Chapter 28
AN: I know I've lost so many of you guys due to my lack of updating or the story has become uninteresting, but I'm grateful for those of you who are patient and able to bear with me. Thank you.
Anyway, this is kind of written poorly, so I'm sorry about that. I'm just trying to update for you guys and it may not meet your expectations and also it may make zero sense at all.
Dedication: Larry_Lashton [For the fanart c: it's the very first one anyone has ever made for me. Thank you, babe.]
The two men beside me immediately jumped to their feet when the man fell to the ground and Chelsea flipped her long hair back, taking off the hat she was wearing and tossing it to the floor.
I just stared at her with surprise on my face, but the men abandoned their places next to me and went after her, but she easily dodged their attacks, moving swiftly to the side when they both jumped at her.
Chelsea quickly made her way over to me and yanked the cloth from my mouth down so it hung around my neck.
"Impressed?" she asked cheekily.
"Wh-What are you doing here?"
"Not to save your ass, if that's what you're thinking." Chelsea turned her head to the two men who were getting back onto their feet.
"We're not wasting our time fighting with some girl," snarled one of them. "Step out of the way and you won't get hurt."
"Oh, so you pussies are afraid of getting your asses kicked by 'some girl'? Is that it?"
"We are not fighting you."
Chelsea shrugged. "Makes things easier for me then." She took two steps closer to the one who spoke and kicked her leg up, striking him on the underside of the chin.
"Oh, my God," was all I said when the guy stumbled backwards and fell onto his back.
The other man glared before charging at Chelsea, but she quickly got out of the way and he ended up almost landing on top of me.
"Ew, no! Shoo! go away!" I yelled out, using my feet to push him away and he finally was far away from me.
"Wow," Chelsea said, laughing. "You really are a princess."
"Shut up, you," I snapped.
"Hey, I'm saving your ass. You should be grateful we're even here."
I raised an eyebrow. "We?"
"And the others are just letting me deal with two guys, both being twice my size." She shook her head, and then she suddenly gasped as she was being roughly pulled back, falling towards the ground.
While Chelsea was on the floor, one of the large guys had grabbed her and shoved her against the wall of the jet and was holding her by the shoulders. Chelsea desperately grabbed at the hands and tried to pry them off of her, making grunting sounds while doing so.
"You think we'll just let you beat us?" he growled as the other guy stepped beside him. "Now we're not going easy on you."
Being held up by the guy didn't stop Chelsea from kneeing him right in the gut and he instantly dropped her.
Once she was back on her feet, she hurried back over to me and started undoing the knots of the ropes that bound my wrists to the seat. They finally were off and she pulled me onto my feet and began pushing me towards the flight deck.
"Just chill in there," she said, shoving me to the door that opened when I leaned against it.
I lost my balance and I yelped as I was about to fall to the ground, but arms wrapped around me and I immediately started to squirm from out of the person's hold.
"Hey, calm down," said a voice I recognized right away. "This is how you greet me, princess?"
Turning around, I saw Luke wearing a pilot uniform minus a jacket and a hat on top of his blond hair.
"Luke!" I exclaimed, going towards him and throwing my arms around him, burying my face in his shoulders. Again his arms went around me and he held me protectively close to him. I felt his fingers run through my hair and tears started to develop in my eyes.
"It's okay, princess," he whispered, leaning his head against mine. "I'm here for you. I'm going to save you."
"Wait, the what?!" shouted a voice.
I lifted my head and saw Calum wearing a headset and sitting in one of the pilot's seat, his hands gripping tightly onto the yoke as his wide brown eyes stared straight ahead . At that moment I wasn't sure if I was more worried about being in the hands of the people who kidnapped me or the fact Calum's flying the jet.
Luke held my hand in his and guided me towards another pilot seat that was empty. He sat me down and said to me, "Sit there and be pretty, okay? I'mma go out and help Chelsea."
"Wait, but what about Calum?!" I asked.
"Frederick's on the other end. He'll tell him what to do."
"Repeat that one more time," Calum said. "The what now?"
I gulped. "We're dead."
"No, we're not," Luke reassured. He turned my head so I was facing him and kissed me on the lips. "Be right back, princess."
"Luke, wait!" I gasped, but he was already out the cockpit door and I groaned, slouching in my seat.
"Okay, so I think I found it?" Calum said, looking down at the buttons. He hovered a finger over a button and pressed it.
The jet started shaking and I immediately gripped the armrests of my seat, staring at the brunet with wide eyes.
"Calum!" I shouted.
"Sorry, sorry! Wrong button!" he shouted, pressing again and the shaking stopped. "What the hell was that?!"
