already called one of Inanis's driver's and a pack of security guards to be here when I arrive, and to my relief, right as I got off the plane, there they were, waiting for me.
I threatened them not to tell Inanis. The last thing I wanted was him to know I was here right now.
"Thank you for coming." I say to none of the guards in particular.
"Will you be returning to the estate?" A darker skinned guard says, and I think about it for a moment.
"Is Inanis at home?"
"Mr. Messor is at home with a few guests."
I frown, the last thing I wanted was to go back home to see people I wasn't familiar with.
"Who?" I ask.
"I believe it is a New York lawyer, and his wife."
I narrow my eyes, "Why is Inanis guesting a lawyer?"
"The lawyer has created false evidence in court, Ma'am."
"He's pleading for his life." I say not as a question but a statement. The man only nods.
I begin walking again, talking mainly to myself, "Still, it is odd that Inanis would allow someone to plead in his home."
"They showed up."
I turned to him, "They just showed up?"
Again, the man just nods. I ponder that, and then I frown, "How on earth did they find out where we live?." Knowing Inanis, he was most likely mentally abusing the man and his wife. Verbally torturing them as punishment, his own twisted way of having fun.
I get into the car that was waiting for me in front of the building, and anxiously wait throughout the entire ride home. The more I thought about it, the more I considered the fact that this may not be the best time to arrive back. The rational voice in my had warned me that I should turn around and spend the night a hotel, but just as I was pondering it, we pulled into the front gates of the mansion.
I sigh, as I get out of the car, taking in the sight of our luxurious home once more. Inanis's lavish style was obnoxious, and I felt myself cringe, but I couldn't imagine him living anywhere else.
What bothered me about the mansion was the fact that it was not just his home anymore. It was mine too. I have become way to submissive.
I shake my head at myself and enter the front doors. I could already hear voices from the living room, a woman crying, a man desperately trying to be convincing, and my husband, his smooth voice, though calm, seemed louder than both the other voices combined.
I stop at the doorway, seeing all three people at once. A short, wide man talking quickly as his eyes were focused on Inanis who was pacing back and forth. A woman was sitting on the couch, burying her face in her hands, saying over and over the words; "You're such a coward, Neil. You're such a coward."
And then my eyes fell on Inanis, who, to my surprise, had stopped pacing and was now staring directly at me.
The man who I assumed his name was Neil, stopped talking as he noticed my arrival as well. I wasn't sure what to say, since the sight of all three of them, took me by surprise.
Finally, I cleared my throat, "What the hell is going on?" Because that is the best I can come up with.
Inanis frowned, "Why are you here?"
I didn't expect a grand welcome party, but I wasn't prepared for that either.
I folded my arms across my chest, he clearly was not in a good mood, which immediately put me in a bad one, "I'm here because this is my home, idiot."
"Really? I had no idea."
I ignored his snarky remark, and turned to the couple who were staring at us with clear confused expressions, "Who are you?" I asked them, as politely as I could, though I knew pretty well who and why they were here.
"I'm Neil Bates, this is my wife, Marlene."
"I'm-" I attempt to introduce myself, but get cut off.
"You're Maria, the Harvester, we know, it's an honor, Ma'am."
Right, of course they know who I am. I always forget that I'm considered a celebrity now. An American icon just like Inanis.
I fought the urge to punch my husband for giving me that title.
"The Bates here," Inanis interrupted, "have come all the way to from New York, to pound on my, I mean, our-" He gives me a sarcastic smirk, "-front door, ruining my afternoon alone. How terribly rude, don't you think?" He asks me, and I look from him to the Bates.
My first thought is to ask why on earth they were stupid enough to come here unannounced. Or why they'd dare to come here at all. Instead, I say, "How did you get our address?"
The look on Neil's face was as though I asked him how his mother died. He looked uncomfortable, and pale, despite his darker skin.
Once again, Inanis had to intervene, "I've already asked him, he won't give me an answer."
I shoot my husband a glare, "Well I'm not you."
"Yes, unfortunately."
I shake my head in annoyance, and turn back to Neil, as he begins to speak, "My wife and I understand how wrong it was to come here-" At that, Inanis snorted, "-as it is such a burden, we will leave." He grabbed his wife's arm, pulling her off the couch, beckoning for her to follow him, but Inanis steps in front of him as they attempt to move past us.
