Chapter 3
AN: I was on smosh pit and I saw this tumblr post. It's pretty much accurate.
This chapter's kinda long, oops. I don't edit my chapters, by the way, so pardon any mistakes.
This story is already #158 in Fanfiction and #285 in Teen Fiction *__* and it's just the beginning, too! I just hope this story will be successful *crosses fingers*
I changed how much Luke will receive an hour.
Dedication: TessieTT [I'm lookin' forward to the yum, too]
"WHAT?!" I stormed up to Michael and grabbed him by the collar of his shirt. "DO YOU HAVE ANY IDEA WHAT YOU'RE DOING?!"
"Yes," Michael replied calmly. "I just made Luke your new bodyguard."
"I DON'T NEED A BODYGUARD! I ESPECIALLY DON'T NEED HIM!" I glowered over at him and he was too busy occupying himself with a fake plant that sat on the front desk counter. "YOU! TELL HIM YOU DON'T WANT THE JOB!"
"Sir," Luke began, looking over at Michael, "I have far more important things than to follow this dimwit around twenty-four seven. I will have to turn down this bodyguard position."
"I'm not a dimwit!" I countered, stomping my foot against the carpeted floor.
"Excuse me. Princess, I meant."
"Stop with that stupid name! Michael!"
My manager blinked at Luke, like he was processing what Luke had told him. "Did you just call me 'sir'?"
"Was that not okay?" Luke questioned. "I can call you something else."
I scoffed. "And you still choose to call me that girly name? Unbelievable!"
"Believe it, princess."
Michael shook his head. "No, it's fine," he said. "It just... no one's called me that before. It's always either Michael or Mikey."
"He's not a freaking geezer, Luke," I hissed. "Just call him Michael."
"All right then," Luke said as he nodded once. "Michael, princess here obviously does not want me to be his bodyguard. For that reason, I cannot take up the job."
"How much do I have to pay you to get you to accept?" Michael suddenly asked and I widened my eyes at him.
"Michael!" I shouted. "He made it specifically clear he does not want the job!"
"No, he said you don't want him to take the job." He turned back to Luke. "How much are we talking?"
"Bribery won't work on me," Luke responded.
"Let's make it thirty dollars an hour, yeah?"
"What the hell!" I yelled. "Stop it! He's not wanted here!"
"By you. Let him have his own say. So, Luke, do you want the job? Thirty bucks an hour"
"W-Well, I'll admit, it's good pay, but-"
"Then I don't see why you shouldn't take it. Let's go get into the van and we'll talk more about it over dinner, okay?" Michael then started to lead Luke towards the back and I groaned.
"I don't believe this," I muttered to myself. Then I looked over at the employee guy. "Do you believe this?!" He just shrugged and then I marched out of the lobby and following Michael and Luke who will hopefully turn down the job offer.
I saw Luke and Michael climb into the van and then I started heading towards it, going in after and sitting beside Michael. Luke was by himself on the other side, but he should really be sitting on train tracks while a bullet train is coming his way.
I folded my arms over my chest and crossed my legs, staring out the window as a huff left me. I can't believe this idiot is going to dinner with me and Michael. My manager is still trying to persuade Luke to take the bodyguard job, but I don't even want to be near Luke, let alone have him be my bodyguard.
As much as I'd like to tune them out I had no choice, but to listen to the conversation, since the two were loud as hell.
"I can raise your pay, if you do well enough," Michael told Luke.
"I'm happy with thirty, thank you," Luke replied.
"So you'll take the job?"
"I didn't say that."
"Ashton really needs a bodyguard. He needs someone who can look out for him at all times. Security isn't good nowadays, and you just saved him from getting kidnapped! You're perfect for the job!"
"Still can't believe he isn't gone yet," I mumbled under my breath.
"I have another job to attend to," Luke added. "I don't have time to watch over some pansy that can't even tell where his hotel is."
"Hey!" I snapped. "If my phone didn't break, I would've been fine!"
"But it did break, didn't it? If I wasn't there, you would've been lost and vulnerable to being kidnapped."
Michael clapped his hands together. "Like I said, you're perfect for the job!" he exclaimed. "You have to take it! I'll give you anything that you want!"
Luke raised an eyebrow at my manager. "Anything?"
Michael nodded eagerly. "Yes! What's your price?"
