Chapter 29
AN: I want this story to end before the year is over. Are you guys ready?
Cover in media made by meli5sos_ from IG!
Dedication: xxSweaterWeatherxx [I like how you're only concerned about the smut xD]
The first thing I heard was the sound of waves brushing against the shore. I saw some light through my eyelids and I slowly opened my eyes, seeing that the sun was out and way above me in the sky.
I slowly sat upright, but winced when I felt how sore my body was. It felt like I had just ran into a wall and all of my muscles ached really badly. I began rubbing at my blurry eyes, but immediately stopped when something started to sting them. I wiped my hand against my shirt and rubbed at my eyes once again, this time relieving the pain. Again my eyes opened and I saw the ocean before me. The water was slowly making its way closer to me, but it pulled back into the sea before it could reach me.
Then the memory of what had happened flooded my mind and I gasped, standing up immediately and ignoring the pain. I looked around frantically for Luke, but I must have stood up way too fast, because my vision began to turn black. I rested my face in my hands until the pain in my head stopped and I was able to see again.
"Luke?" I called out as I searched around the beach. "Where are you?" There was no response, so I shouted louder. "Luke!"
I didn't see a single person in sight and I didn't know which way to go to find Luke. Or the others, for that matter. I wasn't even sure where I was. I was sure that I was still in California, but was I even in the area close to where the hotel I was staying at was? Hopefully.
I decided to walk along the shore so the ocean was on my right side. My clothes were wet, my hair felt really gross and sticky, and I was hurting all over, but right now my main priority was to find Luke. I really hoped he was along the way I was heading. I didn't want to be separated from him any longer.
The wind that kept hitting me wasn't helping at all. I was already freezing and I had to depend on rubbing my arms with my hands to keep me warm. I don't even know how Luke and I got separated. I remember that when we were falling we were holding each other so tightly that nothing could squeeze in between us. But here I was, walking along the beach without Luke around and I was starting to worry about him.
From a distance I saw an open parachute and it was obviously not from Luke, but it meant that either Chelsea or Calum and Michael were around and that was good enough for me.
I cupped my hands around my mouth and shouted, "Chels!"
"Cal? Mikey!"
There was a distant response from what sounded like Calum. "Ash, over here!"
I smiled and rushed over to where the voice came from. I climbed over a bunch of large rocks and I finally spotted Calum, but the smile that was on my face fell when I saw that Michael had his head in Calum's lap and a look of discomfort was on his face.
"What happened to him?" I asked, hopping off of the rocks and approaching the two of them.
"Michael hurt himself while we were landing," Calum explained. "He said that his ankle hurts."
"I twisted it when I was trying to get my feet onto the ground," my manager puled. Then he whacked Calum's arm. "I blame you for not helping me land!"
"Hey, you just so happened to touch the ground a split second before I did," Calum retorted. Then he brushed his finger against Michael's cheek. "It's okay, babe. You'll be fine. Chelsea's getting help."
Widening my eyes, I asked, "You guys saw Chelsea?"
Calum nodded as he looked up at me. "Well, she really found us, actually." Then he furrowed his eyebrows. "Wait. You weren't with her? How're you down here? And what happened to Luke?"
Rubbing the back of my neck, I answered, "I, uh, we both jumped off the plane without a parachute." Calum's jaw dropped, but I quickly explained, "I'm fine, but my body feels sore and I can't find Luke anywhere. I'm getting really worried about him."
"Okay, we'll go look for him. Uh..." He glanced around before moving away from Michael so he could stand up. "I'll be right back, Mikey. Okay?"
"No!" Michael quickly sat up and grabbed Calum's arm before he could get any farther away. "I-I want to come with."
"Your ankle's hurt though," Calum pointed out. "I think it's best if you stay here."
"I just want to go with you." Michael stared down at his foot, biting his lip. Then his green eyes looked up at Calum and he asked in the softest voice, "Could you carry me?"
