Mission assinment
( this is my first try at this so here goes nothin)
Me and my 4 best friends were sitting in the head Chiefs office waiting for his assistant to come with the papers.
There was a knock at the door and a women who looked like she was in her 30s, came in holding a yellow folder. "Thank you kasey" the Head Chief said. So I'm guessing her name is Kasey. She handed him the file and left. He then looked at us, and said, "your not going to like this, but for your next Mission... Your going to be bodyguards." The 4 of us looked at him shocked. "Are you crazy!" Corey said.
~freeze time~
Right I almost forgot to introduce us! my name is Annabelle, Annabelle Tyson. And these are my friends :
Corey Anderson: Australian intelligence. Very good at illusion and discises ( don't think that's how you spell it! Whoops!) she has Cotten candy blue hair, beautiful bright green eyes. She is 18.
Angelica or Angel Jones: British intelligence. Her talent is she is very fast! And I mean FAST! She has jet black hair and big beautiful brown eyes. She is also 18.
Sofia firetale: Irish intelligence. Her talent is she can find a hiding place anywhere! And I mean ANYWHERE!!
She has blond curly hair and beautiful blue eyes. And 17
And then theres me! Annabelle Tyson:
southern intelligence (or U.S) either way, I'm southern born and raised! I have curly brown hair and emerald eyes. And my talent is I'm really good at fighting. We're all really good, but I train the most. And I'm 20 [so the oldest and the leader... Heehee]
~unfreeze time~
We looked at each other and shook our head. I said "no! We are not going to be babysitters for a bunch of hormonal boys!" I shouted. He smirked and that meant... We had no say in the matter.
We sighed and Angel asked "when do we leave?" "Tomorrow" we nodded and got the papers. We went to our room since we share one. It's HUGE!
Anywho... We sat on the very fuzzy rug on the floor. We open the folder and read up on the boys. There were 4.
Calum Hood: the bassest\vocals
Hair color: dark brown hair
Age: 18
Luke Hemmings: the lead singer\ guitar
Hair color: blonde
Age: 17
Micheal Clifford: lead guitarest\locals
Hair color: it changes
Age: 18
Ashton Irwin: drummer\vocals
Hair color: dirty blonde
Age: 20
We each took a boy to protect no matter what. Corey took Michael
Angel took Calum
Sofia took Luke
and I took Ashton. After we were done sorting out plans and stuff, started packing our clothes guns and weapons.
When we were done we went to bed since our flight to Australia is on the morning at 9 am so...
~next morning~
We were heading to the air port. Sofia was asleep on my shoulder, and Corey and Angel were asleep leaning on each other.
When we got to the airport i woke them up and said "get up guys were here".
~skip airport boring stuff~
We were on the plain and we were in the same position as we were in the car. I was beside the window,and Sofia was beside me. Behind us were Corey and Angel asleep on each other... Again.
Our flight was 15 hours so I am going to get some sleep. So I lay my head on the top of Sofia's and went to sleep.
I woke up and everyone one the plane was filing out. So I woke up the girls we got our bags and stuff and set off the meat the boys.
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