A wild ride
When we got to our rooms, they were like... I dont know how to describe it. But they were perfect!!
Mine was a beach blue with white bed clothes a desk in the corner and 2 stand up lamps in opposite corners. And a white closet! Quite comfy... I wonder if I could put candles in here?!
Corey's was kinda the same except hers was a light faded green, also with a white dresser. The 2 lamps in the corners had white shades.
Definitely hers.
Angels was black and white with a white dresser and black lamp shades. Very Angel like.
And Sophie's is pink and white! Soo cute! With a white dresser and pink lamp shades!
Once we unpacked we went back down stairs. the boys were sprawled out on the couch, on their phones... "Can we do something?" Asked Michael. "Yeah! whatcha wanna do?" They looked at each other for a second. Then they all yelled "PARK!!!" "Ok! Ok! Well go to the park. Get you stuff and get in the car" I heard a chorus of 'yays'. The girls and I went to get out guns and weapons. Corey, Angel and Sophie all had regular hand guns. But I had a 454 magnum with a 33mm grenade launcher!!! They are my babies! They aren't big they, kinda look like pistols! Anyway... We clicked them to the inside of our jackets and ran downstairs. The boys were already in the car so we went out. I got in the drivers seat and the girls got in the back. Here's the order from front to back:
Me, Ashton. (Since we're old)
Corey, Luke, Calum
Angel, Micheal, and Sophie. (Poor Miley!)
Once we were all in We took off.
When I turned a corner and noticed a black Tahoe with tinted windows following us. I shrugged it off at first, but then I relized that they were indeed after us.
I shot a look to the girls to turn around and they did. They looked mad. The boys were oblivious... As usual. "Guys I need you to hang on the something." I said. "Why?" Luke asked in a panicked tone. "We're being followed".
"How do you got out of the city?" Corey asked. "Turn left up here then go straight, we should be out by then." Micke said.
"Why?" "Cause if they are going to follow us, then we won't make it easy." I said as an evil smirk played on all the girls faces. The boys just looked scared.
I turned the corner and we were out of town. I went faster as the girls hung on the boys. "Angel, I need you babe"
She smiled evilly. She unbuckled and got her guns out.
There was nobody on the road, so she leaned out the window. "Micheal, could you hang on to my legs? please and thank you!" she said. "S-sure" he stammered out. He held her legs as she shot, Hitting the front tires.
The car swirved and drove into the ditch. "Aren't you going to see if there are any survivors?" Ashton asked. "No" I said coldly. "Why?" "Cause, we're trying to loose them! If we do that we're practically saying 'hey! We're here!!'" "Oh" was all he said.
Once we got back into town we went to the park. the boys ran to the swings, while we trail behind. "Stay with your boy girls!!" Corey called out. "Yeah. Yeah". Was our response.
We had been there for a good 10 minutes when we hear a gun shot.
We all looked at our boys to be sure, then we started to make our way to the car. I felt a sudden sharp pain in my left shoulder and I yelled in pain.
They turned around and I saw the boys go pale. The girls were quick to action. Angel got the boys in the car and Corey and Sophie helped me.
We got in the car and Ashton sped off.
"Don't go to the hospital. We don't feel like explaining today." Angel said.
"we're specially trained for this stuff. Don't worry."
Once we got to the house Angel went with the boys, and the other 2 came with me. The boys stayed in the living room, while we went to the kitchen.. Corey went and got her bag while Sophie helped me take my shirt off. I was quite fit if i do say so myself, so no worries.
Corey got back and got her magnet out. It's a very, VERY strong magnet so all she has to do is hold it over the whole and it will come right out. Or so I hope...
Once she got the bullet out, They cleaned me up. Sophie went and got me a black shit from my room and they helped me put it on.
We went in the living room and the boys were not happy. They looked sad, mad and... I don't know what the other one was. i went and sat down between Ashton and Michael.
"We thought you were gonna die!"
"Are you ok?"
"What happened?"
"We're so sorry!"
They said. "I fine guys. Ok girls what the fuzz was that!"
"We didn't even see them! We are dealing with something more than we thought!"
"I know! I know! We can figure this one out. We're the best at what we do. We can do this"
Little did we know that things were about to get a lot harder.
Hello people!! Sorry for not updating. Family stuff!
Hope you have a good week!🍀
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