Calum's eyes widened as Michael stretched his arms out at him, his hands forming into fists before his fingers extended outwards again.
Without saying anything, Calum motioned for Michael to stand and my manager beamed, getting onto his feet the best he could. When Calum bent down, Michael used his good foot to jump and hop onto Calum's back, the latter boy bringing his arms underneath Michael's thighs.
"Happy?" Calum asked and Michael nodded eagerly. Then he glanced over to me. "Let's go find Luke."
The three of us started to leave from the rocks, and I asked, "Which way should we go?"
"Uh..." Calum glanced around before answering, "From which direction did you come from?"
I pointed one way and Calum looked the other. Then Michael pointed his finger in the opposite way from where I came from and said, "Let's go down that way. I think Chelsea went that way, so if we don't find Luke we'll for sure run into her."
I frowned, because I didn't care for Chelsea at the moment. Sure, she helped out in rescuing me, but right now I really wanted to get to Luke.
"Good idea, babe," Calum said and he started to walk in that direction, Michael holding tightly onto him. It took me a while to get myself moving again, but eventually I was caught up to the duo. Michael would roll his ankle once in a while, which I didn't understand why he was stupid enough to do that considering it was injured. Calum would scold him and threaten to make him walk if he kept on doing that.
After many minutes of seeing neither Luke nor Chelsea, we heard sirens from the distance and then we saw two ambulances coming from around a corner of a building not too far away from us. I narrowed my eyes at the vehicles as they started to get closer to us, but they drove right past us.
Our eyes were still fixed on the two trucks and we noticed that they were approaching the rocks that we were just at. The next thing I knew Calum was taking Michael and himself back over to to the rocks and I gaped, shouting, "Hey! We're supposed to be finding Luke!"
Calum turned himself around and gave me an apologetic look as he said, "I, um. Sorry, Ash. I have to take Michael over there so they can bring him to the hospital and I'm going to go with him. I suggest you get yourself checked out as well, since you and Luke jumped out of a fucking plane with no parachute."
"But I--"
He didn't get to hear the rest of what I had to say as he started to run off the direction we came from and I huffed, crossing my arms over my chest. They just left me to look for Luke on my own. Whatever. I'll find my bodyguard myself. Somehow.
I turned my back on the scene and continued my way down to the beach, determined to find Luke. I didn't need the helps of either Calum or Michael. I could find Luke all on my own.
However, after two minutes of me walking I heard someone running behind me and I turned myself around to see Calum. I rolled my eyes and proceeded to ignore him, arms wrapped around myself and glaring straight ahead of me.
"Ash, you need to go to the hospital," Calum said, but I shook my head.
"I'm fine," I muttered. "I just want to find Luke and that's it."
"I told one of the paramedics about Luke and they said they'll send out a party to find him for you, okay? But you have to get checked out and make sure nothing is wrong with you." He placed a hand on my shoulder, but I smacked his hand away.
"I said I'm fine!" I snapped. "I don't need to go to the damn hospital, okay?!" I started to leave Calum behind, but he once again grabbed my shoulders and turned me around so now I was facing him,
"Stop being so fucking stubborn and cooperate!" he shouted. "We'll find Luke eventually, but right now you're more important and you should really get to the hospital right about fucking now!"
"Make me!"
Calum narrowed his eyes at me. "Do you really want me to make you?"
I tried to match his look, but my expression softened seconds later and I let out an annoyed sigh, pushing past Calum and going over to where the ambulance was, my stupid friend following close behind me.
"I hate you right now," I grumbled.
"No, you don't," Calum said and I only rolled my eyes, because I really did hate him right now.
Once we got closer to the ambulances, three paramedics came over to me and had a stretcher with them, but I didn't need a god damn stretcher. I ignored them and stormed my way to one of the ambulances. On the way there they insisted that I lie down on the gurney so they could transport me from one room over to another when we got to the hospital. They even tried to force me down on it, but I shouted at them to get their filthy hands off of me and I had no other choice but to cooperate with them.