"A plane ticket. To London, specifically."
I just snickered at him. "Really? London? Why do you want to go to there?"
He shot a glare at me. "Keep your nose in your own business and I'll keep mine in my own, princess."
"Done!" Michael said. "A plane ticket it is! I'll still pay you, too. It's final! You're now Ashton's bodyguard."
I glared at Luke, shaking my head at him and he just shrugged, a smirk on his face.
"I don't like you, okay?" I hissed.
"I don't expect you to like me," he said, "and I don't give a damn, princess."
I really hate this guy.
Somehow word had already spread that I was going to eat at Cafe Beaujolais and a crowd of girls were waiting at the entrance.
"Where's security?" I asked, glancing out the window as the van started approaching the restaurant
"Looks like word didn't get to them," Michael said. "Fans are fast."
"I think you should go in through the back," Frederick said.
"That's a good idea. Let's go." Frederick drove past the restaurant and went to the back. Michael pulled out his phone and began calling someone. He then said something about how we were going through the back, so I assumed he called the restaurant.
I looked over at Luke and saw that his head was lolled to the side and his arms over his chest. He was asleep. I rolled my eyes, because it's his first night on the job and he's already sleeping on the job.
"Wake up, buttface," I said, tapping his leg with my foot. "We've arrived."
Luke started to stir before he went back to snoozing. I rolled my eyes, kicking him harder.
"Five seconds more," he grumbled and I narrowed my eyes at him.
"We don't have five seconds. Now wake up." I threw my broken phone at him, hitting him between the eyes.
"Ow!" He started to rub where my phone had hit him and I smirked.
"Well, I've successfully hurt you," I said, smirking.
"When I was asleep," Luke said.
"Which is what you shouldn't be doing. If you're going to be my bodyguard, you have to be awake all day and all night. No sleeping whatsoever."
"That's a harsh rule, don't you think?"
"No, it's perfect for you. Unless it's too much for you, then you can always resign from the job."
Luke raised his eyebrow at me before he lowered it and smirked, tilting his head to the other side. "I see what you're doing: you're trying to get rid of me."
I feigned a gasp. "I would never do such a thing!"
Luke sighed before he leaned forward and rested his elbows on top of his knees. "Princess, you have no idea how to fight for yourself."
"Stop calling me that!" I retorted.
"There's no other bodyguard like me. I'm your best option."
"No, you're not. If anything, you're the worst."
Luke just stared intently into my eyes before he whispered. "I shall prove you wrong, princess."
Anger boiled inside of me when he said that damn name and I was ready to yell at him, but then Michael interrupted me by announcing it was time to leave the car.
Luke sent a smirk my way and I glared at him as everyone but Frederick exited the vehicle. Michael told him he'll call him after we finish eating, so he could take us back to the hotel. Then the driver drove off.
Michael, Luke, and I walked into the restaurant and this old man went up to us to shake Michael's hand.
"Welcome to Cafe Beaujolais, Mr. Clifford!" he greeted. "We are very glad to be of service to you! Ah, the famous Mr. Irwin!" I cringed when he addressed me by my last name. He went up to me and we shook hands. He sent a smile my way and I did the same, except mine was more reluctant.
The guy went over to Luke and extended his hand out at him, but then he retracted it, raising an eyebrow.
"Who are you?" questioned the man. I placed a hand over my mouth to keep myself from laughing.
"Oh, excuse me," he said. "I'm Luke. I'm with Michael and princess here."
"Escort us to a table, will you?" I said to the old man through a fake smile and gritted teeth. He ignored Luke and nodded at me before he led us to a table at the back of the restaurant. When Luke and I were behind the old man and my manager I glared at the taller blond, hissing, "Stop calling me princess!"
"It suits you rather well, doesn't it?" Luke responded, smirking at me.
"It's annoying, like you. Knock it off!"
"Or what? You'll fire me?"
I grinned, because he works under me. I actually do have the ability to fire him.
Luke's smile fell and I was just about prepared to get rid of him when suddenly Michael popped right in between us and said to Luke.
"Don't worry about getting fired," Michael assured. "As long as you're doing your job at protecting Ashton, I won't ever fire you."
"Oh. So only you can fire me?" Luke asked, pointing at my manager.