"You're going to kill us!"
A loud gunshot sounded and I whipped my head around, jumping out of my seat and rushing to the door. Before I could even walk past it, someone else was entering from the opposite side and I ended up having to step back.
"Michael!" I smiled and he placed his hands on my shoulders, pushing me back.
"You need to stay in here where you'll be safe," he ordered. "Shit's going down over there, and it's not pretty."
"But I just heard a gun go off! Is Luke okay?!" I tried to get past him, but Michael blocked my way.
"He's fine. He was the one who had the gun, anyway. Just stay here, because Luke wants to keep--Ashton!"
I completely ignored my manager and bolted out the door, only to see one of the men grabbing Luke by the neck, his feet not even touching the ground. I don't know what came over me, but the next thing I knew I was charging right at the larger guy and kicked him right in between the legs.
He dropped Luke who landed on his feet and hurried behind him, pressing the bottom of his foot to the guy's back and shoving him in the direction of the wall while he was distracted with grabbing where I had kicked him.
"Thanks, princess," Luke said, one hand rubbing at his throat while the other pulled me closer to him so he could press a kiss to my cheek. Before I could return it, he moved me behind him and spread his arms out as if to block anything from getting to me. "Now go back in the cockpit."
"But I just saved you there!" I retorted.
"I'm saving you right now. Be a good princess and go back to where Calum is."
"Luke!" Chelsea shouted and Luke looked over at her to see that she had her opponent in an armlock. "Do something!"
My bodyguard turned to me, placing his hands on my shoulders. "Please, go back to Calum. I need you to be safe." He gently pushed me in the direction of the front of the jet, but instead of going past the doors I glanced over at Luke to see he was rushing over to Chelsea's aide.
Before he could get any closer, the jet started to shake violently and he and I fell to the ground from being unable to keep ourselves balanced.
"God damn it!" Luke shouted. He stood up from the ground and said to Chelsea, "Okay, hold on."
Then he swung his fist at the man's face, knocking him out instantly.
"Oh, my God," I said, slowly standing onto my feet after grabbing one of the seat handles.
Luke looked at me and then hurried over. He grabbed a hold of my hand and said to me, "Stay behind me." I nodded and he stepped in front of me, opening the flight deck door. "Calum, what the fu--"
He was cut off when he received a punch in the face and he bumped into me, causing the both of us to fall to the ground with him on top of me.
When Luke moved off of me, I heard the sound of a gun cocking and my eyes went wide when I looked up and saw that my so-called dad was pointing the gun to Luke's head.
"You think you're gonna get away with this?" the man hissed. "Taking away my eldest son?"
"Oh, please," Luke said. "I'm saving him."
"And we're taking back what's rightfully ours."
"First of all, pri--Ashton is his own person. He's not an object you can just claim like that. Second of all, he doesn't deserve to spend a second longer with you. He has no reason to be with people like you."
"We're his family. You're just some incompetent bodyguard. What makes you think he'd choose you over us?"
Angered boiled in me and I jumped onto my feet as I snapped, "He's not just my bodyguard!"
Eyes turned to me and I stood in between Luke and the gun the man was holding. I knew he wouldn't pull the trigger, because if he wanted me so badly why would he kill me?
"Luke is so much more than you'll ever be!" I went on. "Unlike you, he truly cares about me. I may not have known him long, but he has showed me more love than you and... and your bitch have in my entire life!"
Instead of snapping back, he glared at me before moving the gun so it wasn't pointing to Luke anymore, but at me.
I just laughed dryly. "You kidnapped me to imprison me in your own home. I know you're not going to shoot me."
He smirked. "Think again."
"Ashton!" Luke shouted as he jumped at me right before the gun went off.
We both fell to the ground with Luke once again on top of me, but this time our fronts were pressed to each other.
When Luke got off of me, I got onto my arms and just stared with wide eyes at the man who was shoved against the wall by Luke.
"You tried to shoot him!" Luke yelled.
"Yes, I know," said the man, smirking back. "If my wife and I can't have him back, why should anyone else?"
"Oh, my God," I said to myself. "And I thought my fans were psychotic."
"Get up!" Chelsea exclaimed behind me as she pulled me off the ground and led me towards the front of the jet, far away from where Luke was fighting with the man.
There I saw Michael lying on the ground, and he looked as if he was passed out. Calum looked the same, except his head was on the controls of the jet.
"The plane's on autopilot," Chelsea said as she examined the controls.
"So we're not going to crash, right?" I asked.
"Yeah. We're good."