Right now I was annoyed that I had to go to the stupid hospital and not look for Luke. No one seemed to understand how worried I was over him and it was giving me an unsettling feeling inside. Where could he be? Was he okay? Was he even alive? I prayed that he was and that he would be found soon.
I was strapped down to the stretcher and I didn't even attempt to fight them back. Not like I could, anyway. My mind was too focused on Luke and I really hoped that he'd be found soon. I don't know what I would do if I never saw him again.
I didn't know what would happen to me if Luke never came back into my life.
After I was physically examined, the doctor told me that I was okay enough to go home, but that it was best that I stayed the night to rest up. I was given the option of whether I wanted to stay or leave. I wanted to leave, but before I could say that I started to cough harshly and some spots of blood might have came out during my coughing fit. Then it became extremely crucial that I stayed so I could be checked on again later, this time more thoroughly.
So that was how I ended up in a hospital bed. Chelsea (who I kind of forgot about) and Calum didn't even have to stay in the hospital and neither did Michael, but he had a sprained ankle and was given a walking boot. I got to stay in my own room, but all I did was lie in bed with my eyes fixed on the dull ceiling.
Since I wasn't sharing the room with anyone, Michael (who didn't want to leave yet) fell asleep on the other bed, Calum's jacket underneath his injured ankle to keep it propped up. Calum was sitting in one of the chairs and Chelsea was out getting food for us, because none of us wanted hospital food.
Calum let out a sigh before asking, "Are you feeling all right?"
I didn't say anything. I didn't blink either. Just continued staring at the ceiling, my mind blank.
"Do you want some water?" Calum grabbed the plastic cup of water a nurse handed to me earlier, but I didn't move. "I think you should drink some--"
"Shut up, Calum," I grumbled, letting out a single cough before reluctantly taking the cup from his hold and gulping down the rest of the cold drink. Instead of placing the empty cup back on the table or handing it to Calum, I kept it in my hand and closed my eyes, simply breathing.
After a moment of silence, Calum said to me, "Look, it's just for the night. You'll go back to the hotel tomorrow when the doctor says it's okay." I stayed silent and Calum just sighed. "Why don't you just talk to me?"
"I told you to shut up, didn't I?" I retorted.
"Ashton!" someone exclaimed and our eyes went over to the door, seeing Chelsea who was panting heavily. "They found Luke."
My eyes widened. "Really?!" I said as I quickly threw my legs off the bed and stood on them, but Calum got up onto his feet as well and sat me down, causing me to glare at him. I turned my attention back to Chelsea. "Where is he?!"
She shook her head. "I don't know. I walked out and then I saw Luke being rushed inside the hospital."
"Can you get someone to tell you where he is? Please? I have to see him."
"Um... I really don't think you want to see him right now."
"Yes, I do! If I didn't I wouldn't have asked!"
Chelsea she seemed to be contemplating whether to go or not. In the end, she decided that she would before leaving and I wanted to so badly follow her. However, when I did try to, Calum placed his hands firmly on my shoulders and kept me seated on the bed.
"You're going nowhere, Irwin," he ordered. "You're staying right here."
"But Luke's my boyfriend!" I grabbed his wrists and ripped his hands off of me. "I need to see him!"
"Keep your ass seated and don't you fucking dare leave this room. You need to rest, like the doctor wants you to do. I'll--I'll go to Chelsea and I'll let you know immediately when I know where Luke is."
I bit on my lower lip, but nodded me head, lying back down on the bed as Calum rushed out of the room. I was shaking from being nervous and anxious. Luke was okay, right? He had to be. I survived the fall. I'm sure he did, too.
Tossing and turning in the bed I was on didn't calm my nerves at all. I was getting impatient with Calum and Chelsea, wanting them to return so they can tell me where Luke was.
A while passed and I was about to get off the bed and rush out to the front desk to get answers from the person there and find out where Luke was, but I didn't have to because right then Calum and Chelsea returned, their expressions unreadable.