"You're leaving already? That's so unfair."
"We really should be-"
"You really should sit the fuck down before I drive some metal in your heart." Inanis's was suddenly firm, all feigned humor gone, even I felt chills climb up my spine.
The couple stared at my husband in horror, both of them terrified, and rightly so.
I wasn't going to pretend that them searching for location of our home, and coming here without warning was right, or that it didn't scare me that it happens to be that easy to find out where we lived. But still, no matter the issue, I still felt bad enough for them to defend them.
"Just let them leave." I say to Inanis, who doesn't even bother to look at me.
"I never did like guests in my home, especially those unannounced."
"I could kill both of you right now, and nobody would say a word."
"It wouldn't be the first time I slice a body in this room. Each limb laying separately on the tiled floor."
He was going to give these people heart attacks, in fact, looking at the both of them, they may be on the verge of them right now.
Done with this entire scenario and wishing I had just stayed at a hotel for the night, I gripped Inanis's arm as tight as I could, and practically dragged him out of the room with me to the house's front entrance.
"Jesus, Mirea." He jerked his hand out of my grip, "What do you want?"
"I want you to stop ignoring me and listen to what I have to say."
He stared at me for a long moment, before replying. "No." And turning on his heel to walk back to the living room, most likely to give a few more threats before acting on them.
I grab his arm again, this time gripping it as tightly as I could. I did not fly all the way back to D.C. to lose my power over him. "What's your problem?" The words slip out, "You're being more of an asshole today than usual."
"My problem," He leaned down until our faces were leveled, "Is that you came back."
Once again, he forced his arm out of my grip, nearly making me lose my balance from the pull. I refused to let his words affect me, I quickly called after him, "That's funny," I say, "Since I came back for you."
That made him stop, he turned his head slowly, "What?"
"I came back for you."
He scoffed, "I'm not a fool, Mirea."
"Are you sure about that?"
He frowned, taking two large steps to me until we were once again face to face, "Why did you come back? Let alone three days early."
I stared at him for a long moment, before I realized what he was saying, "You didn't think I'd come back at all?"
"I was sure you wouldn't."
"So, you really are a fool."
That made his eyes narrow, "Was it to mock me?"
I was taken back; I barely knew how to respond. He genuinely didn't think I'd come back at all. He thought I left for good.
I would laugh if it wasn't so pathetic.
I lock eyes with him, refusing to look away because that would mean he wins, and he most certainly never wins with me, I won't allow it, "Yes, you idiot, I left my father, my childhood home, flew several hours in the middle of my day to simply mock you."
"Your sarcasm is just as ugly as your face."
"Your insults are just as childish as you."
He tensed, and I didn't care, I felt like hurting him right now. I'll regret it later, sure, but at this moment, regret was an illusion. I took command, "There are two people still sitting in our living room, scared out of their minds, please let them leave, and then we can talk."
"I'd prefer not to be ordered around by a rat with a foul mouth."
"And I'd prefer not to be ordered around by a man who can't even sit through an interview without killing someone."
A ghost of a smile appeared on his face, "It wasn't my best, I'll admit that." And just like that, the tension was gone. I was beginning to wonder if he was as bipolar as he is hyper. The mentioning of me seeing his interview seemed to enlighten him, and I wasn't sure if that was a good thing or not.
As long as he doesn't kill a married couple in our living room, I decided it was fine.
"Fine," He waved his hand, "If you care so much about the scum in our home, I'll let them live," he paused, "until next month's show."
He held his hand up to stop me, "Best you get them out of this house before I change my mind."
I said nothing more as I moved past him, back to the living room to tell Neil and Marlene that they were safe -leaving our the for now, part- and that they could leave.
They didn't just leave the house, they practically dashed out. I certainly did not blame them.
"So," Inanis walked into the living room with his hands in his pockets once the couple was gone. There was a smug look on his face, that was strange to see after only a few moment ago, he was threatening to kill someone, "You watched my interview."
I looked up at him, "Of course I did, I'm your wife."
"Forced wife."
"A wife is a wife." I say flatly, though I wasn't entirely convincing myself.