Suddenly the door burst open and I was immediately pulled to the side by Chelsea as Luke and the other man entered the flight deck, Luke shoving his opponent against the back of Calum's seat. The man was still holding the gun in his hand, but Luke had pinned his wrist beside his head so it was pointing upwards.
"You're not taking Ashton with you," Luke growled. "He's not going anywhere with you."
"Then he won't come with me," responded the man. "But he's definitely not leaving either."
With his foot, he shoved Luke away from him, making my bodyguard fall to the ground. Then he pointed the gun at Luke and pulled the trigger, missing Luke's head by two inches.
As the man stepped away from where he was shoved against, Luke began moving away quickly as multiple bullets fly towards him, but only get lodged into the floor. Luke performed a kick up to get back onto his feet and swung his fist at the gun, but missed when the man pulled his hand back. He brought the gun close to the side of Luke's head and the firearm sounded once again, the bullet shooting right past his head and into the control panel.
"Luke!" I shouted when he was kicked by the other man and stumbling backwards. Before I could shove Chelsea away from me and get to Luke, the jet started to shake violently and everyone of us fell to the ground as some loud beeping noise sounded.
The shaking wouldn't stop and I kept losing my balance every time I tried to get back onto my feet, so I settled with crawling over to Luke who had rolled onto his side in a fetal position, hands over his ears.
"Are you okay, Luke?!" I asked. I searched for blood, but I didn't see anything.
He didn't seem hurt to me, so why was he still groaning in agony?
"Luke, please, answer me!" I begged, shaking him.
His eyes snapped open and they looked at me. His expression looked so hurt and I felt my heart ache from that.
"Ashton," he said, "I-I can't--"
Another gunshot was heard and I used myself to shield Luke. I glanced behind me and saw that the man was glaring at me, gun pointing right at my face.
"Step away from him," he ordered, "or I won't hesitate to shoot."
"Go fuck yourself!" I yelled, kicking his leg, but to no avail.
He just laughed at me mockingly. "I guess you're both going to die." He cocked the gun and I once again leaned over Luke, wrapping my arms around him.
But when the trigger was pulled, nothing happened.
"What the--" the man said, and I peeked my eye open before looking at him. "Fuck." He glared at me and just threw the gun right at me, hitting the side of my head.
I yelped out in pain and was suddenly forced onto my feet and shoved against the side of the jet.
"We're right above the Pacific," he said to me, "and this aircraft is going down. Everyone here is going to go down with it, except for me and maybe you. Either you come with me and live or you stay with your pathetic group and die with them."
"I'm not going anywhere with you!" I yelled, kneeing him right in the stomach. When he let go of me, I immediately rushed out of the flight deck and into the aisle of passenger seats.
"You fucker!" the man shouted from behind me and my eyes widened when I saw him pull out a switchblade from his pocket. He stormed over to me and swung the knife dangerously close to me, causing me to scream and fall to the ground. I scrambled onto my feet and, making one of the biggest mistakes of my life, got myself trapped between the psychopath and the emergency exit door.
"You're pretty stupid," laughed the man, lowering the switchblade. "I won't hurt you if you obey my commands."
I sat down in one of the seats and buckled myself in. I wasn't going to go anywhere except either with him or to my death.
"Listen to me, son. You are going to come back home to Australia with me and we're going to be the happiest family ever."
That wasn't going to happen.
"You and I are going to have the greatest father-son relationship ever."
No, we won't.
He stepped closer to me. "And all your little friends and worthless bodyguard will be left behind."
My hands gripped tightly to the armrests. Him calling Luke worthless angered me. I had no intention on going with him at all. If leaving this plane with this man meant leaving Luke, I'd rather die on this plane.
But not with this psycho on board.
I grabbed the latch of the emergency exit door and put all of my strength into getting it to open. I kept muttering for it to open and praying it would open before this man kills me.
"You do realize what you're doing is futile, right?" the man said, laughing at my attempt, but I didn't stop trying. "In order for that door to open, this jet must be depressurized. Unless we were close enough to the ground, that door won't ope--"
I guess we were close enough to the ground, because the door flew right open and immediately I could feel myself being forced towards the opening. Thanks to being buckled in the seat I was in, I remained where I was, but the man by me wasn't so lucky.
He let out this blood curdling scream as he was sucked out of the plane along with other things that weren't secure. Thankfully, the door swung inwards so I could put it back in place. Unfortunately, it was too far out of my reach to do so and I had to get out of the safety of the belt in order to get to the door and close it.
"Ashton!" someone shouted and I looked over to see Calum who was now conscious and more alert of things. He was holding onto the seats of the jet so he wouldn't get pulled out of the plane either. "We have to get off this jet! It's going to crash!"