"Where is he?" was the first thing that I asked them. "Tell me he's okay."
"They..." Calum started, licking his upper lip before opening up his mouth to speak again. "We don't know how he is right now, but we do know that he was rushed into the ER."
My eyes widened and I felt my heart break. However, I questioned just to get some hope, "H-He's going to be okay, right?"
"To be honest," Chelsea said, "he didn't look too well when I saw him on the stretcher. But I'm sure he'll be fine."
Their words weren't reassuring me at all. I was only getting even more worried about Luke and I was going to get answers from the hospital on him.
"Ash, what are you doing?" Calum asked, his eyes going wide when I stood up from the bed.
"I'm going to find out about Luke," I answered, pushing past the two, but they both grabbed my arms and kept me from going any farther. "Let me go!"
"You need to stay here," Chelsea said in a calm voice. "All we can do is wait."
"I've waited long enough! I need to know about Luke!"
"We can't find out anything yet! We'll know something eventually."
"Can't you guys get something out of them? The least I need to know is that Luke is fine!"
Chelsea looked over at Calum. "Keep him here. I'll be right back." Then she rushed out and now both of Calum's hands were holding onto me.
"Calum, let go of me, or so help me I will kick you in the groin!"
"Stop being stubborn! Luke's going to be fine! Just lie back down on the bed!"
A small groan sounded and both Calum and I looked over at Michael who was sitting upright and rubbing at his eyes sleepily.
Calum glared at me before saying, "Don't you dare move," before seating me (yet again) on the bed and going over to my manager. He cooed at him and took a seat on the edge of the bed Michael was on, running his fingers through Michael's hair. I huffed and crossed my arms before lying down on my side.
At least Michael and Calum were together right now. I couldn't even be told whether Luke was fine or not. But like Chelsea said, all I could do was wait.
"Ashton, wake up."
I groggily opened my eyes and wiped the back of my hand against them before looking up at the person who was waking me up. I found myself looking into Chelsea's and Calum's brown eyes and they were both smiling softly at me.
"How long have I been asleep?" I asked.
"Well, it's morning now," Calum told me.
Suddenly the memories came back to me and I sat upright, my heart pounding in my chest as I questioned, "Did you guys find out about Luke yet?"
Chelsea nodded. "He's alive and feeling better than before. Right now he's staying in a room on the floor above us."
"What room?"
"Two twenty-one. I'll lead you there. But, um... don't expect too much from him, okay?"
The smile that was on my face fell and I gave them a confused look. "What do you mean?"
Calum sighed, his fingers combing through his hair. "Just... Go yourself. I'll stay here with Michael."
I looked at Michael and saw that he was looking at me from where slowly nodded before getting off the bed and approaching the exit of the room, Chelsea right behind me. When we got out into the hallway, I didn't know where to turn, so then Chelsea had to take the lead.
We entered an elevator and went up to the next floor up and then I stepped, looking at the sign on the wall.
"Follow those and you'll find Luke," she said to me and I twisted myself around to look at her. "I'll be back in your room."
I mumbled a thanks to her and then the elevator doors closed and I looked back up at the sign, finding the directions that would lead me to Luke.
After walking around the halls for a bit, I finally found Luke's room and saw that his door was closed and there was a 'Do Not Disturb' sign. I ignored that and walked in anyway, and I felt my hands shaking and my heart racing faster than before.
I let out a small gasp when I saw Luke sitting on a chair and looking out the window. He was in a hospital gown and he had an IV cord in his arm. He was covered in bruises, he wore a cast on his left arm, and he had a small cut on his face by his bottom left lip.
Clearing my throat, I stepped closer to Luke, but he didn't turn his head. His blue eyes were still fixed on the glass window and he let out a heavy sigh. I finally appeared next to him and he must've noticed that I was there, because then he turned his head and looked up at me.
I felt my eyes water and I smiled at Luke, wrapping my arms around myself. "H-Hi, Lukey."
