There exists a saying which states, "Sometimes it's the people no one imagines anything of who do the things no one can imagine." While Turing was brilliant in his own right, it was his work with the development of the bombe and the breaking of Enigma which led to, and were, some of his greatest contributions to the world. If Turing not been given the opportunity to construct the bombe, the world would be significantly behind in technologically, so much so that the technological maturity of 2017 would be that of the 1970s. The Allies would have still won World War II, albeit with more difficulty. Historians estimate that somewhere between 14 and 21 million more lives would have been lost without the breaking of Enigma, and The Battle of the Atlantic would have been a greater worry to Winston Churchill. Inevitably, Alan Turing played a crucial part in World War II and the technological world in which we live today.
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