"I can't move! 'll get sucked out!" I yelled back at them. I gasped. "Where's Luke?!"
"Back in the flight deck with Chelsea. Anyway, there are two parachutes, one for two people!"
I smiled, but then it fell when I realized: "There's five of us!"
Calum only just realized that once I told him. "I--W-We'll figure something out."
"Cal, I got the parachutes!" Michael shouted as he walked out with a backpack in his arms, Chelsea following behind him while holding the other. "We have to get off now!"
"Calum, Michael, you two go together," Chelsea said and the two nodded, going closer to each other and getting the parachute situated behind Calum. Michael stood in front of him with his back to Calum's chest and Calum wrapped the strap around the both of them.
"You know how to work a parachute?" Michael asked.
"Yeah," Calum said. "I've seen people work parachutes in movies. How hard can it be?"
My manager's jaw dropped. "Calum, wait--!"
But Calum had already started moving towards the open door and leapt out while Michael was screaming.
Before she could finish her sentence, Luke appeared behind her and placed a hand on her shoulder. I smiled and reached my arms out towards him and when he saw me, he smiled weakly and slowly started approaching me.
"Luke, we have to get off the plane," I said, "but there's only one parachute left and three of us on board. Only two of can use the parachute and--"
He ignored me as he went to the seats behind me and placed his hands on my shoulders. I looked at him with questioning eyes and he pointed over to Chelsea.
I furrowed my eyebrows. "Wait, what? I-I don't understand."
"I think," Chelsea said, "he wants you and me to take the last parachute."
My eyes went large at what Chelsea said. I shook my head frantically and grabbed a hold of Luke's wrist. "No, I-I can't! I don't--I don't want to. I want to go with you, Luke."
Chelsea sighed. "Ashton, there's not much time left."
I glared over at her. "I'm not leaving this plane without Luke." I turned back over to my bodyguard and pressed my face against his arm. "Please, Luke. I want to go with you."
Luke shook my shoulders gently, but I only held onto him tightly.
"Ashton, how 'bout you and Luke both take the parachute and I'll jump and plummet into the water?" Chelsea suggested.
"Or," I began, "you can take the parachute and Luke and I will jump together."
"What?! Are you insane?!"
"Well, you thought it was a great idea for you to jump without a parachute! What's wrong with Luke and me doing it?!"
"I'm willing to sacrifice myself for you two to live, but you'd rather die?!"
"If I die, I'll at least die with Luke."
"Jesus." Chelsea rubbed at the sides of her head. "I really don't have time to argue with you. I really don't. We're about to die. Just--" She sighed. "I'm sorry. Please make it. Alive."
I watched as she began to put the backpack on, securing the strap around her waist. I felt Luke shake my shoulders and I looked at him.
"I'm staying with you," I said and he furrowed his eyebrows. "I'm not leaving you."
"You're insane, Irwin," Chelsea muttered and I shot a glare at her as she slowly approached the open door. She gave me one last look, saying, "I'm sorry," before jumping out of the plane.
I unbuckled the belt keeping me down in the seat and I felt Luke keep his arms around me so I wouldn't get sucked out of the plane. We started to move towards the aisle so we could get around the seats. Once we were, I immediately throw my arms around Luke and held onto him like this was going to be our last moments together. It might end up being our last minutes together.
Feeling one arm of his wrap around me, I buried my face in the crook of his neck and said to him, "Thank you, Lukey. For rescuing me."
He didn't say anything. Instead, he drew away slightly and we gazed into each other's eyes. I took the initiative and pressed my lips to his, closing my eyes while doing so.
I ran my fingers through his hair and then I felt Luke's lips move as he said, "I love you."
Surprised from hearing him say those words, I pulled away and stared at him, seeing some tears in his eyes. I noticed his other hand was gripping onto the seat and I let one of my hands snake to his, placing my hand on top of his.
"Jump with me," I said. "There's water below us and we'll have a better chance of surviving if we jump than in this plane."
Luke looked at me with a confused look, but I started to make my way to the door without letting him go. I let my fingers that were on top of Luke's lace with his and he seemed to understand what I was telling him, since he started walking with me.
I peered down to see how far up we were. I gulped and buried my face in his neck, holding onto him more tightly than before.
And then we both leapt from the falling jet, going headfirst towards the water.
AN: I don't know, I was trying to make things all epic and dramatic, but oh well. This is what y'all get.
Anyway, how was this [strange] chapter? There are two more chapters and an epilogue left, guys, and then it's all over. Are you ready for that?
I hope this chapter was worth the read (: Until next time! x
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