All he did was smile back at me and I glanced quickly at the bed before looking back at him.
"Why are you sitting on the chair?" I asked. "The bed's comfier."
His smile faltered and he looked down at his hand. I grabbed a hold of it and led him over to the bed, but he only sat on the edge, so I took a seat on his right side. Luke was still looking down and I leaned forward a bit so I could be in his sight.
"Luke, you don't know how relieved I am to know you're okay," I continued. "We both somehow survived the fall and now... you and I can be together."
He pulled his bottom lip in between his teeth and then his eyes finally met mine. He smiled, but that didn't reach his eyes. They looked... sad.
"Wh-What's wrong?" I asked, lacing my fingers with Luke's. "Luke, please tell me."
He continued to give me that sad smile and I was getting annoyed that he wasn't answering me. But he must have a reason as to why he isn't. I just wanted to know what that reason was.
"Sir?" spoke a voice and I looked over at the door to see a nurse standing there with a wheelchair next to her. "Mr. Hemmings shouldn't have visitors at this time."
"No, I--I'm his boyfriend," I said. Then I gestured to Luke. "Can you tell me what's wrong with Luke? He's not answering me and I need to know what's wrong."
She chuckled weakly. "Well, considering his condition, I can certainly answer for him."
I gulped. "What's that supposed to mean? His condition?"
"You see, the reason why Mr. Hemmings isn't answering you, is because he can't. He..." She licked her lips before continuing on. "He can't hear you. He has lost his hearing."
From hearing that I felt my heart fall to the pit of my stomach. My eyes looked back at Luke and his head was yet again facing down.
"He can't... hear me?" I repeated in a quiet voice.
"I'm afraid not. Fortunately, he will live. Just a bit differently."
"A bit?" I glared at her. "A bit?! My boyfriend's deaf! Living like this is going to change his life, no doubt! He'll never be able to listen to music! He'll never be able to hear me again! He'll--" I felt my heart ache from what I thought up next. My voice cracked when I muttered, "... H-He'll never hear me tell him that I love him."
"I'm sorry, sir," she said, but I really didn't think she was. "Now, I must ask you to leave. I'm about to take Mr. Hemmings down to the lab so he can go through another test."
I angrily stood up from where I was and was about to leave, but I felt Luke's hand grab my wrist. I looked at him and he smiled, like he was trying to lighten up my mood. He gently tugged at my arm and I leaned down, his hand cupping the side of my face.
"I l-love y-you, pr-princ-cess," he whispered slowly to me and I felt my eyes water.
Placing my hand over his, I turned my face slightly into his hand and said, "I love you."
Even though he couldn't hear me, I was going to say it to him anyway.
Luke pulled his hand away from me and I pressed my lips to his, one more time before he was to go. I felt him kiss me back, but the nurse cleared her throat and I had no choice but to pull away.
I reluctantly did so and she walked over to Luke, pushing the wheelchair over. Luke seemed to have gotten the message, because then he stood up from the bed and sat down in the wheelchair. I held Luke's hand as he was being pushed out of this room, but I had to let go, which I did reluctantly.
Finally Luke was out of my sight and I didn't realize my eyes were filled with tears until I felt one slide down my cheek. I wiped at my eyes and then turned for the elevator so I could go back to my room.
I honestly didn't think I should be crying. Luke was alive and okay. The only thing he lost was his hearing, and every time I thought of how he wouldn't be able to hear me tell him I love him hurt me. Despite Luke being unable to hear me, I would not only tell Luke that I love him but show him that I do. I want him to know and remember that I love him.
Nothing was going to change how I feel for my Lukey. My boyfriend. My bodyguard.
AN: One last chapter and an epilogue and it's all over.
Okay, I didn't know how else to end this, so this is what you all will get. I tried, but still. Sorry.
Anyway, thoughts on this chapter? The story overall? Are you ready for the end that is about to come? (Y'all better be ready.)
I hope this chapter was worth the read (: Until next time!
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