Michael nodded. "Yep! Since I'm the one that hired you, only I can fire you. And you haven't done anything wrong since you've become Ashton's bodyguard."
"Well, that's great to hear." Luke's eyes met mine and this stupid smug formed on his face.
I really don't like this guy.
A lot of the fans that were eating in the restaurant had asked for my autograph and for pictures with me, which I agreed to. They would hug me and I'd hug them back, but only because that's just what I'm supposed to do. Every time someone came up to the table and interrupt me from eating my dinner it made me grow more irritated, but Michael told me to keep cool, so I did.
Even the paparazzi came around, but the restaurant employees did their very best to keep them outside and away from me, which I was completely thankful for.
While I was pleasing fans Michael and Luke were talking to each other, probably about Luke's stupid job as being my new bodyguard. I didn't bother to listen into it, because I don't want to hear anything about it. In fact, I wish to forget the fact that Michael just made Luke my personal bodyguard. I really hope that Luke idiot gets fired by Michael soon, because I really don't want him in my life one bit.
We were at the restaurant for three freaking hours and I finished eating my dinner thirty minutes after Michael and Luke did. When we were sure that no one would bother me again Michael began to call Frederick to pick us up from the restaurant.
"Oh!" I exclaimed, turning my attention to my manager. "Can you ask Frederick to drive me to Chelsea's? I still need to get my jacket."
"Get it tomorrow," Michael said, waving me off. "It's too late."
"Besides, we need to take Luke home, so he can gather up his stuff."
"What? Why?"
"Didn't you know, princess?" Luke spoke up. "I'm supposed to be with you at all times. Therefore, I'm staying in your suite."
"What?!" I sharply stood up and I swear I gained some attention from people around us. "No! Make him get his own room! He's not staying in my suite!"
"You're overreacting, princess."
"Stop calling me that!"
"You're drawing attention to yourself. I bet this'll get on the news and everyone will see just how childish of a person you are." I went over to Luke, grabbed him by his shirt and started pulling him out of the restaurant through the back.
I dragged Luke into an alleyway and practically threw him against the wall before I jabbed my finger into his chest.
"Listen, asshole!" I growled at him. "There's no freaking way you're staying at my suite! It's bad enough that you're my bodyguard, but it's even worse if I have to constantly be around you all the time!"
"Hey! It's your manager's idea, not mine!" Luke retorted. "You shouldn't be yelling at me, princess!"
"Stop calling me that! I hate that stupid name and I hate you!"
The next thing I knew Luke used his foot and made my knees unbuckle and I lost balance, but then he pulled me back up and flipped us around, so that instead of him being sandwiched between someone and a building, I was.
"Grow the fuck up, will ya?!" Luke yelled. "I don't give a fuck if you're some famous celebrity. You need to take some sacrifices here and cooperate. I'm risking my own home and job that I had before this one just to protect your stupid ass! The least you could do is let me stay at your suite!"
"Then get your own hotel room! I'm not sharing mine with you, you jacka-!" Luke clapped his hand over my mouth and I let out a muffled scream, grabbing and attempting to pry his hand off of my face.
"Quiet, princess," Luke whispered and I wanted to kick him for calling me that stupid name again. "I don't think we're alone."
That was enough to make me shut up and I pressed myself more against the wall. Luke kept one arm securely around my waist as he glanced around before he looked back at me.
"Listen very carefully," he spoke and I nodded. "I'm going to lead you back into the restaurant, okay? Whatever happens, do not leave my side unless I instruct you to. For now, keep your arms around me, okay?" I nodded my head again, telling him that I understood. "Good. I'm going to remove my hand now and you'll stay quiet. Do that for me and you'll be safe."
When I felt Luke draw his hand away from my mouth I immediately threw my arms around him and he pulled me closer to him. Then we started slowly making our way back towards the restaurant door. I buried my face into him and I felt his hold on me tighten.
Once we were inside and past the doors Luke's arm dropped from me, but I still held onto him.
"You can let go now," he said to me. "You're safe now."
"O-Okay," I managed to stutter out as I drew away from him. We started heading back to our table where Michael was waiting and I bit my lower lip as I stared at the floor.
"Frederick's about to arrive shortly," Michael informed us. "I already paid for the food, so we'll wait here until I get a phone call from him."