"So, you are interested in what I do?"
"Interested? No. Do I like to keep tabs on you? Of course, you did just kill that interviewer for no reason."
"He was an awful man."
"He was doing his job."
"He was prying for gossip."
"Yeah? He and every other reporter, you should be used to it by now."
"Oh, I am, I just find it annoying." He dropped onto the couch and leaned his feet up on the coffee table. The very expensive coffee table.
I hadn't realized I was moving over to him to roughly kick his feet off the table until it was already done. I had no reason to do it, I didn't even care about the stupid coffee table. Really it just gave me an excuse to kick him.
"The only thing annoying is how obnoxious, and entitled you are."
He as staring at me, a lazy smile on his lips as he sat back, "And yet you came back."
"I regret it."
"No, you came here with purpose." He pointed to me, "I just haven't been found out what."
"I don't understand why you thought I'd just ditch you." I bit back a laugh, "How could I even pull that off?"
"Very easily, just don't come back."
"You and half the country would be out searching for me."
"No, I wouldn't."
I'm taken back by that, "You wouldn't?"
"No," He sighed, "Keeping you here against your will was fun for only a moment, but that moment has passed."
For a reason I don't want to recognize, his words left me feeling sick, "So that's it? You'd just let me leave? I knew you'd get bored of me eventually, but this is quicker than expected."
He stares at me wide-eyed, pure surprise plastered all over his face, "Bored of you? Who said I was bored of you?"
"If you would gladly let me leave and never come back, then I'd guess that that is because you are bored of me, just like everything else."
I could feel his eyes piercing trough me for the longest moment, before I nearly jump back when he begins to laugh unexpectedly.
"Why on earth are you laughing?" I stare at him peculiarly; I've only heard him laugh like this a few times before and every time I find myself in awe that a human so messed up could make such a lively sound.
"Oh, this is a terrible irony. You really are a stupid rat." He said it like he was actually surprised.
"Excuse me?"
"Mirea you clueless moron, I don't want you to leave."
"But you just said-"
"I said I'd rather not force you here. The fact that you think I've grown bored of you is as ridiculous as it is amusing. My god, you're the only interesting thing in my life." He shrugged, "Forcing you here isn't as fun as it used to be. I could always convince the public that I killed you like Virtus Lux did with his six wives. Why should I spend my time with someone who doesn't want to be near me? I'm sure my old psychiatrist would say that is not healthy for my self-esteem." He clapped his hands together, "But now that you are here, I'd rather you not leave again."
I don't know what to say, so I just say, "Why not?"
"Why not? Because I simply don't want you to."
I was purposely annoying him at this point, "That's not a reason."
"Then take my advice and stay because there are millions of people who hate me, and they'd gladly take their hatred for me out on you."
"They hate you for good reason."
"Yes, they may hate me," His eyes went from the window to me, "But you don't."
It was my turn to laugh, I laughed so hard I began to cry, "Oh you have no idea how much I fucking hate you."
There it was again, his obnoxious, lazy smile, and a look in his eyes that read he didn't believe me one bit. "Of course not, I must be a fool for thinking that."
His sarcastic tone irritated me, as I wiped the tears from my eyes, "And I must be a fool for coming back. I should have stayed in Oregon."
"You should've."
"I should go back right now."
"You should."
"Stop agreeing with me."
"Oh, do you want me to get on my knees and beg you to stay here?"
I roll my eyes, though I couldn't stop myself from snorting, "It wouldn't hurt."
"It'd hurt my ego, and my gorgeous knees."
I walk over to the couch, and sit on it, right beside him, this time I raise my feet onto the coffee table, "Your ego is toxic, and your knees aren't that great."
He took notice on where I placed my feet, and gave me an unamused look, before saying, "I changed my mind, I want you gone."
"In that case, I'm definitely staying."
"It really is."
For a long moment we sat there in silence. I didn't care that I was sitting so close to him that our bodies were touching, and I was reminded that he was insufferably good at kissing and making me feel dizzy with his breath on my skin.
"Inanis." I say, many minutes later.
"What, rat?"
I feel the need to say is so strongly, that feel breathless, "I really, really do hate you."
He leans back, and stares up at the ceiling, "Yes," He responds, "I know you do."
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