Part 2
I was sitting on my bed with a newly red stained wash cloth on the back of my head. My sister was next to me, a tissue stuffed up her bleeding nose. We must have sat there for a few hours, not saying anything. Finally, Kaylee spoke.
"When did you get these powers." She asked and I shook my head.
"This is the first time I've ever experienced it."
"It'd have to be caused by something out of the ordinary. Something that happened recently..." She thought for a moment. "Something like-like what happened at the research lab!"
Here's the thing about my sister. She's super smart! Kaylee has her masters degree in medical care and biology. Not to mention her 4.8 GPA. She works at the Tennessee Hospital, I can't tell you how many lives she's saved. I could never live up to her. Anyway, it was surprisingly simple for her to figure out what happened.
"When you spilled, Nuclear Acid was it, on yourself it must have seeped into you skin. Then into you blood stream which sooner or later leads to you nervous system. And that's why when I scared you, you went KABOOM! This is incredible, absolutely incredible." Kaylee was getting very excited about the subject but I couldn't understand. I was a scientist as well but I worked in the chemistry department, though i had studied some side effects about the nuclear acid hitting my skin, I never pictured something as big as this would come out of it,
"So you have powers of a nuclear weapon! In your control!" Kaylee exclaimed. She looked at the bruises on her shoulders and the blood on the cloth that I still held.
"Look at the things you can do!"
"I'm a human nuclear weapon." I whispered. "Kaylee this isn't good. You're right, look at the things I can do and I have no control over it." And as I thought about it some more I realized.
"Kaylee, I am the most dangerous human alive. I could wipe out an entire city.
"There's got to be a way you could learn to control it." She thought aloud.
"I can't."
"Yes you can! You have too, if you don't-" Kaylee stopped herself.
"What happens if I don't learn to control it?" I asked regrettably. Kaylee took the bloody cloth into her hands and sighed.
"Who knows..."
I fell back onto the bed and ran my fingers through my hair, my eyes closed. So many thoughts circled my head.
"I need to run some tests before we jump to conclusions though." She added. "Will you let me?'
"Yes." I said softly.
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