"Mikey?" I looked up at him and saw that I had his attention. "I-I think it's okay if L-Luke stays in my suite."
Michael's eyes widened. "Really? You're okay with that?" I nodded and a wide smile formed on his lips. "Great! I'll have Frederick take us to Luke's home when he arrives!"
I sat down in my seat and pulled my knees close to my chest, resting my chin upon them. I wrapped my arms around my legs and I saw Luke glance over at me.
"You're really okay with me staying at your suite?" he asked me and I just shrugged.
"It's just a thank you for what happened not too long ago," I said, trying to brush it off like it was nothing. "Don't expect me to be nice to you. I still hate you."
"Good enough for me. Thanks, princess." Instead of yelling at him about the nickname I kept my mouth shut and just stared off at nothing in particular.
Frederick took Luke to his place which was located in an apartment building. He gathered up all the stuff he needed and then we were heading back to the hotel.
We said our good nights and then Luke followed me to the suite. I opened up the door and we both walked in.
"Wow! This room alone is bigger than my entire apartment," Luke commented and I just rolled my eyes.
"You can stay on the couch," I said to him. "It's located in the bedroom. There's only one bed and that belongs to me."
"Understandable." The two of us walked into my bedroom and I watched as he tossed his bag of stuff beside the couch and then hopped onto the comfy furniture. "So do I get any blankets or what?"
"There's an extra one on my bed. I'll go get it."
"No, it's fine. I'll get it. You just go on ahead and get ready to sleep." I nodded and then I went to my luggage of clothes while he walked over to the bed.
I looked for my pajama clothes and I watched from the corner of my eye as Luke picked a blanket to use for himself. I then walked into the bathroom that was provided right next to the bedroom, changing into my night clothes once there and then brushing my teeth.
When I walked out of the bathroom I took the clothes I wore earlier into a laundry basket that was kept near the door. I climbed into the bed and wrapped the blanket around myself and just sat there for a while.
I usually do this every night, sitting on the bed while curled up in the blanket, thinking about whatever comes to mind. Right now, it was how I was going to deal with Luke for God knows how long he'll be my bodyguard.
"Whatcha doin'?" Luke asked and I glanced over at him. "You look like a marshmallow with a human head slapped on top."
I rolled my eyes. "I'm just thinking, that's all. It's what I do every night before I go to sleep." Luke nodded and then he grabbed the bottom of his shirt before he started pulling it up. My eyes widened and I flung the blanket off of me and ran over to him, bringing his shirt back down. "What are you doing?!"
"What?" he questioned, looking at me. "I'm getting ready for bed."
"No, you're not! You're stripping!"
"Exactly. I sleep only in my boxers and an undershirt. Do you have a problem with that?"
"It's just weird, okay? Keep your clothes on."
"But then that feels weird. I won't be able to sleep and I'll eventually remove my clothes. Besides, we're both guys. It's not like we're gay or anything."
I didn't say anything after that. I just nodded and then made my way back to my bed. I didn't look at Luke while he was taking off his clothes and when he started walking towards the bathroom to brush his teeth.
I cuddled up in my blanket again and then decided that I should go sleep now. I closed my eyes and was about to sleep before minutes later Luke left the bathroom and went out of the room. I glanced over at him, but I quickly averted my eyes when I remembered he was only walking around in black boxers and a white shirt.
"U-Um, thanks," I said loud enough for Luke to hear.
"For?" he asked.
"Saving me once and keeping me safe at the restaurant."
"You're welcome about the saving you part. Can I tell you something?"
"Back at the alleyway when we were fighting, I just wanted you to shut up. So I told you that someone was watching us. I honestly didn't hear anything." I shot up from my bed and glared at him, not even caring that he wasn't fully clothed. "Oops?"
"You freaking asshole!" I threw a pillow at him, but he caught it and placed it by the armrest of the couch. "Go to hell!" I angrily plopped back onto my bed and pulled the blanket over my head, steam fuming out of me.
Luke just chuckled. "Good night, princess."
"Shut up! Don't call me that!"
AN: No other way to end it except that.
I made this longer than I wanted, but oh well. I hope you guys like this story so far :D I'm afraid of losing readers ): I love all of your comments, by the way :D I love comments more than I love votes (: anyway, enjoy your lives again x Until next chapter!
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